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== Tabletop Games ==
* [[Dungeons and& Dragons]]
** Dungeons in general. They often [[Temple of Doom|have way more traps in them than any reasonable person would be willing to live with]]. It would be the one day you're preoccupied by an argument with your Beholder and you forget to hit the hidden switch that disables the disintegration trap on your bedroom door.
** Not to mention that they're basically miles of corridors someone had to dig out and build - often with amenities like doors and stairs and sconces for torches in addition to the aforementioned traps - that seem to serve no purpose other than to give monsters a place to live. The idea of dozens of evil beasts who should by all rights kill each other living side-by-side peacefully, guarding piles of treasure they have no use for including magic items they won't use to protect themselves in underground complexes where they have no food or water and may not even fit through the door to the room they're in has become something of a running joke among old school [[Dungeons and& Dragons]] players.
** The tinker gnomes of ''[[Dragonlance]]''. Their inventions seem to start with an idea, then modify as they go to fix perceived problems in ways that seem reasonable until you look at the whole.
*** For example, falling into water while wearing heavy plate armor tends to be inconvenient. Wouldn't it be nice to take the armor off in a hurry when you need to? So it's set up to be removed quickly. If you fall into water, you might be a little panicked, so the way to remove it should be easily accessible, right? Bright red painted crash bar on the front. And plate armor - especially ''gnome-modified'' plate armor - is going to be expensive, so you want a way to retrieve all the pieces if you do need to remove it like that, so... all the pieces are attached to the belt with wires so you can easily find them.
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** [[Frickin' Laser Beams|Thermal Discouragement Beams]], giant lasers that were apparently installed to keep office workers from [[Disproportionate Retribution|leaving their desks]].
** Propulsion and Repulsion Gels, which were originally conceived as [[Squick|digestive aids]] despite the latter containing an element that "does not like ''the human skeleton''".
** Wheatley, the hilariously dumb personality core, is an elaborately set up subversion of this. It turns out that his stupidity {{spoiler|1=is completely intentional, as he was designed to keep GLaDOS hobbled by constantly feeding her bad advice.}} Of course, this is what caused GLaDOS to [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|go haywire]] and kill her creators. {{spoiler|They also didn't anticipate that his idiocy would go so far as to arrange to kick her out of the job of [[Big Bad]] and [[Face Heel Turn|take over]] the role himself. Oops.}}
* In ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'', the clan VIP room's shower temperature can be set so low that it makes shards of ice rain down on the user. When you use it, your character questions why someone would even make something like this.
* Applies to ''so many'' door-lock minipuzzles in all sorts of games. Why would a supposedly everyday door require people to go through lengthy, complex manipulations to get through—the users would get fed up. Why would a door be locked with a device that is ''disassembled'' when unlocked, or otherwise only good for one use.
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{{quote|'''Jurgen:''' AH! Why did I build a "Reverse-Suck"?!
'''Timmy:''' 'Cause this is MY movie! }}
* In one episode of ''[[Eek! theThe Cat]]'', a professor built a rocket ship to Jupiter, and he told the astronauts that before launch they must make sure the absurdly huge switch is set for Jupiter and not the sun. One character asked, "Why is that even there?"
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' [[Sadly Mythtaken|Pandora guards her box so no idiot can release its evil contents]], so why does she have a release switch?
{{quote|'''Pandora:''' I knew that "spew" switch was going to come back and haunt me.}}