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* Similarly, ''[[Minami-ke]]'''s Hosaka gets really caught up in his fantasies, usually starring Haruka, to the point of acting them out. Everyone else thinks he's weird and a little sick in the head.
* ''[[Pokémon (Anime)|Pokémon]]'''s Meowth of Team Rocket has done this about [[Once an Episode]] since Hoenn, thinking about what Giovanni would do with the Pokémon of the day. More often than not, the imagery is pretty weird.
** By weird, we mean everything from said Boss spontaneously performing a [[Super -Deformed]] [[Gene Kelly]] dance routine, to said Boss [[Flung Clothing|stripping]] to a [[Loin Cloth]] for almost ''no friggin' reason''. It helps that said Boss is [[The Comically Serious]], and the occasions with Meowth's accented voice filling in for what he imagines would be what Giovanni would say help even more.
** What makes it even more imaginative is that the three are probably the most pathetic excuses for Team Rocket members ever seen on the show, and that Giovanni despises them with a passion.
** Who's an even more [[Comically Serious]] than Giovanni? Why, [[Knight Templar|Cyrus]], of course. But that only serves to make [ this scene] more hilarious, as the [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure]] heroes ponder where he could have gone after the Spear Pillar.
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{{quote| {{spoiler|''...Thus, logic stated that she had been captured by Keeper Mercury.''}} <br />
{{spoiler|''Eline dared opened her eyes. Keepers rarely healed their prisoners out of the goodness of their heart, in her experience, which meant that Mercury needed her strong enough to survive whatever tortures she had planned. A quick glance around revealed that she was alone in a barred cell, which was bare except for a bucket in the corner. The dark elf sat up silently, keeping her breathing even in order to avoid drawing attention, and tried to remember what she knew about the Keeper. Mercury's main claim to fame was defeating a horned reaper in single combat, even if Morrigan ranted often about how she had to have cheated. In Eline's head, the indistinct, blue-haired mental picture of the Keeper grew and gained bulging muscles, until it was nearly the equal of the reaper. What else did she know? Mercury had, according to rumours, had her way with the red-skinned beast against his will, which made her a terrifying and suicidal deviant. The red-eyed mental picture in the prisoner's mind gained a demented, lecherous grin. The Keeper's reported exhibitionist tendencies hardly mattered in comparison. Eline pinched the bridge of her nose as the brute in her imagination lost her clothes. Just great. She's basically a female clone of Morrigan.}}'' }}
* In ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero (Fanfic)|Kyon Big Damn Hero]]'', after Kyon phoned Yuki in chapter 13 he imagines her in her apartment, kneeling by the phone, her cheeks pink-tinged as she daydreamed about him... But he dismissed that thought. This was Yuki, after all. As much as he might wish that...
* In ''[[Progress (Fanfic)|Progress]]'', [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Princess Luna]] has increasingly bizarre daydreams about the various awkward situations in which she finds herself.
* In ''[[Turnabout Storm (Fanfic)|Turnabout Storm]]'', [[Ace Attorney|Phoenix]] has one of these before the trial starts when he wonders what would [[The Stoic|Edge]][[Closet Geek|worth]] do if he was in his shoes (that is, stuck in [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Equestria]]), [[Crowning Moment of Funny|it's crazy hilarious]].
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** Subverted when Regina George is hit by a moving bus and dies. Turns out she really did get hit by a moving bus, but only got sent to the hospital.
* In ''[[Monster in Law]]'', Jane Fonda imagines smashing [[Jennifer Lopez]]'s face into a cake and later Lopez imagines whacking Fonda's with a pan. During both instances they put up a charade of liking each other.
* In ''[[High Fidelity]]'', [[The Everyman|Rob Gordon]] imagines three increasingly violent scenarios to get back at Ian 'Ray' Raymond for stealing his girlfriend when he arrives at Rob's record store: {{spoiler|1. Issuing a cutting insult that causes Ray to leave rather quickly 2. Attempting to attack Ray only to be held back by Dick and Barry, shouting and cursing at him, causing Ray to actually run out the door 3. Attacking Ray WITH Dick and Barry, landing enough punches to lay him out on the floor and make him [[Blood From the Mouth|bleed from the mouth]], [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|not only kicking him while he's down but ripping the A/C unit from the wall and bringing it down on his head.]] In actuality, Rob does and says nothing, only glaring at Ray as he speaks and casually walks out.}}
** Could also be considered an [[Indulgent Fantasy Segue]].
* In ''[[Apollo 13]]'', after they are too damaged to land on the moon and just getting back to Earth will be hard enough, flight commander Jim Lovell imagines himself touching down, leaving perfect tracks, running his fingers through the moon dust, and gazing at the distant Earth. He'd really wanted to be there.
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* ''[[Buffy]]'', on the other hand, managed to do the most depressing use of this trope ever when {{spoiler|Joyce is rushed to the hospital and saved-- cut to the paramedics declaring her dead from an aneurysm}}.
* The early-90s HBO series ''[[Dream On]]'' used a variation on the Imagine Spot as its primary gimmick. But instead of segments featuring the ''Dream On'' cast, clips from old movies and TV shows were used for the Imagine Spots of its main character, Martin Tupper.
* The ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "Love And Monsters" similarly had the main character flash to clips, including one of Elton John.
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'', episode "Scratch 'n Sniff", though some question exists as to whether they were Imagine Spots or flashbacks.
** And just about any sequence with Harvey, the Scorpius neuro-clone. Harvey "lives" in Crichton's mind and the two regularly converse. Their conversations usually take place in Imagine Spots - some of them based on Crichton's memories and some of them not.
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* A rather amusing one in ''[[Wapsi Square]]'' involves [ seasonally inept Vikings.]
* [[Squid Row]] [ Of course a squirt gun will make you a Space Opera hero!]
* In ''[[The Dreadful (Webcomic)|The Dreadful]]'', [ Liz fantasizes about] a [[Boom! Headshot!]] in response to a [[Hurricane of Puns]] from Kit and Boozloaf.
* [[Mac Hall]]: [ "My spleen!"]
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