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[[File:IgnoreFanservice_7249IgnoreFanservice 7249.jpg|link=The Batman Adventures|frame|[[Foe Yay|He'd much rather be thinking about Batman.]]]]
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** Kyon seems to ignore every aspect of Haruhi's fanservice-oriented outfits except for how socially disruptive they are to everyone else. "Seems" being the operative word, as he is a notoriously [[Unreliable Narrator]].
** It's also possible that her troublesome behavior and attitude simply override any sexual appeal he (consciously) feels for her at this point.
* During [[Improbable Weapon User|Mousse]]'s introductory story in ''[[Ranma ½]]'', Ranma, who is stuck in female form, tried to pass off her girl body as an elaborate disguise meant to humiliate the Chinese martial artist -- goingartist—going as far as to equate his [[Hyperspace Arsenal|Hidden Weapons]] style as magic tricks and dressing up as a [[Playboy Bunny]] magician's assistant. Mousse was so enraged that he [[Clothing Damage|systematically destroyed Ranma's (already scant) clothing]], leaving her wearing nothing but shoes and a few centimeters of fabric on her crotch and derriere. The Fûrinkan audience [[Fan Service|was crying tears of joy]], but Mousse remained fully focused on tearing the remains of the "disguise" to pieces. (It doesn't hurt that while Mousse is [[Blind Without'Em]], he's almost blind even ''with'' his glasses on.)
** Subverted in the manga, when Ranma converts one of his unisex outfits into a bikini, so that guys will want to take him out on a date and buy him lunch. When this doesn't work, he's horrified, thinking that he's no longer appealing to men. But as it turns out, there just aren't any men on the beach, because the owner of the island forbade any males to be there.
* [[Dungeonmaster's Girlfriend]] Kasukabe from ''[[Genshiken]]'' puts on her shortest skirt, her tightest shirt and starts draping herself around [[Cloudcuckoolander]] Kousaka while talking to him in the sexiest way possible. His answer? "Thanks, but I'm going to line up for [[Serious Business|a videogame release]] in Akihabara."
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* In an very early episode of ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', A battle comes down to Ash's Metapod (coccons capable only of hardening themselves to defend from attacks) and his opponent's. In the middle of this stalemate, the camera cuts to [[Fan Service|Misty in a bathing suit getting some sun]]. Those must have been some really dedicated trainers to not notice ''a girl changing clothes right next to them''.
* In ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'''s [[Beach Episode]], Kaname specifically wears a rather revealing bathing suit in an attempt to get [[The Stoic|Sôsuke]]'s attention. Unfortunately, [[Chaste Hero|he doesn't notice]], [[Tsundere|which ticks her off]] (among other things that day).
* One episode of ''Goku [[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei]]'' subverts this, with a group of men not interested on [[Ms. Fanservice|Kaere]]'s [[Panty Shot|pantyshots]]... because they're more interested on [[Perverse Sexual Lust|anime girls' panties]]. [[Refuge in Audacity|Japan's government hires them to keep State secrets because they're immune to]] [[Honey Trap|Honey Traps]]s.
* ''[[One Piece]]''
** Zoro was the only one not to go peek at Nami and Vivi bathing. Even Vivi's own [[Squick|father]] and [[Parental Substitute]] went to do it!
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* In Plato's ''[[Symposium]]'', Alcibiades attempts to seduce Socrates, even going so far to literally sleep with him, but fails because Socrates is above such things. This makes this trope [[Older Than Feudalism]].
* ''[[The Dresden Files]]''
** This happens several times, with a [[The Fair Folk|fairy]], several [[Vampires Are Sex Gods|vampires]], and Harry's apprentice -- andapprentice—and good friend's daughter -- Mollydaughter—Molly (but not at the same time). Sometimes it does take some effort [[Incredibly Lame Pun|on Harry's part]].
** Especially in the first book, when reporter and love interest Susan Rodriguez [[Crowning Moment of Funny|accidentally drank a love potion instead of an escape potion]] and wound up [[It Makes Sense in Context|trapped in a magic circle with an acid-spitting toad demon outside]] and a [[Black Comedy Rape|dosed-up Susan making forays into attempted rape inside]].
