• Crowning Moment of Awesome: Qui-Gon tames a draigon and rides it just by thinking hard at it.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Xanatos comes close at times, though he fails in the end. The stunt he pulls in Day Of Reckoning in which he sets up a lottery to distract the citizens of Telos from his mining operations, then uses said profits to pay for the mining is a thing of beauty. In effect, he gets the Telosians to pay for the destruction of their own planet, while keeping them pacified with Bread and Circuses, and remaining the most respected man on Telos. And then there's his attempt at blowing up the Jedi Temple and stealing the treasury. Personality wise, he's got Manipulative Bastard, The Chessmaster, and Large Ham down pat. His only problem is his inability to cope when his plans go badly. This ultimately leads to his death in Day Of Reckoning.