Jail Bait: Difference between revisions

(age of consent is 16 to do it, 18 to read about it in pr0n... and 18 is old enough to go to war (or, worse yet, try to drive in NYC) but not old enough to buy beer in a few places)
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Now, there's a fine line between '''Jail Bait''' and [[Ephebophile|ephebophilia]], and [[Accidental Innuendo|it depends on where it takes place]], where the perpetrator is ''from'' (some countries have "sex tourism" laws) and how old the victim is. Generally, sexual interest in anyone under 13 is considered paedophilia.
There's also been some recognition over the years by some state legislators that it doesn't make much sense to send someone to prison for several years because they're a few years older than their partner, just because one is of age and the other one technically isn't (or both are under age, like a 16-year-old with a 15-year-old). Most states have what are called "Romeo and Juliet" laws, where if the age difference is within three or four years, it's generally not a crime or if it's still a crime it's been reduced to a low-level misdemeanor (maximum 6 months in the county jail and possibly a fine as opposed to years in state prison and registration as a sex offender). Conversely, some jurisdictions impose a higher minimum age ([https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html 18 instead of 16] in [[Canada, Eh?|Canada]], for example) if one of the pair is in a position of trust or authority over the other (such as [[Teacher-Student Romance|a coach or instructor]]).
See also [[Legal Jailbait]] and [[The Jailbait Wait]]. Contrast [[Dawson Casting]]. Not to be confused with [[Jail Bake]]. Compare [[Fille Fatale]] which is a more...proactive version of this trope.