"That's my story. And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge."
Spike Spiegel, "Toys in the Attic", Cowboy Bebop
"What is it? If it's a temporal multiplexer I've got to warn you, last time we had one in here Mo had to beat the fridge contents to death with a cricket bat -- she was most annoyed --"'
Bob Howard, The Fuller Memorandum

Jon: Hmmm... should I clean out the fridge?

Garfield: The bacon is grazing on the lettuce and he asks if the refrigerator needs cleaning.
Do you know what happens to half-eaten German sausages when you leave them out for 3 million years?...Your sausages, Dave, now cover 7/8 of the earth's surface.
Holly, Red Dwarf