It's Popular, Now It Sucks: Difference between revisions

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Don't worry, though, because [[The Man Is Sticking It to The Man]]. And let's not forget that [[Fan Dumb|according to these folks]], Popular Art is not "[[True Art]]".
== In General ==
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* Any time a franchise from any media or art form gets adapted into a movie or TV show, Box Office and TV Ratings would suggest that a good number of people enjoy them, but you wouldn't know it from all the people screeching in message boards: "It's popular now! That sucks!", regardless of whether it was mainstream and extremely popular before, leading to cases of "It's MORE Popular, Now It Sucks".
* Endorsements. A celebrity or a character appearing in an advertisement to promote a good or service usually seals the deal on them being in this trope. Often they may invoke [[Japandering]] to avoid it. A type of [[Double Standard]], since Sports stars seem to get more of a pass on this.
* Some tropers really have a tendency to put [[Tropes Are Not Good|bad]] tropes on popular [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|shows/works/characters/etc]] [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Like|they didn't like]]. Sometimes the tropes fit, [[Square Peg, Round Trope|sometimes they don't and are only shoehorned in]].
* Fans can be put off by the [[Periphery Demographic]] because something is liked by the "wrong" kind of people. Parodied wonderfully by [[Portlandia]] [ here.]
** Also shown in the very first strip of [ Nothing Nice To Say]
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== Specific ==
* ''[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]'' has managed to avoid this fate, despite that most people are actually familiar with the old dub ([ "KA-NAY-DAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!"]) that, strangely, neither Otomo or Macek themselves agreed with. If anything, the only [[ItsIt's Popular, Now It Sucks]] that Akira is getting is the [[I Liked It Better When It Sucked|2001 redub]], which you would ironically ''think'' would be better received. (More thorough translation, they actually ''know'' how to pronounce Kaneda's name, and the fact that the 80s dub got a PG-13 rating thanks in part to the [[Animation Age Ghetto]] while the 2001 redub is rated R...)
* Many fans of ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga)|Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' were displeased by the [[Newbie Boom|influx of ''many'' new fans]] brought by the successful anime adaptation. (Funnily enough most of them started complaining when the fandom was already ''huge''.)
* ''[[Bleach (Manga)|Bleach]]''. There was once a time when it was a niche shonen series, and was only known by people who read scanlations from a popular scanlation site. Back then, pretty much any and all feedback were about how frickin' awesome it was, and how it's a shame that it's so obscure and no-named. And ''then'', it got big. It's amazing how many countless people (including the fans who liked it back when it was small) have changed their tone to "I hate ''Bleach'', it sucks because it's popular."
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** A common rallying cause for the aforementioned old guard comes when the original media takes a shift after a movie release to bring the series back to something of an earlier status quo. This is often intentional so that new fans (brought in by the film adaptation, for example) can settle into the original media without too many jarring changes.
* The [[Batman]] series:
** ''[[The Dark Knight Saga (Film)|The Dark Knight Saga]]'''s explosive popularity caused [[Batman]] to become a more popular cultural icon than ever. Many long-time Batman fans feel spited by the Bat's new-found mainstream status, resorting to the [[ItsIt's Popular, Now It Sucks]] mantra. They must be extremely good at holding grudges for decades on end though, since Batman has been a "mainstream" cultural icon since the 60s.
** In-universe example. ''[[Batman]]: Fortunate Son''. One of the main characters was a famous musician who applied this trope to himself, feeling that his fame prevented him from keeping it "real". This didn't work too well; in his typically savage review of the comic, [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Linkara]] had some choice things to say about this trope in general.
* ''[[Deadpool]]'' has been gaining lots of popularity ever since Wade Wilson's short appearance in ''[[X Men Origins Wolverine (Film)|X Men Origins Wolverine]]'', so popular he has 5 running series currently, and was featured on almost every variant cover for the week of 27th Feb 2010. Of course, the original fans are not happy about having Deadpool [[Wolverine Publicity|being whored out by Marvel and having him shoved down everyone's throat]].
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== In General ==
* Let's just start off by saying this: If a movie [[Epic Movie|rakes in a lot of dough]] ([ especially if the film ends up on this list]), it's sure to be labeled as a [[ClicheCliché Storm]] filled movie with nothing but "Mindless" Action and/or "Mindless" [[Fan Service]] that isn't [[True Art]] and made for the [[Lowest Common Denominator]]...[[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|Even if they didn't actually watch the movie.]] Almost no exceptions (you won't find many people making said complaints about ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey (Film)|2001: A Space Odyssey]]'' or ''[[The Godfather (Film)|The Godfather]]'').
* It's not just amongst fans either. People have noticed that in most recent years, the majority of [[Academy Award|Oscar]] winners and nominees for best picture have been both low budget and low box-office. It was the exclusion of well-received successes such as ''[[WALL-E]]'' and ''[[The Dark Knight Saga (Film)|The Dark Knight Saga]]'' that caused the Academy to expand the pool of nominees from 5 to 10.
** And it has started with Academy Award films as well. Just look at the reception ''[[Juno]]'', ''[[American Beauty]]'', and ''[[Little Miss Sunshine (Film)|Little Miss Sunshine]]'' received after all their nominations
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* ''[[A Christmas Story]]'' suffers this, largely due to over-exposure from the 24-hour marathon of the movie that's run every year at or around Christmas.
* ''[[The Dark Knight Saga (Film)|The Dark Knight Saga]]'' has suffered this recently. Considering it's the 8th highest-grossing movie of all time, it seems that [[Analogy Backfire|the higher the popularity, the higher the suck.]]
