Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom/Heartwarming

  • The triumphant finale wherein hundreds of happy children reunite with their parents to the Heroically Uplifting tune of "The Raider's March".
    • What sells it is that the last time Indy was in the village, it was dull and lifeless with no color at all. When the kids and Indy come back, the entire village is alive and bright with colors.
  • Short Round and Indy, Young Warrior and Old Warrior, exchange hats in apology as Father and Son, then embrace.
    • Don't forget the part just before: "I'm all right, kid." *wink* Followed by a Moment of Awesome as Indy and Short Round punch out the guards, Indy rescues the girl, and the mood shifts from High Octane Nightmare Fuel to awesomeness.
    • And Short Round's clearly heartbroken declaration of "Indy! I love you!" before burning him to snap him out of his Brainwashed and Crazy madness.