Jellyneo Altador Cup Vi: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ascended Extra]]: Although other characters could qualify under this trope, [[Keet|Zax]] has gone a long way from his first appearance in this roleplay, to his most recent. He started off simply as a stalkerish NPC who appeared here and there, wanting to help the main characters, to the [[Tagalong Kid]] of [[The Hero|Antola's]] [[Five-Man Band]], to the official [[The Big Guy|Big Guy]] of the same group. As of recent, not only is he no longer an NPC (now taken by roleplay creator, Moogi), but in that same [[Five-Man Band]], he's now [[The Lancer]], replacing [[Demoted to Extra]] and [[Face Heel Turn|Face Heel Turned]] Prytariel.
** Valka was originally just a random trainee, but she is now essentially as important as the others.
*** Though currently, she has been going into [[Convenient Coma|convenient comas]], so she has a slightly smaller role in recent arcs.
** Mirsha went from being a serious and injured person, to being someone who could be very well the [[Trope Codifier]] for [[Cloudcuckoolander]] if this roleplay was more known by the general public.
** Derlyn went from being a brainwashed saboteur whose mom worked with Antola's dad (The latter is still true to this day, however.) to the [[Big Girl]] (in replacement of [[The Lancer|Zax]]) of [[The Hero|Antola's]] [[Five-Man Band]], and throws objects at everyone (mostly [[Butt Monkey|Foltaggio]], however) and the person that the saboteurs want dead. She is also the female lead of the roleplay, as her puppeteer, Ruko is just as active on the roleplay as Moogi.
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** Lyvon's is anything insulting his hair (whether you criticize the fact it looks like spaghetti/popcorn or claim he puts no effort into caring for it).
*** Valka took advantage of this, using her blaster to burn his hair to a crisp as retribution for messing with Layton.
** Antola's is anyone who insults his [[Martial Arts HeadbandHachimaki|headband]]. Yes, a piece of cloth on his head is THAT important to him.
** Etoile's is triggered by hurting Stelle, her Magical Girl partner and close friend.
*** However, if you hurt Thornton, that triggers it even more...
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** Never, ever, mess with Derlyn's [[Security Blanket|Yooyu plushie]]. It doesn't matter if you're her friend or not. She will hate you for it.
* [[Beta Couple]]: Elbin/Fenny, Sela/Garven, Valka/Layton, Tandrak/Timu, Mirsha/Foltaggio, Derlyn/Zenor...there are tons of these.
* [[Bi the Way]]:
** Zax; especially considering his relationship with Feldon, and his heavily implied (yet only slight) crush on Antola.
*** However, he seems to fall under [[But Not Too Bi]], as his crush on Antola is currently the only mentioned, canonical proof that he's also attracted to his own gender.
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** Mirsha counts as one too. Her puppeteer seems to [[Complete Monster|enjoy making her go through mental torture]].
** Foltaggio, Mirsha's husband, is probably the biggest one. He gets hit by just about everything that is thrown, mostly the heavy objects that Derlyn, who is his sister-in-law, throws.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Mirsha, between the time she made a [[Face Heel Turn]], and the time she made a [[Heel Face Turn]] during the first Cup, was in this kind of situation with Derlyn.
* [[Cain and Abel and Seth]]: Baelia, Valka, and Al get along just fine, but add Kaine to the put it kindly, none of them get along with her. [[Yandere|And for good reason.]]
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: 'GELERT EAR-WHACK!', as first used by Valka [[Freaky Friday Flip|in Tandrak's body]].
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*** Eventually, due to Tandrak's reputation of having Antola's [[Mama Bear|mom]] dragging him into their supply closet whenever he does something bad (for example, [[Would Hit a Girl|hitting a girl]]), Prytariel gave him the nickname 'Lysander of the Maeirs' Supply Closet'. Needless to say, he hates this more than simply 'Lysander'.