* The original ''[[Batman (Film)|Batman]]'' (1989) managed to avoid this, if only because [[Tim Burton]]'s movie was so massively hyped and generated so much controversy that it was bound to attract the interest of just about everyone, whether they liked it or not. As near as one can tell, ''Batman'' energized three very large, vocal and/or influential sectors of the viewing public: young adults, who delighted in Burton's "hipster" aesthetic and edgy humor; film critics (most of them older people) who were offended or even outraged by that same edginess and only watched the movie because it was so huge they just couldn't ignore it; and hardcore Batman fans, who were just so thrilled to finally get to see a true cinematic treatment of their hero that they didn't really care (or at least didn't care too much) that Burton's take was so radically different. (Incidentally, ''Batman'' ended up attracting a surprise fourth demographic: children, many of whom thought the movie was a lot of fun [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not for Kids?|even though it was intended primarily for adults]].) Generally, It's Popular Now It Sucks only applies to works that enjoy a ''moderately'' high level of popularity. If a work becomes ''insanely'' popular, as ''Batman'' did in '89, it turns into a phenomenon so awesome that no amount of backlash can truly hurt it.
* ''[[Donnie Darko (Film)|Donnie Darko]]'', when it suddenly went from being a brilliant-but-weird movie that was buried in obscurity after 9/11, to a massive cult phenomenon that every teenager has seen. Somewhat ironic, in that it mostly became popular [[Cult Classic|via word-of-mouth]] and [[Vindicated By Cable]].
* ''[[Halloween (Film)|Halloween]] H20: Twenty Years Later'', which is seen as the "sell out" of the series, by some.
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* [[James Cameron]] has made many critically acclaimed films, but it seems that to many on the internet and even in [[TV Tropes]], [[Analogy Backfire|the more viewers his films get, the worse the film is]]. If it's popular enough, the film is placed in the same class as a [[Michael Bay]] or [[Uwe Boll]] film. The most notable examples:
** ''[[Titanic (Film)|Titanic]]'' at first actually got a decent amount of public and critical acclaim. The backlash set in both after it was clear it was going to make hundreds of millions, becoming the highest-grossing film of all time until Avatar came out, and the loads of [[Academy Award|Oscar nominations and wins]] it got.
** When ''[[Avatar (Film)|Avatar]]'' came out, it had a skyrocket of public acclaim and defining the standard of the [[Three D3D Movie]], with many proclaiming 'Oh man, Avatar was awesome!', only for about a few months later when it became the highest-grossing film of all time, a huge hatedom came out and proclaimed it as one of the worst films of all time while quite a few of it's fandom changed their mind and stated 'Yeah, it's just ''[[Pocahontas (Disney)|Pocahontas]]'' [[Recycled in Space|in space]]'. Conversely, ''[[The Hurt Locker]]''; which was directed by Cameron's ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, was [[Left for Dead]] as a box office flop until somehow, it came out of nowhere around awards time to huge critical acclaim, with many proclaiming, '''Avatar'' is Lame. This is Best Picture right here'. Its momentum would be enough to upset and punch out ''Avatar'' at the Oscars and the BAFTAs, including the Best Picture award for both (and making it the lowest-grossing film of all time to win Best Picture), leaving ''Avatar'' to only beat ''Hurt Locker'' in the Golden Globes.
* ''[[The Artist (Film)|The Artist]]'' suddenly got this. Despite winning over 13 Best Picture awards from various critics groups, the Golden Globes, the BAFTA, and the Oscars, plus of course a 97% [[Rotten Tomatoes]] score, the film is now considered as overrated and not the best film of the year by some people.
* [[Kevin Smith]]. Some fans have accused him of being a sell out, a label he has no problem with. Most recently, people accuse Smith of being a sellout because he directed ''[[Cop Out (Film)|Cop Out]]'' for a studio from a script he didn't write. This, despite the fact that he [[Doing It for The Art|took a significant pay ''cut'' to ensure the film could have the R-rating he thought it deserved.]]
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* [[Peter Jackson]]. Full swing after making the movie adaptations of ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)|The Lord of the Rings]]''. You'd be amazed at how many of his "[[Fan Dumb|fans]]" despise the fact he made a film that cost more than a million or so and look down on fans that were brought into the fold via ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Film)|The Lord of the Rings]]''. Claims that he "sold out", "lost his touch", and "became a hack" are common in certain circles of his older fanbase.
* ''[[Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Film)|Scott Pilgrim vs. the World]]'' was subject to an angry rant on a popular community discussing comics. The individual in question seemed to be incensed that Hollywood was actually making movies ''for'' geeks now, instead of mocking them. Not only did he hate the film itself, but he hated the people it was about, made by and for. The term "hipster" was thrown around willy-nilly. He got more and more vitriolic as he realized his was a minority opinion, and was eventually banned when he said something untoward.
* ''[[Star Trek (Film)|Star Trek]]'': [ This Onion News Network video] pretty accurately reflects the [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|attitude]] of a certain type of [[Star Trek]] fan towards [[Star Trek (Film)|the 2009 movie]]. They must be extremely good at holding grudges for decades on end, since [[Star Trek]] has been a cultural icon for decades. Luckily despite the stereotype, surprisingly otherwise averted by the Trek fanbase, as discussions and polls on the TrekBBS consistently show that about 80 to 90% of the fans like or love the new movie.
* ''[[Star Wars]]'' has suffered through this, especially when the prequels came out.
* Tim Burton. As with ''[[The Nightmare Before Christmas (Film)|The Nightmare Before Christmas]]'' example above, you can expand this to pretty much anything done by him. Early in his career, he gained a cult following, most of his early films did good, but not huge numbers at the box office. However, as his films became more popular, the [[Hate Dumb]] grew and grew, in large part do to his popularity with the Goth and Emo crowd, and much because of this trope. It seems to be mostly due to the misconception that he and his movies are all [[Wangst|whiny, mopey, self-indulgent]] navel-gazers, missing the part where he's actually [[Deadpan Snarker|pretty funny]] and doesn't take himself that seriously at all. Just watch [ this interview]. "Could you roll the I.V. in here? I'm feeling a bit...faint."
