I Do Not Speak Nonverbal: Difference between revisions

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Related to [[Nonverbal Miscommunication]]. Compare [[Talking Through Technique]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Elfen Lied]]'': Kouta and Yuka can't figure out what's wrong with Lucy/Nyuu clutching her crotch, running around and only able to say ''Nyuu!'' with different inflections; they just stare at her blankly, wonder what her name is and she ends up peeing on the floor.
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== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back]]'', Jay and Silent Bob's pet monkeyourangutan is stolen en route to Hollywood. Jay bemoans the fact that they have no idea where the van is going. Silent Bob tries to indicate to him using hand gestures, but Jay—seemingly for the first time—doesn't seem to get it, causing both guys endless frustration. Silent Bob eventually breaks down and screams at Jay.
{{quote|'''Silent Bob:''' The sign! On the back of the van! Said "Critters Of ''Hollywood''!", They're going to ''Hollywood,'' '''YOU DUMB FUCK!'''}}
* ''[[Enchanted]]'': The cute talking chipmunk finds his voice has gone upon arriving in the real world. He resorts to highly impressive and detailed mime; cue Prince Edward completely failing to grasp the point.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In an early episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'', Data's long lost brother Lore is found and assembled. It quickly becomes evident that every time he lies, he has a facial tic so horrid that you fear he's having a seizure. Yet no member of the crew ever notices or comments on this. In the end, he actually has to point this out, [[Viewers are Morons|just in case the audience didn't figure it out.]]
** In another episode, a deaf and mute mediator's translators are killed, and the crew has a difficult time understanding him, except Troi (who's telepathic) and Data (who knows sign language).
* ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'''s 200th episode, ''200'', has an invisible Jack O'Neill frustrated at his teammates "ignoring" his hand gestures, though this is really just a case of Jack being difficult, as usual.
* In an episode of ''[[Charmed]]'', Paige is voiceless and Phoebe can't hear. Phoebe is amazingly unable to understand anything Paige communicates to her.
* Whenever characters in ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' attempt to psychically communicate with one another, there's a 50/50 chance this will either be played straight or subverted (i.e., they'll actually understand subtle eye squinting). When Robin tries to warn Lily not to open her bridal shower present (a move that involves motioning explicitly to the present) Lily merely thinks it's that time of the month.
* The scene from the ''[[Extras]]'' Christmas special where Andy has Maggie pretend to be his PA. The "OK" sign, for example, is interpreted as, "He's an asshole... er, he plays darts all the time?"
* In ''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]'' Liz is trying to get Tracy to repeat the story she told his wife about his absence. Specifically, that his pet snake had got sick and he had to take it to the vet, which as one might imagine is difficult to convey in motions. However, he does it perfectly, so she nods her head and gives him a thumbs up.
{{quote|'''Tracy:''' [[Face Palm|Then my thumb got caught in my butt so I nodded my head til it came out.]]}}
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** It goes the other way around too - part because of autistics showing them in an odd manner, and part because they're assumed not to have them.
* If ''Cracked.com'' is [http://www.cracked.com/article_17251_10-coolest-foreign-words-english-language-needs.html any source to go by], Koreans call this "lacking ''nunchi''", where ''nunchi'' is what keeps you from doing things like telling dirty jokes in church or bringing up the Holocaust at a bar mitzvah.
* In Japan, "KY" for "''[http://www.japanprobe.com/2007/06/07/japanese-schoolgirls-love-using-ky/ kuuki yomenai]''", literally "can't read the air," is a popular slang term among the younger generation. For situations where the person is REALLY''really'' not paying attention, "CKY" for "''[http://jessejace.blogspot.com/2008/02/lets-learn-japanese-kuuki-yomenai.html chou kuuki yomenai]''", "really can't read the air".
* Most forms of sign language used by Deaf people involve the use of facial expressions to convey subtleties of meaning, to the point where specific expressions have specific meanings. So much so that one of the biggest frustrations that many deaf people have when dealing with hearing people is that they are not expressive enough to understand them.