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Also, [[Author Appeal|some people]] probably would know [[Foot Focus|what feet taste like]], such as [[Quentin Tarantino]], or [[Joss Whedon]].
Contrast with [[Tastes Like Chicken]]. Not to be confused with an instance of someone [[I Kiss Your Foot|actually tasting a foot]]. Or [[Fee Fi Faux Pas|metaphorically tasting their foot]]. If someone is ''really'' eating a foot, then the trope might be ~[[I Ate What?~]]
See also [[Tastes Like Purple]], for things it shouldn't even be possible to taste. May or may not be invoked for [[Foreign Queasine]] or [[A Tankard of Moose Urine]].
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== Anime & Manga ==
* In a an infamous episode of ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' (see [[Lethal Chef]]), James describes May's culinary disaster:
{{quote| '''James''': "It has a hint of...[[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping|how you say]]...jet fuel. With ze aftertaste of burning tortoise."}}
** Wait, doesn't he mean [[Hold Your Hippogriffs|burning Squirtle]]?
** Inverted with Dawn's mom's Poffin recipe for her Glameow, the Meowth of Team Rocket likes it -- and both are cat-based Pokemon.
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* In the comic ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'', there is a scene in which an FBI agent is offered more coffee by a local sheriff. He refuses, stating that it tastes like someone came in it. The sheriff makes a sarcastic remark about how he couldn't control himself, rather than wondering how the agent recognizes the taste.
** Also seen when Jesse laments his lack of gravy with a meal:
{{quote| '''Cassidy''': "That stuff they make from bacon grease? It tastes like fucking semen!"<br />
*pause* <br />
'''Cassidy''': "[[Or So I Heard|...or so I'd assume.]]" }}
*** The [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]] (or [[Reverse Funny Aneurysm]]) occurs in a later issue. {{spoiler|Cassidy DOES know what it tastes like, as he blew a guy regularly for heroin at one of the lowest points of his (un)life}}.
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** Since blowing up balloons involves putting them in your mouth, anyone who's ever decorated with non-helium balloon knows what they taste like.
* The taste of dung is occasionally described as 'nutty' for whatever reason, such as in this example from the second ''[[Austin Powers]]'' movie:
{{quote| ''Austin'': Basil, this coffee smells like shit.<br />
''Basil'': It ''is'' shit, Austin.<br />
''Austin'': Oh, good then, it's not just me.<br />
''[Drinks]''<br />
''Austin'': It's a bit nutty. }}
** [[Two Words]]: [[wikipedia:Kopi Luwak|Kopi Luwak]].
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* You may recall the scene from ''[[The Matrix]]'', where the Nebuchadnezzar's crew is sitting around the mess room talking about the taste -- or non-taste, as the case may be -- of [[Tastes Like Chicken|chicken]].
* In ''[[Tremors]] 2'', survivalist Burt gives Earl and Grady some of his MREs to eat:
{{quote| '''Earl:''' Ugh. This tastes like toilet paper!<br />
'''Grady:''' Earl, that ''is'' the toilet paper. }}
* In ''Mother'', the titular mother has a large vat of orange ice cream that she has kept in her freezer for years. She offers some to her grown up son, who disgustedly proclaims "it tastes like an orange foot."
* ''[[Anchorman]]'': "It smells like Bigfoot's dick!"
* ''[[Down Periscope]]''
{{quote| Goddamit, Buckman, this tin's been here since Korea!<br />
It still tastes like creamed corn, sir...<br />
Yes, Buckman, but it's DEVILED HAM! }}
* In ''~[[Scotland, PA~]]'': "I can't believe I drank that water. It tastes like ass."
* In ''[[The Other Guys]]'', Detective Gamble (played by [[Will Ferrell]]) tends to be verbally abusive to his wife (Eva Mendes) for reasons known only to himself.
{{quote| "Who would slow-roast a dog's ass over a fire and serve it to their husband?"}}
* Dracula is forced to feed on a wino in ''[[Love at First Bite]]'':
{{quote| What was that maniac drinking? Tastes like the Volga River at low tide.}}
* ''[[Antz]]'':
{{quote| '''Ladybug:''' This tastes just like crap.<br />
'''Beetle:''' Really? Let me try some. Hey, it ''is'' crap. Not bad. }}
* [[Clerks II|"Hey Silent Bob, does this shit taste like piss and flies to you too?"]]