* Certain parts of the ''[[Transformers]]'' fandom, over the year or so before the release of [[Transformers (Film)|the 2007 live-action movie]], preemptively expressed the sentiment that "It's going to be popular! That sucks!" Everyone else was rather confused. It becomes very silly when people accuse ''Transformers'', a franchise that was created specifically [[Merchandise -Driven|to sell toys]], of selling out. <br /><br />Of course, this being ''[[Transformers]]'' fandom, a [[Broken Base]] if ever there was one, there's also a very vocal segment that runs counter to this trope, and cheered every time it topped charts. Transformers is somewhat a subversion as more fans were happy with the movies success as it made the franchise relevant again in the eyes of the public. More relevance means more plastic (and even better, more ''die-cast metal''), which has always made 'True Fans' happy even if they despised the related series.
** On the other hand, part of the reason why ''[[Transformers Generation 1]]'' purists hate the movies so much is because of their popularity; they're basically pissed that more people are familiar with the hyper-detailed CGI Transformers starring in big, dumb action movies than their original, not-very-detailed cartoon incarnations. (Fans of more widely praised incarnations such as ''[[Beast Wars (Animation)|Beast Wars]]'', ''[[Transformers Animated (Animation)|Transformers Animated]]'', and ''[[Transformers Prime (Animation)|Transformers Prime]]'' also react this way if they dislike the movies).
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* ''[[Glee (TV)|Glee]]'' times a million. To be fair, the back nine episodes are quite uneven, but plenty of people were hating on it before the season even officially started because the pilot was shown at the beginning of the summer of 2009, kicking off an extremely aggressive and relentless ad campaign by Fox (the most amusing facet of which was when they came up with the term "Gleeks" and them tried to pretend that hardcore fans had christened themselves that).
** This can also cross over with music elitism, too, since there are many people who despise [[Glee]] for the simple fact that it causes a [[Newbie Boom|surge in popularity]] for whatever classic rock songs are features in a given episode.
* The first season of ''[[I CarlyICarly (TV)|I Carly]]'' was relatively low key, especially in the online fandom. It exploded in popularity in Season 2, and along with an increased emphasis on the [[Shipping]], lead many to quit watching.
* Kids TV shows tend to get this the most. Most likely a major cause of [[Hatedom]] and [[Periphery Hatedom]] towards shows such as ''[[Barney and Friends (TV)|Barney and Friends]]'' and ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]''.
* This seems to be happening to ''[[The Mighty Boosh]]''. Many original fans have complained the latest series is too mainstream and lacking in invention. Whether there's been an actual drop in quality is debatable.
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* [[Anthrax (Music)|Anthrax]] was accused of selling out when they chose John Bush as their new lead singer and with their more mainstream-sounding album, ''Sounds of White Noise''. The band's rhythm guitarist, Scott Ian, commented on this in an interview saying, "The bottom line is, everyone in this business is in it to make money. Myself included."
** They also got this treatment when they dared to commit the unforgivable crime of trying to give fans of different genres some common ground when they did a [[Rap Metal]] project with [[Public Enemy (Music)|Public Enemy]].
* The Arctic Monkeys' EP ''[[Precision F -Strike|Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys]]'' was made specifically in order to stop it from falling victim to this trope by minimising its exposure on mainstream radio.
* [[The Beatles (Music)|The Beatles]] are one of the few artists to be both massively popular ''and'' adored by critics. Yet, even they are an example of this trope; the band's Liverpool fans felt very betrayed when the band hit it big and moved to London and replaced drummer [[The Pete Best|Pete Best]] with [[Ringo Starr (Music)|Ringo Starr]]. Plus, their massive success and influence and having stood the test of time more than most musicians is used to claim that they are overrated. Additionally, a number of people find it cool to hate The Beatles by dismissing them as a 60s pop group. Y'know, not putting them in the context of the 60s and realising all the things they helped to make popular, not least the sheer timelessness of stuff like ''Rubber Soul'' and ''Revolver''.
*** And as [ this article] from [[Cracked (Website)|Cracked]] explains, even before that success, the band's image and musical style were a complete 180 from what they would later become famous for.
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* [[Bob Seger (Music)|Bob Seger]] after he allowed his song "Like a Rock" to be featured in Chevrolet commercials. Never mind the reason he did it; Chevrolet is owned by General Motors, which is headquartered in Seger's hometown of Detroit. They were on the brink of bankruptcy, and Seger had a lot of friends who worked for them. Not wanting those friends to be out of jobs, Seger allowed the song to be used, and it pretty much saved the company.
* [[Cradle of Filth (Music)|Cradle of Filth]]: ''Thornography'' apparently brought them mainstream. However mainstream extreme black metal can get.
* [[David Bowie (Music)|David Bowie]] usually falls victim to [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]] accusations due to his penchant for the [[New Sound Album]] trope, but the deliberately mainstream pop-rock of ''Let's Dance'' (1983) -- which resulted in the biggest-selling album of his career -- led to criticism along these lines as well. It got worse when his next two albums (''Tonight'' and ''Never Let Me Down'') followed in that vein to diminishing returns. In the end Bowie himself felt dissatisfied with his output and moved on, first to the unsuccessful [[Hard Rock]] group Tin Machine and then to solo work that was driven more by art than commerce.
* [[Dragonforce (Music)|Dragonforce]] shows you don't have to do much to get this treatment by allowing the use of "Through the Fire and Flames" as a bonus track for ''[[Guitar Hero (Video Game)|Guitar Hero]] III''. Fans at first praised its inclusion, and it would seem that this trope was averted. Then the game came out, and the cries of "Sellout!" came with it. Seriously, just go on to any video of the band on [[YouTube]], either their music videos, their live performances, or their interviews and count how many comments read along the lines of "I liked Dragon Force before ''Guitar Hero.''
* [[Evanescence (Music)|Evanescence]]. When they began to take off, fans were in denial that the band had hit the Lycos 50 (yes, you read right, ''[[Serious Business|search engine results]]''!), even though their only album before ''Fallen'' was ''Origin'', a glorified demo tape.