* Though one would hesitate to describe it as "literature", there is a scene in which a waitress in a tavern is trying to seduce the main character of ''The Orb of Xoriat'' (she is actually trying to get him to ask her to dance, but sex is implied in later conversation). She has a disproportionately-excessive response (leading a band of assassins to him) later in the book.
* In [[Raymond Chandler]]'s novel ''[[The Big Sleep (Literature)|The Big Sleep]]'', a beautiful young lady turns up naked in Philip Marlowe's bed and tries to seduce him. His response is basically [[Please Put Some Clothes On]].
* Likewise with [[Mike Hammer]] in ''The Twisted Thing''. He mentions afterwards that she went about it the wrong way, as he likes to be teased a little.
* Many Jedi in the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]. Most notably Corran in ''[[Jedi Academy Trilogy|I, Jedi]]'' -- the—the [[Big Bad]] tempted him, and he thought about it, but he didn't bite -- andbite—and Luke's son Ben in ''[[Legacy of the Force|Invincible]]''. In the prequel era, Anakin, of course, manages to Ignore the Fanservice [[Single-Target Sexuality|from anyone but Padmé]].
* In the first ''[[Warhammer 40000]] [[Gaunt's Ghosts]]'' novel ''First and Only'', Major Rawne and his adjutant are negotiating with some local gangsters for contraband, ignoring a nearby stripping dancer in the process.
** Dunno what the contraband in question was, but if it's food or something like that, some things take priority over nekkid chicks. Food, ammo, medical supplies, things of that kidney.
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* In [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''[[The Number of the Beast]]'', this is how Zeb and Deety clue to the fact that the "park ranger" accosting them is an alien; Deety's abrupt strip tease does not distract him or even engage his interest.
* Also in ''[[The Puppet Masters (novel)|The Puppet Masters]]'', book and film. Heinlein's standard litmus test for identifying non-humans usually involves boobs. Fair enough.
* In ''Magic's Pawn'', of [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s ''[[Heralds of Valdemar]]'' series, a tavern wench tries to seduce protagonist Vanyel while he is en route to the city of Haven. His complete disinterest surprises her -- andher—and more importantly, him, because thanks to some rather bigoted parents, he's been [[Locked Out of the Loop|sheltered all his life]] from knowing about homosexuality.
* In ''[[The Demon Princes]]'' final volume ''The Book of Dreams'', Alice Wroke is under orders from the villain to seduce Kirth Gersen, who has had four books worth of experience in situations like this already. He spends several chapters either ignoring her [[Sexy Secretary]] outfits, or telling her to cover up.
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* In the fifth ''[[Resident Evil]]'', Excella Gionne is introduced in her [[Stripperific]] dress, touching all over [[Big Bad]] Albert Wesker, talking about their plans and claiming she's interested in something "much ''[[Double Entendre|bigger]]''" and [[Female Gaze|glancing down]] right before sliding her hands down to below his waist level. He really doesn't care. In fact, he shuts her up and gets her to leave, much to her annoyance.
* There is a ''[[Fire Emblem]]: Seisen no Keifu'' [[Yonkoma|omake]] in which [[Stripperific|Sylvia]], a [[Magic Dance|Dancer]], gets quickly rebuffed by Sigurd when she tries to join. Recounting the experience to Levin, she concludes with, "I knew it, he's gay."
* ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'': In a cutscene, Snake launches into [[Description Porn]] upon being handed a custom-made 1911 pistol -- completelypistol—completely disregarding the woman who gave it to him, who just moments ago stripped half-naked, expressly for his benefit.
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* During a recent ''[[Counter-Strike]]'' tournament in Russia, the promoter hired strippers in an attempt to distract the competing teams. Neither team batted an eye.
* [[J. Michael Straczynski]] said that Shari Shattuck was disappointed in him for not being on set when her nude scene in the ''[[Babylon 5]]'' episode "Voices of Authority" was filmed. He explained that Craft Services was serving ribs for lunch that day, and after a man gets past the age of forty he'll think "Nude woman... ribs... nude woman... ribs... RIBS!" (Come to think of it, Captain Sheridan's reaction to the nude scene in-universe is an example of this trope too.)
* This can even be the reaction of the audience, the very people for whom the Fanservice is intended in the first place, if it's taken too far. If it's too gratuitous, too [[Squick|Squicky]]y or otherwise detracts from the story, the audience may be more irritated or creeped out than turned on.
