I Don't Like the Sound of That Place: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Agent:''' We have places your family can hide in peace and security: Cape Fear, Terror Lake, New Horrorfield, Screamville --
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** ''[[Eberron]]'' has Cyre, or: The Mournland. It's every bit as nasty as it sounds, and then some.
** 4e The Shadowfell, a plane filled with these. Just a few are Gloomwrought, the City of Midnight, Moil, the City That Waits, and The Shadowdark (Underdark of the Shadowfell).
*** The ludicrousness of these names was parodied by a [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/03/20 certain] ''[[Penny Arcade (Webcomic)|Penny Arcade]]'' strip which posited that beneath the Shadowdark is the "Darkbad" -- and—and past that, one encounters "Shadow Shadow Bo Badow," "Double Hell," and finally "Scarytown". {{spoiler|Which isn't so bad, depending on when you go.}}
* Most names cribbed from ''[[The Divine Comedy|Inferno]]'' probably count (they're used in ''[[Planescape]]'' a lot). Dis, Malebolge, etc. Carceri and The Abyss probably counts as well, and did I mention the lovely town of Ribcage?
* The infamous [[Dungeons and Dragons|Chasm of]] [[Crowning Moment of Funny|DEATHDEATHDEATH]].
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* ''[[Touhou]]'': The Muenzuka, or The Mound of The Nameless, the final battle site of ''Phantasmagoria of Flower View''. Even [[Memetic Badass|Cirno]] shudders!
* Baol Dungeon in [[Mabinogi Fantasy Life|Mabinogi]] could count as baol is Gaelic for "Danger". For a plus, it lives up to its name as its one of the hardest dungeons in the game.
* Episode 3 of ''[[Doom]]'' is pretty much nothing but these: "Hell Keep," "Slough of Despair," "Pandemonium," "House of Pain", "Unholy Cathedral," "Mt. Erebus",<ref>Erebus was a Greek god, son of the god Chaos, and represented the personification of darkness.</ref>, "Gate To Limbo", and "Dis".
** See if you can tell the exact point at which Hell starts to bleed over into the Deimos base in episode 2: Deimos Anomaly. Containment Area. Refinery. Deimos Lab. Control Center. [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|Halls of the Damned. Spawning Vats.]] [[The Bible|Tower of Babel]].
* ''[[Future Cop LAPD]]'' has the delightfully named [[The Alcatraz|Hell's Gate Prison]]. A classic maximum security prison, with the only ground routes essentially being ''killzones and firing lanes'' protected by multiple turrets with overlapping arcs of fire and elevated positions for guards, ultimately designed to make a mass-escape from within the facility absolutely suicidal.
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* [http://archives.delaware.gov/markers/kc/SOUTH%20MURDERKILL%20HUNDRED%20KC-26.shtml South Murderkill, Delaware].
* Pile-of-Bones, Saskatchewan. Renamed (to Regina) and made the capital of the province. Also: [[wikipedia:Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump|Head-Smashed-In Buffalo-Jump]]. Which is an interesting case of a creepy name that's also [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]].
* More "I'm Rather Suspicious About The Name Of That Place", but in Newfoundland there's Dildo, Placentia, Come-By-Chance, and so many more that there's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpycgIlhJXs a song about it]. ''"Historians are still debating whether Newfoundland was discovered by Leif Ericson or Sigmund Freud."''--Dave—Dave Broadfoot
* The name of Shaka Zulu's capital roughly translates to "Place of Slaughter".
* Chickamauga. Site of a bloody [[American Civil War]] battle. The name is often said to translate as "River of Death," which seems rather prophetic.