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* [[Justin Bieber (Music)|Justin Bieber]] started off as a [[YouTube]] sensation and would quickly and surprisingly find his way to the top of the music industry, [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|to much delight]] for [[Squee|a countless amount of Teenage Girls]]. Unfortunately for him and his fans, going mainstream won't get you the approval of the Internet, especially if you appeal to teenage girls and [[Hatedom|is highly regarded as one of the most hated individuals on the internet today]].
* Kings of Leon after ''Only By The Night''. Many of their fans who followed them throughout their first few albums felt that particularly "Sex On Fire" was an uninspired sellout compared to their earlier work. It evidently turned several off them, as neither 5th album ''Come Around Sundown'' and its accompanying single "Radioactive" were as much of a critical or commercial success.
* [[KISS (Music)|KISS]] to some extent, though the real irony is that the band's [[Word of God|self-admitted,]] entire reason for existence [[Money, Dear Boy|was to sell a look and style on the road]] and not so much their ''songs''.
* [[Korn (Music)|Korn]] makes an example of this trope in their song, "Y'all Wanna Single."
* Lagwagon. The song "Know It All" [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this trope.
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* [[Megadeth (Music)|Megadeth]] received a lot of hatred because they too made their sound more mainstream in the early nineties with ''Countdown to Extinction''. Megadeth has moved back to their traditional style, so they don't receive many accusations of selling out anymore.
* [[Metallica (Music)|Metallica]], oh, good lord, Metallica. The most evident example is their 1991 self titled album, aka "The Black Album", which was the most mainstream of their albums at that point and also marked a change in their style from thrash to a more general metal sound. It provided them a lot of success, at the time making them the biggest metal band in the world but also gave them an incredible amount of hate and sellout accusations from their original fan base.
** Though, really, they've been accused of this to a certain extent with pretty much every album following their debut usually on account on [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]. Frontman James Hetfield finds it quite amusing. "Ride The Lightning" for having a ballad; "Master of Puppets" for being slightly less thrash sounding, "And Justice For All" for having more of a progressive sound, as well as (GASP!) ''having a video'' for their song, "One" and (THE HORROR) earning them ''a Grammy nomination'', "Load" and "Reload" for also having different styles, and "Death Magnetic" for not being a exact copy of "Master of Puppets". No matter what they do, Metallica is [[Unpleasable Fanbase|never going to catch a break]] from their [[Fan Dumb|so called "fans]]".
* [[Modest Mouse]] suffered from this after ''Float On''.
* [[Muse (Music)|Muse]] has suffered a lot of this since the release of ''Black Holes And Revelations'', and to a lesser extent since ''Absolution''. Muse were considered very cool when they were indie artists on their first two albums, ''Showbiz'' and ''Origin Of Symmetry'', and just about reached their peak when they hit the mainstream with ''Absolution''. By the time ''Black Holes'' came out, it was considered a disappointment because the singles released from it were pop songs rather than rock. This happens a lot, in fact, if an album is represented by the songs which are atypical for the album itself.
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** On the other hand, each album receives a better score among most music critics than the last one. Depending on the magazine/website, ''I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love'' scored between 2.5 and 4 on 5, ''Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge'' scored between 3 and 4 on 5, ''The Black Parade'' between 3 and 5 on 5 and ''Danger Days'' between 3.5 and 5 on 5. Their [[Fan Dumb|fans]] may think they're sellouts, or they changed, but they're mostly having fun with their music style, and critics like it.
* [[Nickelback (Music)|Nickelback]]. For a band with such a vocal Hatedom, and that so [[Guilty Pleasure|few people claim to like publicly]], you'd think they'd get less airplay and make less money. A lot of their hatedom from [[Grunge]] fans stems solely from the fact that the band can fill stadiums and arenas.
** [ Blame] [[South Park|Canada]] for Nickelback, [[Canada, Eh?|eh]]?
* [[Nicki Minaj (Music)|Nicki Minaj]] has two forms of this: the set of people who believe she really became more pop-oriented in her debut album, ''Pink Friday'',(before that she had mixtapes) and people who thinks she was much better when she was completely in the underground.
** Two songs on ''Pink Friday'' address that question, with different points of view expressed on each one. [ "Dear Old Nicki"] has become an anthem of sorts for the latter set mentioned above (and "Dear old Nicki, please call back" their motto).
** On the other hand, [[Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition|bonus track]] [ "Muny"] has become the same for the other side of the debate, with said motto being "Bitches want my old shit, buy my old mixtape."
* [[Nirvana (Music)|Nirvana]]. It's widely believed that frontman [[Kurt Cobain (Music)|Kurt Cobain]] killed himself as a result of his fear of this trope and even [[Creator Backlash|came to hate]] the band's signature song, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (which was [[PoesPoe's Law|supposed to be a parody]] of the [[Misaimed Fandom|same fans it started attracting]]) often refusing to play it live. Additionally, the band's popularity is often used to claim that they're overrated, and even some grunge fans don't like them solely because of it.
** Kurt Cobain often wrote pop songs to subvert this. Even ''Bleach'', their most abrasive and inaccessible release has "About A Girl" on it, which he wrote after listening to [[The Beatles (Music)|The Beatles]] all day. They followed up ''Nevermind'' with ''In Utero'', which is much sludgier than ''Nevermind'' but ultimately reaches a compromise: songs which were just about heavy enough for ''Bleach''/''Incesticide'' fans, but melodic enough for ''Nevermind'' fans. Of course, "In Bloom", from ''Nevermind'' points fun at the people who listened to Nirvana because they were popular and didn't understand the lyrics.
* [[No Doubt (Music)|No Doubt]] with ''Tragic Kingdom'' which put them on the charts with their hit singles, "Don't Speak" and "Just a Girl".
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* Paramore has gotten this treatment mainly because they did a song for the first ''[[Twilight (Literature)|Twilight]]'' film and because they now have merchandise at Hot Topic. Unfortunate considering how talented they actually are.
