Iron Man: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Comicbook.IronMan 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Comicbook.IronMan, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** The anime version has concluded and managed to pick up ''every. single. cliché of the genre''.
* [[Anime Theme Song]]: Averted in the Japanese animé adaptation.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Usually [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type II]], including going by the manner Matt Fraction is currently writing him, as he is is here portrayed as a very idealistic philanthropist who, [[Reed Richards Is Useless|unlike the other Marvel supergeniuses]], is actually attempting to let the world population benefit from his revolutionary inventions; and [[Warren Ellis]] gave him an [[The Atoner]] angle regarding the previous (inherited from his father) weaponry-dealing phase (during which he could easily be argued to have been a villain). However, many others think that he has slipped to type IV or V at times (such as during the ''Armor Wars'', or more controversially in ''Civil War''), and to some even a [[Villain Protagonist]]. It should be noted that he actively tried to legally fight the superpower registration legislation before congress, and everything he did during the infighting was due to the government having much more extreme plans otherwise (massive Sentinel-manufacturing among other things). The part that actually pushed him into in [[Villain Protagonist]] territory was Paul Jenkins going off-track by establishing that Stark planned to start a war with Atlantis as a [[I Did What I Had to Do|necessary evil]] outside distraction/"threat" to unite both factions against, which could potentially kill millions of civilians. [[Hand Wave|Nobody has referred to it since]], which may be just as well.
** [[War Machine (Comic Book)|Jim Rhodes]] was traditionally a Type III idealistic soldier, but was a Type IV, during his "Sometimes the world needs a war machine" [[Blood Knight|phase]].
* [[Arch Enemy]]: The Mandarin
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* [[Comic Book Time]]: Stark was injured during a walk in the jungles of Vietnam <ref> This has been updated many many times in the past, most recently to having taken place in Afghanistan</ref>, when he was already a millionaire industrialist and genius inventor. In the modern day, he's still in his 30s, 40s at most.
* [[Contagious Powers]]: Rhodey and now Pepper have gotten their own armored alter-egos. Justified in that building high-tech armor is what Stark ''does''.
* [[Corporate -Sponsored Superhero]]: Tony Stark's cover for Iron Man was that he is Tony's bodyguard, sponsored by Stark Industries.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Stark himself is a generally honest businessman, but some of his competitors are not so ethical. As Iron Man, Stark often ends up defending his own holdings against the attacks of his business rivals.
* [[Costume Copycat]]: Tony's downward spiral left him in no shape to pilot the Iron Man armor. Fortunately, Rhodey proved a capable replacement until Stark pulled himself together. In thanks, Tony would eventually make Rhodey an armored suit of his own called War Machine.
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* [[Let's You and Him Fight]]: Subverted in an issue where a rogue Tony ends up fighting War Machine (they've done this a couple times, mind you). It's staged to look realistic so Rhodey's superiors are happy.
* [[Locking MacGyver in The Store Cupboard|Locking MacGyver IN A CAVE!]] [[Memetic Mutation|WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!]]: His origin story. The terrorists/communists think that he will really follow up on his promise to build weapons for him.
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]: The armor that Tony built to replace his destroyed Silver Centurion suit contained an energy shield in the left gauntlet that Tony could use to protect himself from beam weapons.
* [[MacGyvering]]: An arguable case considering that Tony Stark is a version of Angus MacGyver who happens to ''wear'' a complete high tech tool kit with him.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Well, ''duh''.
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* [[Mecha Mooks]]: Tony often uses old armors like this. When his body was possessed by Ultron and transformed into a robot version of the Wasp, the Avengers had to face an army of Mecha Mook Iron Man units.
* [[Millionaire Playboy]]
* [[Mid -Season Upgrade]]: In the Movies. Tony has gone through three suits of armor each film. He pretty much upgrades after every fight he's in.
** This also applies to the Avenger movie.
* [[Monster Modesty]]: The villain Fin Fang Foom is a giant space dragon that only wears a pair of purple underwear.
* [[More Hero Than Thou]]
* [[Must Make Amends]]: Tony Stark, after the events of ''[[Civil War]]''.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: When the Watcher paid him a visit and showed him [[What If|two alternate outcomes to]] ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]''.
** Also, after {{spoiler|being rebooted in "Stark Disassembled", he was then shown a record of the Civil War. He ''[[Heroic Blue Screen of Death|breaks down in tears]]''.}}
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Tony was based on Howard Hughes.
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** In part three of "Iron Man vs. Whiplash", Tony hides out at a Swiss hotel, when the receptionist says he looks familiar he claims to be Robert Downey Jr.
* [[Sidekick Graduations Stick]]: Of a sort. Rhodey got his start replacing Tony in the Iron Man suit. Tony eventually came back, but Rhodey continued being a superhero as War Machine. Eventually, Pepper gets a suit of her own as well.
* [[Spandex, Latex, or Leather]]: None, powered armor!
* [[The Sponsor]]: In the story ''Demon In A Bottle'', Tony Stark had a stint where he gave up the suit and wallowed in booze and despair for a while, but his then-girlfriend Bethany Cabe picked his ass up and got him back in the game.
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: ''Three''. Kathy Dare, who shot him for rebuffing her and then tried to claim he was the abusive one at her trial; Tiberius Stone, who tried to lock his mind in a virtual program after a strategic isolation campaign, and one of his own armors, who was practically an abusive boyfriend when it became sentient.
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* [[Villain Protagonist]]: YMMV, in ''Civil War''.
* [[Virtual Ghost]]: Occurs several times. Deconstructed in the ''Hypervelocity'' miniseries.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: the new anime, produced by [[Madhouse]].
* [[When All You Have Is a Hammer]]: War Machine. In his case, it's "When all you have is an electric minigun, a missile box and a crapload of other guns".
* [[Wolverine Publicity]]: He's getting there. He now stars in four different shows on four different networks (''[[Iron Man Armored Adventures]]'' on Nicktoons, ''[[The Super Hero Squad Show]]'' on Cartoon Network, ''[[The Avengers: EarthsEarth's Mightiest Heroes (Animation)|The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]]'' on Disney XD, and ''[[Iron Man (Anime)|Iron Man]]'' on G4.) Three other characters are on ''Armored Adventures'', ''Superhero Squad'', and ''The Avengers'': Nick Fury, who's been getting pimped out by Marvel himself lately, MODOK, who is also a new character in ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom]] 3'', and the Hulk.
* [[Yandere]]: Madame Masque {{spoiler|as she sees Pepper as a "rival" to Tony's affection that she's willing to torture her while beating and making Tony beg for mercy in order to "win" his love back. She also does this when she threatens Tony with a pistol on his left temple when she would agree to run away with him and live together if he rejects Pepper. Too bad it didn't work though...}}
** Oh, and then there was Kathy Dare, Tony's ex-girlfriend who shot him after they broke up. He wasn't even the first guy she got revenge on, as she burnt down the mansion of a ''previous'' boyfriend and her psychiatrist had recommended that she be institutionalized.