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*** Possibly [[Shown Their Work]], as all Igors are primitive doctors, and taste-testing urine samples is an ancient means of diagnosing ailments such as diabetes.
** Much earlier on, in ''[[Discworld/Equal Rites|Equal Rites]]'';
{{quote| '''Esk''' (to bartender): "Milk. You know, ''milk''. You get it from cows."<br />
'''Narrator''': All the bartender had was beer, which his customers claimed he got from cats... }}
*** In Ankh-Morpork, you don't buy beer - you rent it (just think about it for one minute). Of course, it's better than the river "water".
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** Let's not forget [[Thirty Hs|the greatest Harry Potter fanfic ever]]: ''"How does Ronnie Ron taste, master?" Harry spat out an eyeball. "Like some kid with eyes."''
** In part 1 of the film version of ''Deathly Hallows'', Mad-Eye Moody claims that Polyjuice Potion "tastes roughly like goblin piss", and Fred Weasley can't resist making a joke about how Moody knows what goblin piss tastes like.
{{quote| '''Fred:''' [[Crowning Moment of Funny|...Just...trying to diffuse the tension.]]}}
* In ''[[Shadows of the Empire]]'', Lando spends an hour making Giju stew but apparently uses too much Boonta-spice. Luke compares it to "old boot plastic and fertilizer drenched in pond scum".
* One of the ''[[Wayside School]]'' books has a story where the main character eats ice-cream everyday, but is getting bored with the flavours. Ms. Jewls creates ice-cream named after her, but she can't taste it because it tastes the same as when she's tasting nothing; everyone else claims it tastes wonderful. The next few weeks have them going through the entire class, with everyone having a taste relating somehow to their personality, and everyone agreeing that Todd tastes the best. He apparently tasted so good that every so often, the ice-cream girl would try to take a bite out of his arm.
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* In the book ''Skinnybones'', the main character's grandmother says she doesn't feed her cats a certain kind of cat food because "It tastes like rubber." The main character remarks that he isn't sure if he should be more concerned that this means she's tasted the cat food herself, or that she's eaten rubber.
* ''[[Agatha H and The Airship City]]'':
{{quote| But this - this was new low. He looked at the crudely printed label on the bottle in his hand. "Beetle Beer" it proclaimed. Fair enough, he thought, I can believe that.}}
* In some book or other a character compares what they're drinking to some variety of animal piss, and another fellow thanks him, claiming he's always wanted to know what that kind of piss tastes like, and now he won't have to actually drink any.
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* In an episode of ''[[Monk]]'', the titular character, a [[Terrified of Germs|mysophobe]], freaks out after discovering that the wine he has been drinking had been pressed by feet. He remarks, "It's ''foot wine''...I can taste the feet...and toes."
* From British comedy show ''[[QI]]'':
{{quote| '''Jeremy Clarkson:''' "I had a seal flipper, and it looked exactly like a marigold glove filled with wallpaper paste. And it sat and you thought, "Ooh...!" And it tasted exactly like licking a hot Turkish urinal."<br />
'''Sean Lock:''' "I'm very concerned that you used the word 'exactly'..." }}
** Alan once delivered an anecdote which included being given a chocolate bar by a pensioner, which tasted like 'Old ladies' cupboards.'
* ''[[Dead Like Me]]'' used this one:
{{quote| '''Mason''': This juice tastes like ass! Here, you try it!<br />
'''George''': No thanks, I'm trying to stay off the ass juice. }}
* A ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?]]'' Scenes From a Hat sketch had Colin boasting, "I make murals from my own feces!" Later in the same segment but with different parameters, Wayne complained that a drink "tastes like a painting by Colin Mochrie!"
** A variation from a different episode where the suggestion was "rejected perfume fragrances":
{{quote| Wayne: "I call it, 'Like Ass'!"}}
* In ''[[Scrubs]]'', Elliot was throwing {{spoiler|Carla}} a baby shower and one of her baby shower games was "Guess the Baby Food Flavor" that she made Keith play to get people interested. Keith remarked that it tasted like "cab-driver feet".
** Elliot's response: "It's turnips! Now you have to eat the whole jar."
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* ''[[Friends]]'': The shepherd's pie/trifle incident. Though it's almost definitely just a joke, with no intention of any sort of [[Continuity Nod]] whatsoever, there is an earlier episode where Rachel implies she likes having her toes sucked, and Ross and Rachel were together for a while.