* [[Pearl Jam (Music)|Pearl Jam]] actually kind of inverted this to turn less commercial, everything after ''Vs''. were [[New Sound Album|New Sound Albums]].
* [[Pink Floyd (Music)|Pink Floyd]]. Happened after ''[[The Dark Side of the Moon (Music)|The Dark Side of the Moon]]'' in the minds of some of their fans, [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|who preferred their old psychedelic music]] over the new [[Darker and Edgier|harder and darker]] material.
** Though in this case, the band themselves felt this way, particularly Roger Waters, who didn't like the larger, noisier audiences that their greater exposure attracted (leading to his infamous, sputum-powered [[Creator Backlash]] during the ''Animals'' tour).
** And need I mention poor old Syd Barrett, who passed his own fame-tolerance threshold back when they were plugging their first album, leading to him [[Creator Breakdown|taking permanent refuge in drugs.]]
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* [[Rise Against (Music)|Rise Against]]. Many fans feel their first few albums were closer to hardcore punk, faster, and generally less melodic than their previous two. It doesn't help, then, that these were their two real 'mainstream' albums (though they had some success prior to them). While the subjects of the songs are much the same, older fans often feel that the albums are intentionally more accessible to non-punk fans.
* [[They Might Be Giants (Music)|They Might Be Giants]]. A lot of people found ''John Henry'', their first album with a full band, to be selling out. God only knows what these people think of the band's four (so far) children's albums.
* [[Tool (Music)|Tool]] produced an epic, [[Cluster F -Bomb]]-throwing response to this phenomenon with the song "Hooker With a Penis", where Maynard tells an [[Fan Dumb|OGT]] "Yeah, I sold out, fuck off."
{{quote| ''Well now I've got some/A-dvice for you, little buddy''<br />
''Before you point the finger/You should know that''<br />
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** Heck, the IWC once LOVED [[John Cena]] at one point!
** ...and [[Triple H]], probably before all the political stories came to light. That is, if the dirtsheets are to be believed...
** And something happened to [[Kurt Angle]] between [[WWE]] and [[TNA]], as he came there minus the IWC fans who called him one of the best workers in the world, instead ridiculing [[Small Name, Big Ego|his delusional radio interviews and etc.]] and his past refusals to address supposed drug problems.
* [[CM Punk]] was a [[Smart Mark]] darling on the independent scene, with the fans hailing him as quite possibly the best wrestler in America (or at the very least, the best wrestler in [[Ring of Honor]], which is kind of synonymous these days). Then he signed with [[WWE]], and became the centerpiece of its ECW revival, and now all of a sudden you can't go into a wrestling forum without hearing about how Punk is overrated and a sloppy wrestler. Some of this might be spillover anger from the ECW revival being mishandled; but Punk was one of the few bright spots of the show, and yet he seems to get the most criticism. Now that he's moved away from ECW onto Raw and then Smackdown and become world champ, the criticisms have only gotten worse.
** Partially due to [[Hype Backlash]] -- a lot of [[Smart Mark|SmartMarks]] kept hearing how great Punk was from ROHbots when he was working long main event matches, against top level opponents, with free reign over his character and promos. Five minute extended squashes over Justin Credible didn't quite match up...
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== Tabletop Games ==
* Tabletop gaming itself. Every other thread is how *Insert tabletop game here* has "Sold out" and how [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]], including lots and ''lots'' of [[Nostalgia Filter]].
* Every edition of ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'' ever, save the first.
** Possibly the original edition as well, as compared to [[Spiritual Predecessor|Chainmail]].
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== Theater ==
* Playwrights have this happen to them also. With John Patrick Shanley, it's ''[[Doubt (Theatre)|Doubt]]''. For David Lindsay-Abaire, it's Rabbit Hole. In both cases, that individual play is much more universally popular than any other play they're done so they're seen as selling out with them (to be fair, they're more family-friendly than their other works).
** Shanley had also written ''[[Moonstruck]]'' and ''[[WereWe're Back! aA DinosaursDinosaur's Story (Film)|Were Back a Dinosaurs Story]]''. The film adaptation of ''Doubt'' was ''Directed'' by him.
* ''[[Rent (Theatre)|Rent]]'' received this treatment with the movie version, as fans of the 3-hour stage musical (many of whom can sing it start to finish from memory) were annoyed that people were now allowed to experience the story in half the time. Never mind that it put the AIDS crisis back in the limelight for a while, after it had been relegated to "that disease that kills African people".
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== In General ==
* [[Video Game Genres|Video Games]] in general. Here's a little bit of homework....go onto a video game forum. Ask what the worst game they ever played is. Now count how many will trash a game that's popular. Round your answer to the nearest ''dozen''. It's amazing how often these threads include ''playable'' games and say they are the "Worst games ever". Wouldn't the worst games ever be the ones that are actually unplayable due to glitches and unintelligent design?
* [[Fan Dumb|Some]] [[PC vs. Console|PC gamers]] consider "consolization" to be synonymous with "[[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|complete destruction of the series]]" (just look at this list!), and complete and total assha- er, fans who proclaim themselves as "[["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|Hardcore Gamers]]" hate " Casual Gamers". For an in-depth view at the latter phenomenon, read [ this article]. Heck, even in [[This Very Wiki]], we've even had [[Edit War|Edit Wars]] erupting occasionally in this page when it comes to this in examples. [[Justifying Edit|Tropers, do not start one, please]].
* [[Expansion Pack|Expansion Packs]] and [[Downloadable Content]] in general. In its early days, the concept was well received as it added more content to their favorite game(s). However when the concept was brought mainstream, [[Vocal Minority|a few companies began to abuse the concept including hiding the DLC in the game to begin with and placing the content at exuberant prices]], leading to many gamers denouncing DLC as a whole. Of course not everyone uses DLC that way, but simply announcing DLC for a game can lead to a lot of [[Internet Backdraft]], even if your intentions are not as they see.
