I Fell for Hours: Difference between revisions

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* [[Irregular Webcomic]], of course, has [http://irregularwebcomic.net/2221.html a] [http://irregularwebcomic.net/2229.html long] [http://irregularwebcomic.net/2236.html fall] [http://irregularwebcomic.net/2244.html (with commentary)].
* A chapter of [[Flipside]] has two characters going down on a seemingly endless staircase only to discover that the whole thing is just three floors and a pair of portals. A non canon intermission has one of them fall off. You can guess the rest.
* In the ''[[Dreamwalk Journal]]'' [[Spin Off]] ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'', the Ant Queen Vulgia actually does fall for hours, due to the planet Cyeatea's low gravity and deep atmosphere. Also, Cyeateans are much smaller than humans so they fall more slowly; and being smaller almost certainly means they have faster metabolisms and perceive time as moving more slowly than humans.
== Western Animation ==