** Note that even after everyone expresses disgust with the dish, [[Big Eater]] Joey ''still'' eats it and loves it. Afterwards he even sneaks around and finishes up the portions that everybody else abandoned.
{{quote| "What's not to like. Whip cream? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? ''Good''."}}
** ''Friends'' used this joke on another occasion. Monica was experimenting with mockolate (mock chocolate) and made mockolate chip cookies. Phoebe says "This is what EVIL must taste like!" The line was originally "These must be the cookies they serve in hell!", but Lisa Kudrow couldn't get through the line without laughing.
* ''[[I Love Lucy]]'': Upon tasting watercress, Lucy remarks "Very tasty... if you like buttered grass."
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** [[Continuity Nod|Considering that in one episode]], [[Justified Trope|Wanda questioned his placement of bug repellent and cooking spray on the same shelf]]...
** From another episode, Brent's description of Oscar's homemade beer:
{{quote| "Oh, really dad, it tastes like you beat a skunk to death with a salmon!"}}
* A slight variation from an episode of ''[[Myth Busters]]'': Kari is working with a pile of some noxious goo, and she comments that it "feels like guts". She then immediately adds "and, ''yes'', I know what guts feel like. I've been working on this show for years."
** Subverted when Kari was filling a Goliath beetle simulaid with yogurt "bug guts": "Yes, I do know what bug guts taste like. Thanks to this show."
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* Averted/subverted/lampshaded/whatever in ''[[Web Soup]]'' - after the host shows a clip of a polar bear defecating in its pool, he brings out a drink based on it and takes a swing. "It tastes like something I shouldn't recognize the taste of!"
* An episode of ''[[Harry Enfield and Chums]]'' had a sketch with the Slobs:
{{quote| '''Waynetta:''' Wayne?<br />
'''Wayne:''' What?<br />
'''Waynetta:''' Your breath really stinks.<br />
'''Wayne:''' So what?<br />
'''Waynetta:''' It's disgusting, its' like kissing the dog!<br />
'''Wayne:'''...How do you know?<br />
'''Waynetta:''' I just... know. }}
* ''[[Wizards of Waverly Place]]'' second episode:
{{quote| '''Dad:''' This one has too much cheese, this one needs barbecue sauce, and this one tastes like armpit... How did we even know that?<br />
'''Max:''' Wrestling. }}
* In ''[[The Sopranos]]'' episode "The Strong, Silent Type," Tony and Junior are sampling some wine Furio brought back from Italy, which Junior grumps "reminds [him] of people's feet." After which, he continues drinking it.
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** While possibly being hyperbolic in the above example, House in one episode determined a patient was diabetic by Squick tasting her urine and declaring that it tasted sweeter than normal urine.
* Hyde talking to Kelso in ''[[That 70s Show]]'':
{{quote| "What's convenient isn't always what's best. If it was, this frozen pizza wouldn't taste like monkey butt."}}
* One episode of ''[[Arthur of the Britons]]'' had Arthur attempting to unite two tribes. During a feast, he suggests the two tribes swap their bread. This almost leads to a riot as each side tries the other's bread and declares it to be 'frog spawn' or some other insult.
* Somewhat averted on ''[[Salute Your Shorts]]'' when Sponge drank some of Telly's bulk-up formula.
{{quote| '''Sponge:''' This tastes like Donkeylips's socks' smell!}}
* In ''[[Porridge]]'', Fletch tastes the brew made by the local [[Military Moonshiner|moonshiner]] which comes served in a disinfectant bottle. Fletch remarks that they're supposed to take the disinfectant out first.
* In ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'', Sheldon, who hates Greek food, indulges Leonard and tries a lamb kebab:
{{quote| And what a civilization is the Greeks. They gave us science, democracy, and ''little cubes of meat that taste like sweat!''}}
* In ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' the gang orders burgers. Everybody finds them delicious, except Marshall.
{{quote| Marshall: When you've had the best burger in New York City, every other burger tastes like my grandpa's feet. But you guys eat up, enjoy my grandpa's feet.}}
* Subverted in ''[[Leverage]]''. Parker walks up to a guard and asks, "does this smell like chloroform to you?" before knocking him out with it.
* Gordon Ramsey can get a bit colorful when describing one of his chef's badly cooked dishes on [[Hell's Kitchen]]. He at one point describes a soup as tasting like gnat's piss, and also describes an undercooked meat as being "like a bison's penis."