* This will occur pretty much every time a new console is released, regardless of how wildly popular the company was with its previous console.
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== Specific ==
* [[Bungie]]; in their early days a Macintosh game developer, decided that their next title after their hit ''[[Pathways Into Darkness|PID]]'' was ''[[Marathon (Video Game)|Marathon]]'' instead of a ''PID'' sequel, but after ''Marathon'', they made ''Marathon 2''. "Oh no, they've sold out!", said the fans. "No we haven't", said Bungie, later revealing work on the genre-founding Real Time Tactics game ''[[Myth]]''. Next, ''Marathon 2'' was ported to become Bungie's first non-Mac release. "Oh no, they've sold out!", the fans said again. "No we haven't", said Bungie, "We're still doing our own thing making innovative work" pointing to pioneering [[Beat 'Em Up]]/[[Third -Person Shooter|shooter]] ''[[Oni]]'' and [[Wide Open Sandbox|Sandbox]] guerrilla warfare game ''[[Halo (Video Game)|Halo]]''. After that, Microsoft bought them, and turned ''Halo'' into a [[Killer App]] for the original Xbox. "They've sold out!" screamed the fans, and Bungie responded "No, we haven't." After they were finished with the Halo series,'Bung split up with Microsoft to create a new ip and signed a deal that it will be published by [[Activision (Creator)|Activision]]. Of course the fans said "They've sold out!" and of course Bungie responded with "No, we haven't."
* Some ''[[Call of Duty (Video Game)|Call of Duty]]'' fans were not too pleased when the ''[[Modern Warfare (Video Game)|Modern Warfare]]'' franchise was introduced and turned out to be a hit. Possibly aided by the recent changes of ''Modern Warfare 2'' including the lack of [[PC vs. Console|dedicated servers in the PC version]], the [[Downloadable Content]], and most importantly; the [[Executive Meddling]] between [[Activision (Creator)|Activision]] and Infinity Ward, leading to many of Infinity Ward's crew defecting to [[Electronic Arts]]. Go to a gaming forum (especially one with a lot of PC users) and ask them what the best entry in the series is. Chances are, the answer will be United Offensive or ''Call of Duty 2''. Woe be it to the poor newbie that actually likes the newer games.
** For that matter, try saying you like ''[[Call of Duty]]'' in ''general''. The first few games enjoyed [[Sacred Cow]] status; even ''[[Modern Warfare (Video Game)|Modern Warfare]]'' did because it was different (and because a certain [[Zero Punctuation (Web Animation)|internet critic]] praised it). Then it started to become popular. Nowadays if you say anything positive about ''[[Call of Duty (Video Game)|Call of Duty]]'', you'll be lucky if you aren't murdered in your sleep.
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* The ''[[Gears of War (Video Game)|Gears of War]]'' series has gotten popular enough to be alongside ''[[Halo]]'' as one of the "[[Killer App|faces]]" of the Xbox platform. Nevertheless, fans of previous [[Epic Games]] titles and [[Console Wars]] debaters don't really seem too pleased.
* ''[[League of Legends]]'' provides an example within a game: there are people in the community that intentionally play unpopular characters, and find to their dismay that their team members leave the queue or flame them all game long because they picked a "bad" champion. But when the character is eventually "discovered" by the mainstream and rises on the tier list, they proceed to complain bitterly about tier lists and flavours of the month, abandon the champion and find a new unpopular character to play. It is apparently considered a badge of honour to claim you liked [[Our Gargoyles Rock|Galio]] or [[Mind Over Matter|Irelia]] before they were popular. This is also expected to happen to [[Obvious Beta|Yorick]].
* Many RPG fans don't seem too pleased that the ''[[Mass Effect (Video Game)|Mass Effect]]'' series has become a hit, [[Action RPG|especially since they went towards a different game style]] [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|than the "traditional" RPG]].
** [[Conversational Troping|Conversed]] by Shepard in ''[[Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 2]]'' during his/her conversation with Morinth. When asked about music:
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me.}}
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* Nintendo. Any of their popular franchises like ''[[Pokémon]], [[Super Mario Bros]], [[The Legend of Zelda]]'', etc. are always bashed as being "overrated" with very little explanation as to why.
* Pikachu, the [[Mascot]] of ''[[Pokémon]]'', gets this treatment. It wouldn't be nearly as [[Base Breaker|divisive]] if no one cared about it, would it?
* The ''[[Resident Evil]]'' series after the release of [[Resident Evil 4 (Video Game)|Part 4]]. The style change, while making the series more popular, has caused many fans of the series's original style to feel betrayed, cheated, and forgotten. The same fans that until ''Resident Evil 4'' was released were complaining that [[ItsIt's the Same, Now It Sucks|the series had grown repetitive and stagnant]].
* ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' Would you believe that this series is starting to show signs of this? ''[[Persona 3 (Video Game)|Persona 3]]'' was well-received, bringing in newcomers to the series and thus making the entire ''[[Persona (Video Game)|Persona]]'' franchise eclipse the popularity of the main series. Which of course leads to people complaining that [[Atlus]] has "sold out", leaning more towards making their games tailored to the mainstream. Of course, complaints like this are tinged with a hint of irony, as the whole reason the ''Persona'' spinoff series was created in the first place was to make a ''[[Shin Megami Tensei|MegaTen]]'' game that was tailored to the mainstream. These complaints are intensifying with the popularity of ''[[Persona 4 (Video Game)|Persona 4]]'' and the upcoming PSP remake is similarly getting trashed for proof that Atlus is "selling out".
** ''[[Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne (Video Game)|Nocturne]]'' is beginning to suffer from this, since it's the [[Sequel First|first main]] ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' [[Sequel First|game to be released outside of Japan]] and hence more people have played this one than the original two. There is also a mix of [[Hype Backlash]], as many ''Shin Megami Tensei'' fans have proclaimed this one of the best games ever while deriding the popularity of other games. The trolling can be a headache.
