Idiot Plot: Difference between revisions

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** Norman Jayden: He (in some variants) helps Ethan escape police custody after clearly implicating himself in it, but nobody so much as questions him. He is also (potentially) killed when confronting an enormous violent felon alone in his junkyard, after discovering that he had murdered another cop that the police didn't even know about.
** Scott Shelby: His entire plotline involves going to the Origami Killer's previous victims' parents and collecting evidence that either the police never asked for, or the parents inexplicably didn't reveal. Later, he attacks a wealthy man's home, murders all his security guards (and potentially the man himself) and saunters away on foot without ever being questioned. And there is so much more.
* Literally the entire storyline of ''Spec Ops: The Line'' would not exist if the main character had not decided, in the first mission, that his four-man team was capable of taking on an entire renegade Army battalion all by themselves and that it thus made perfect sense for him to disobey every order he'd ever been given and charge off to try and do just that. Possibly subverted in the last act, when its revealed {{spoiler|that the main character had actually gone insane early in the game, it's just that none of the signs were visible to anyone else until it was far too late.}}
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