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== Music ==
* [[Eric Bogle]]'s "Goodbye Lucky Country":
{{quote| The beer still tastes like glue}}
== Newspaper Comics ==
* From ''[[Zits]]'':
{{quote| '''Pierce:''' When I burp, it tastes exactly like caterpillars.<br />
'''D'ijon:''' I don't even want to know how you know that. }}
** In another strip, Jeremy describes wheatgrass juice as tasting "like licking the underside of an old John Deere riding lawnmower!"
** And, according to Pierce, if you dip Salisbury steak in pudding it tastes just like squirrel.
* [ From] ''[[Garfield]]'':
{{quote| '''Jon:''' "Irma, Is this tea or coffee?"<br />
'''Irma:''' "What does it taste like?"<br />
'''Jon:''' "It tastes like turpentine!"<br />
'''Irma:''' "Oh, that's our coffee. Our tea tastes like transmission fluid." }}
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*** "...and occasionally, you get a subtle one, that makes you go 'Urk! Ack! Hmm, that's quite all right!'"
* Original flavor ''NyQuil'': Let [[Denis Leary]] explain:
{{quote| I love NyQuil, man. Because NyQuil has never changed, man. It's never changed. All the other medicines are doing that inner-child thing. "We know that there’s a small child inside of you, so now we have grape and cherry and orange flavor." Not NyQuil! They still have the original green death fucking flavor! You know why!? Because it doesn't matter what it tastes like! It's so strong you go, ''wheeze'' "Hey this stuff really tastes like.." Bang! Yer in the coma already!}}
* Nick Swardson said, at one point, that he wants to be very difficult when he's an old man, and as an example said that he would complain about restaurant food, specifically, sending it back while complaining that it tastes like "wolf pussy."
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== Videogames ==
* In ''[[Deus Ex]]'', the following exchange takes place in a bar:
{{quote| '''JC Denton:''' "How are the drinks here?"<br />
'''Renault:''' "Great if you like rat piss."<br />
'''JC Denton:''' [[Deadpan Snarker|"Never tried it."]] }}
* When consuming a tiny bottle of absinthe in ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'', the resulting message says the absinthe "tastes like licorice, [[Tastes Like Purple|pain, and green.]]
* In ''[[Fallout]]:
{{quote| '''Moira Brown:''' "Hey! I think I've discovered a new way to cook Radroach meat! Still tastes like old feet, though."}}
* One of the beverages in ''[[Dragon Age]]'', a mead, is described as "Sweet and flowery as a spring morning, with a bitter aftertaste of daddy's-going-off-to-war-and-never-coming-home".
** In ''[[Dragon Age 2]]'''s ''Mark of the Assassin'' DLC, an elven servant offers Hawke and Tallis ham that "tastes of despair"; another party guest can be heard commenting on its unique flavor later on.
* A background conversation in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' has Engineer Daniels complain to Engineer Donnelly that "all haggis tastes like ass", to which Donnelly replies "Aye, but in the right hands, it can taste like mighty fine arse."
** There's also a conversation between a crewman and the chef after Shephard provides provisions:
{{quote| '''Crewman Hawthorne''': Rupert! There's something different with tonight's meal! Seems like you put in more food and less ass.<br />
'''Mess Sargent Rupert Gardner''' [sarcastically]: Yeah, yeah, keep talkin'. }}
* [[BioWare]] seems to love this trope, as ''[[Jade Empire]]'' gives a good one in regards to a [[Hideous Hangover Cure]].
{{quote| '''Three Sheets Dutong:''' I hate that restorative potion! Ugh! That stuff tastes like vomit baked in a glaze of goat hair and garnished with a sprinkling of horse dung.}}
* ''[[The Sims]] Medieval'' has a moodlet "Tasteless Treat: That tasted like sheep hooves, only worse!"
* [ A quest] in [[World of Warcraft]] has you passing around a sample of beer to three NPCs. Two like it, the third says it tastes like engine degreaser.
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** Once, when the kids from the Model UN were stuck on that island, Ralph tried to eat some wild berries. He responds with "It tastes like ''burning''." Happens a lot to the poor kid.
* On ''[[Futurama]]'', Hermes investigates the by-product of Prof. Farnsworth's glow-in-the-dark-nose-making machine:
{{quote| '''Hermes:''' It looks like toxic waste. Smells like toxic waste.<br />
'''Fry:''' What's it taste like?<br />
'''Hermes:''' Delicious fig pudding! Ooh, that's good. But a distinct aftertaste of toxic waste. }}
** When Fry eats a bad egg salad sandwich in another episode, he says "It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's throwing up!"