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* ''[[Touhou (Video Game)|Touhou]]'' has been getting this treatment since the PC games came out, arguably. Each successive release seems to garner louder hate, especially since the series creator almost continually adds [[Loads and Loads of Characters|new characters]] with each game instead of reusing the old, much more popular ones. When a news program highlighted a fan-made ''Touhou'' video. Nevermind that ''Touhou'' wasn't even ''mentioned'' (and in fact, the newspeople probably didn't even know that ''Touhou'' existed,) find a clip of that on [[YouTube]] and see how many people are complaining that ''Touhou'' is mainstream now, and thus is [[Ruined FOREVER|RUINED FOREVER!!1!]]
* ''[[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|The World Ends With You]]'' parodies this in its [[Extended Gameplay|bonus chapter]]. "I'll be off listening to bands you kids have never even heard of! And then... when they go major... I'll be there to complain about how they sold out!"
* Among the many haters of ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' are people who say that say because it is so popular, that it sucks. (That is, the people who [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|have actually seen more than the box art.]]) Another large group of haters are people who complain that Blizzard has ruined the game by catering to the casual players, and believe the game was better back when raiding was still "hardcore". This is where it overcrosses with the [[Nostalgia Filter]]; since some of these same people were complaining about spending months getting their characters attuned. Typically, it's a ''very'' bad financial decision to have a game that locks out a good 75+% of its gamers from content and ''only'' cater to that ≤25% of the playerbase, since players typically ''quit'' when there's nothing for them. (Of course, if you're one of the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|elitists]], then that's what you want.) A large proportion of the time some people spend on message boards is taken up by claiming Blizzard's subscription figures are bogus and thus the game is not as popular as it is claimed to be, because xyzabcblahblahblah (insert personal bugbear or whatever here). Well-reasoned ''legal'' arguments with copious citations have not stopped this train of thought.
* This is starting to happen to ''[[Dragon Quest (Video Game)|Dragon Quest]]''. There are people who scoff at you if you played ''[[Dragon Quest V (Video Game)|Dragon Quest V]]'' and ''[[Dragon Quest VI (Video Game)|Dragon Quest VI]]'' via the DS versions, or heard of the series through ''[[Dragon Quest VIII (Video Game)|Dragon Quest VIII]]'' or more recently, ''[[Dragon Quest IX (Video Game)|Dragon Quest IX]]'' after the ''massive'' marketing campaign. However, it can be hard to tell how much of this overlaps with the typical [[Square Enix (Creator)|Square Enix]] [[Hate Dumb]] given how many people hate ''[[Dragon Quest (Video Game)|Dragon Quest]]'' because it's got the Square-Enix logo and not much reason why.
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls]]''. ''Arena'' wasn't that well-known. Daggerfall a little moreso, but still panned due to its [[Obvious Beta]] status...but accepted as [[True Art]] and granted "[[Sacred Cow|Immunity to Criticism]]". Then came ''[[The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind (Video Game)|Morrowind]]'', which was received very well critically ''and'' commercially, ''still'' being sold in its "game of the year" package ''eight years after its release''. Until about 2006, [[Ruined FOREVER|you were NOT allowed to like it]]. [[Fan Hater|At ALL]]. It was derided as pure derivative homogenous garbage, the symbol of everything bad with the gaming industry. What happened when ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (Video Game)|Oblivion]]'' came out years later, and likewise given "Game of the Year" awards all around? Mysteriously, the people who had nothing but hatred for ''Morrowind'' were nowhere to be found, having declared it a [[Sacred Cow]] and given it immunity to criticism.
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* In the [[Vocaloid (Music)|Vocaloid]] fandom, wowaka and his songs have been experiencing this for a while, especially after one of his songs, World's End Dancehall, debuted at the top of the Vocaloid weekly rankings with an astronomical]] ''1.5 million'' points and stayed on top for two weeks straight (a rarity on the rankings).
** More commonly, Miku Hatsune suffers a lot of backlash purely for being too popular and "stealing the spotlight" from other Vocaloids. The tendency of the media to zero in on Miku rather than other Vocaloids hasn't helped matters.
* The general consensus on 4chan is that you can tell a [[Memetic Mutation|meme]] has run its course when it's mentioned by a news source. Most memes which the general public knows about ([[Chuck Norris]] facts, [[LO LcatsLOLcats]], [[Over Nine Thousand|OVER 9000]], [[Rick Roll|Rickrolling]], [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]) inspire little but groan from the average poster. However, this is somewhat justified, since 1. Memes are basically jokes, and these people have seen the joke everywhere by this point, and 2. Memes are usually fads, and other media usually only find out about them long after the fad has run its course.
* Common among certain fans of [[That Guy With the Glasses (Website)|That Guy With the Glasses]]. While their concern is mainly with [[Fanfic|fanwriters]] focusing too much on the [[Hype Backlash|more popular reviewers]], they seem to forget that fandom is a hobby and people will [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|write whatever they feel like writing]].
** Especially noteworthy should be Brad Jones, better known as [[The Cinema Snob (Web Video)|The Cinema Snob]]. When you read the comments on his own website, every once in a while there as someone who claims he was so much better and funnier before he joined the TGWTG-Crew, and that he should stop making crossovers with the other contributors, because they all suck. Various other members of the site can get this treatment as well.
** This is true for a butt-load of reviewers, really. But especially regarding [[The Angry Video Game Nerd (Web Video)|AVGN]], when even his OWN fans are exceptionally vicious towards him when it comes to almost anything they can imagine. The hilarious thing is though, that the fanbase itself can't even agree on why he sucks now without contradicting themselves. i.e: He curses too much, he doesn't curse enough, the videos are too short now, the videos are too long now, he milks the AVGN persona too much, he keeps making things other than AVGN, there's too many poop jokes, there's not as many poop jokes as there used to be. And 99% percent of them are unable to pin down any specific reason why his videos suck now, often within their own lists of criticism, and begging him to "not suck anymore" for exceptionally vague reasons (if reasons are ever listed).
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* Disney animation often gets this treatment due to its influence. Some, such as Ralph Bakshi, see Disney as only creating [[Follow the Leader]] tendencies amongst competitors which only discourages creativity.
** A lot of Disney movies from the animated canon get this effect; while some of the most obscure and less popular movies ([[The Black Cauldron]], [[Treasure Planet]].. although [[Home On the Range]] is a general exception) are praised wildly, Disney's most popular films ([[The Lion King]] is a prime example) suddenly get bashed for their unevenness and plot issues. It (happily) seems to be a decreasing trend.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' got this treatment. The more rabid parts of the [[Hate Dumb]] accuses people who like the show as being either gay, autistic, a furry, a pedophile, or all of the above.
** Within the fandom itself, there are a number of first-wave Bronies who have withdrawn from the show since Season 2, because supposedly [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]. Good luck trying to find a specific example of ''what'' changed for the worse though, because the only one that comes up consistently is that Lauren Faust left the show.
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* The Internet. There's a reason the term [[Eternal September]] exists, and some regulars from before the mid-90s even rue the day that Tim Berners-Lee introduced the World Wide Web.
** Nearly any online community, forum, or game.
** This was predicted with the Internet itself around the time US President [[Bill Clinton]] was promoting "The Information Superhighway", and Vice-President [[Al Gore]] was [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|taking credit for inventing it]]. While the boom in online population has greatly increased the quantity and variety of information and interest-sharing, those watching it in progress didn't feel it did any favors for the ''quality''. Whether it's better or worse now that it's popular depends on the virtual neighborhood, but at least the technology permitting access has gotten faster and smoother.
* Almost any comedian who makes the transition from relative obscurity on the stand-up circuit to increased fame and public profile (most usually through the television) will lose part of her / his fanbase who will be quick to bemoan the fact that s/he is now a 'sell-out'. Apparently, some jokes become less funny the more people who are laughing at them.
* Polish [[Demoscene]]. When the Polish videogame magazine, ''CD-Action'', began publishing a series about the hitherto rather hermetic demoscene, many old sceners claimed that it [[Ruined FOREVER|ruined the demoscene forever]], caused an [[Eternal September|influx of talentless newbies]], and were angry that while ''they'' had to go to great lengths to learn about the community in the first place, all those new youngsters know everything by just reading a magazine.
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{{quote| '''Comment on the name Shaniqua:''' Even by ghetto name standards, this is a really butt-ugly name. Come on, it's got that hideous ''kwa'' ending to it and everything. Names with the ''kwa'' or ''kwi'' sound are extremely ugly, unless we're talking about highly un-ghetto-esque names like Quinn. This name sounds hopelessly trashy, and it makes people picture an annoying, somewhat dimwitted girl or woman from the ghetto who either is or will likely end up pregnant by age 16 and who acts like a person from hell towards everyone higher on the social ladder. This name isn't exactly a mature, dignified, sophisticated name, and it will lead to merciless discrimination and jokes.}}
* Using the Phillips CD-I games as a source for [[Youtube Poop]] has been frowned upon by the members of the [[You Chew]] community for years now, although some people are still able to make some funny videos using them.
* The Daewoo Lacetti (aka the [[Market -Based Title|Chevrolet Optra]] in the rest of the world (except Europe, where it's badged as the Daewoo/Chevrolet Lacetti, and Suzuki Forenza in North America, and [[Market -Based Title|Holden Barina]] in [[Land Down Under|Australia and New Zealand]].) was considered great at launch in 2002 (or late 2003, in the rest of the world, 2004 for North America), but by 2008 was considered to have lost its elite luxury image due to offering a basic 1.4-litre version, and going for the [[Lowest Common Denominator]] in equipment levels. However, motoring press and the public's opinion differed on this car. Now, with the new General Motors, it, and its successor, the Chevrolet Cruze are seen as a joke by some... but the [[Popularity Polynomial]] may come into play here. [[The Plan|some kind of plan maybe?]]
* One of Fametracker's main features was "The Fame Audit", a rather justified/averted form of this trope, where, [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|as the title suggests]], the evaluated the relative merits and demerits of various pop-culture figures, both famous and somewhat under-the-radar, and would determine whether they were getting the appropriate amount of fame, and whether or not for the right reasons. Notable nods included a then-under-the-radar Jon Stewart from when he was only a year into hosting ''[[The Daily Show (TV)|The Daily Show]]'', where they determined that he deserved even more fame. Cut to the Re-Audit four years later when he was already quite famous, and they not only still loved him, but wanted his fame to continue to grow. ([FT] may be gone, but the former editors are still clearly pleased with his current fame.) In spite of the clear cases where they feel are low-talent (Sharon Stone and [[John Travolta (Creator)]]) or on the wane ([[Michael Jackson (Music)|Michael Jackson]] circa the 2002 audit) among other things, they are rather objective in their assessments, sometimes choosing to either leave well enough alone or suggest a bump up in fame for people they might otherwise be ambivalent about who are nonetheless unpretentious and enjoyable enough to deserve some sort of extended presence. Beyond that, they have recommended that stars they have liked stay at their exact same spot of fame lest they become too overexposed or pushed into overly high-profile projects (see: [[Will Ferrell]] and Steven Soderbergh via their audits), or consequently a bump down for said cases either already beyond that point ([[Stephen Colbert]]'s audit) or simply in need of going away in order to refocus (Lisa Kudrow and [[Edward Norton]]).
* This is common in the feminist blogosphere. From reading posts on feminist blogs, you would think that in order for any sort of media to be considered feminist it has to be made by an [[Twofer Token Minority|atheist bisexual multiracial polyamorist with cerebral palsy]] who is doing everything herself and does everything for free(because making money is bowing to the patriarchy!), and it has to only come on at local independent festivals.
** Or maybe it's just that privileged people oftentimes don't get the problems of marginalized groups right when making media.
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