** Fry also seems to know what colors taste like
{{quote| ''What tastes like purple?''}}
** In "Benderama", [[Grey Goo|microscopic Bender clones]] turn Prof. Farnsworth's bath water into alcohol. Bender drinks it and says it tastes like "fine cognac with just a hint of aged scrotum."
* In an episode of ''[[Duckman]]'', the title character tastes a microwave burrito and comments "I think I just bit into a squirrel". His partner Cornfed reads the label and rattles off a long list of ingredients including rat feces and ocelot sphincter. "But no, no squirrel."
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* In ''[[Home Movies]]'', the episode "Yoko", Eugene urinates in Coach McGuirk's canteen. After taking a swig from it and spitting it out, McGuirk demands to know which of the kids is responsible, asking rhetorically, "You know what that tastes like?" Brendon and Melissa counter by asking him, "How did you know what it was?" and "How did you identify it so quickly?" McGuirk admits that he's tasted it once before.
* In ''[[The Replacements]]'' episode "Todd Strikes Out'', Riley and Todd are handed protein bars, leading to this exchange:
{{quote| '''Riley''': "This tastes like tree bark!"<br />
'''Todd''' (reading the label): "Now with 48% more tree bark." }}
* In ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]]'', Billy is offered a mushroom by a dwarf. The following dialogue takes place:
{{quote| '''Billy''': "It tastes like my cat."<br />
'''Dwarf''': "They taste like everyone's cat!" }}
* In one episode of ''[[Beetlejuice (animation)|Beetlejuice]]'', Lydia is learning to cook, and offers one of her salads to BJ to taste. He takes a bite, hesitates, sees Lydia's warning glare, and, straining for a compliment about the salad, finally concludes that "It tastes... uh... green!" This from a guy who snacks on beetles.
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* A two-part episode of ''[[Invader Zim]]'' is titled "[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Gaz, Taster of Pork]]". In it, Gaz gains the powers of the Shadow Hog, making everything taste "like pig".
* A [[Running Gag]] on ''[[Rugrats]]'' (Each one [[It Makes Sense in Context|makes sense in context]]):
{{quote| "This coffee tastes like mud."<br />
"It ''is'' mud." }}
* In one [[Bad Future]] episode of ''[[Conan the Adventurer (animation)|Conan the Adventurer]]'', the titular barbarian hero has to drink an antivenom potion that he disgustedly proclaims to taste like "fermented camel spit". Considering one of the ingredients is venom from the serpent demon-god he's fighting, the taste is probably somewhat justified.
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** Flapjack is, it should be mentioned, attempting to eat a flower at the time.
* ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'', when Squidward is subbing for SpongeBob at the Krusty Krab grill.
{{quote| '''Customer #1:''' You call this food? My sandwich tastes like a fried boot!<br />
'''Customer #2:''' My sandwich ''is'' a fried boot! }}
** And in "Whale of a Birthday", when Pearl's friends drink from the punch bowl...
{{quote| '''Pearl's Friend:''' Ew, it tastes like dishwater!<br />
'''Squidward:''' It ''is'' dishwater. }}
* Said almost word for word by Bobo in the ''[[Generator Rex]]'' episode "Badlands" when he drinks an expired can of soda:
{{quote| "This tastes like feet! And not the clean kind!"}}
* From the ''[[Regular Show]]'' episode "A Bunch of Baby Ducks":
{{quote| '''Rigby:''' "It tastes like how Muscle Man smells!"}}
* In ''[[Girl Stuff Boy Stuff|Girl Stuff, Boy Stuff]]'', everyone but resident vegetarian Reanne thinks tofu "tastes like feet".
* ''[[Spliced]]'': Entrée, who was a giant at the time, says "He tastes like feet" after he attempts to eat Two-legs Joe.
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* Uncoated pills often have a (usually faint) smell that is very similar to wet paper towels; considering the correlation of smell to taste, it's not unusual for someone to claim the pills taste like wet paper towels, especially since they taste stronger than they smell.
* Joseph Mallozzi, former writer/producer for the Stargate TV franchise, has a blog on which he occasionally does a "Weird Pood Purchase of the Day." [ Astronaut ice cream] in Nov '10 got this reaction from writer Carl Binder; "It's like eating a shoe. Including the aftertaste."
{{quote| '''Mallozzi''': What flavor did you try?<br />
'''Binder''': Shoe. }}