** Similar to the Tandrak example (despite the fact her's is more of an Embarrassing Last Name, and even then it's not embarrassing.), Mirsha doesn't like it when people use her maiden name, Fonnet. [[Once Per Episode|When she brings up Rintariel,]] it'll probably end with Prytariel saying her maiden name.
{{quote|'''Mirsha:''' Are all conveniently placed white Bori plushies named Elon Fitel? Wait a minute, Fitel?! [[Full Name Ultimatum|Prytariel Euskara Calabri]] is in love with Rinok Fitel! She has a plushie that looks similar to him and is partially named after him! There is proof!
'''Prytariel:''' For your information, [[Full Name Ultimatum|Mirsha Fonnet-Grelinek]], that plushie belongs to the Maeirs! }}
** Layton is often called 'Pickles' by roleplay characters, due to his last name of 'Vickles.'
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Tormo himself claimed that he wasn't planning on destroying the entire stadium, having heard that Bill's Shadow Yooyus took it down.
** When evil King Altador brings Timu ( [[Freaky Friday Flip|in Prytariel's body]] ) to Bill so he could kill her, Bill responds negatively, claiming he would never kill an unarmed girl. Altador himself then claims he'll kill her himself.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]:
** Although the latter was technically due to partial brainwash, Montecito has [[Face Heel Turn|Face Heel Turned]] ''twice''.
*** The first time, he was sick of being ignored by the group, and attempted to [[Face Heel Turn]] and become a villain alongside Helmo. Had Edna not almost immediately confronted him and convinced him to [[Heel Face Turn]], he'd probably still be a villain at this moment.
*** The second time, he was struck with a potion that caused the evil side of him to overpower the good side. This resulted in an attempted attack on Delma, Zax, and [[Action Girlfriend|Derbi]]. The latter of the group just barely managed to stab him in the back, giving him enough time to drink a potion that balanced out his good and evil before trying to attack again.
** Mirsha [[Face Heel Turn|Face Heel Turned]] twice as well, but one of them was long before the roleplay.
*** The first time, she was mad at her sister, Derlyn, for breaking down from the stress that she had while protecting Mirsha. Mirsha successfully sabotages her former team, Kreludor, and the effects of her the sabotaging second Cup for Kreludor by hiring Coco Metrone to tamper with the gravity control, after her [[Heel Face Turn]], got Shenkuu in the Cup then.
*** She does the second time this after being hit by a rocket, causing her to forget that she was married to Foltaggio, and claims that he broke up with her, although, it could have been [[Brainwashed and Crazy|brainwashing]].
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** Derlyn is also one of these. Her primary weapon is a knife.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: Barit used to be in the Maraquan Army, and he knows how to fight. He just doesn't act like it most of the time.
* [[Light Feminine and Dark Feminine]]: Valka (light) and Kaine (dark). Their powers even match their personalities!
* [[Like an Old Married Couple]]: A Running Gag of Zax's, often used for Prytariel and Layton.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: There's the original group, the saboteurs, the goody-two-shoes, Mirsha's group, the new group, the future kids (of which Etoile's group is a subset)...
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* [[Running Gag]]: Every time a new character shows up, they try to find Lysander.
{{quote|'''New character''': Whatever happened to Lysander anyway?
'''Any of the major characters''': They've certainly [[Long Runner|missed a lot]].
'''Tandrak''': *points to self* }}
** Also, Zax getting put on a leash and [[Cloudcuckoolander|Mirsha]] noticing it. Whether or not she gets [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|distracted]] by him on the leash heavily depends on the situation.
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** Antola's [[Author Avatar|puppeteer]], Moogi, often throws boots at characters for many different reasons; whether to interrupt them or just to be annoying. If [[Butt Monkey|Tandrak]] is nearby, he's usually the one to get the most boots to the head.
*** Similar to the example above, whenever [[The Big Girl|Derlyn]] decides to throw a heavy object in a random direction, [[Butt Monkey|Foltaggio]] is usually the first one considered to be hit with it. Despite this, just about anyone is, and has been, a potential victim to getting hit with one, including herself.
** Derlyn is [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|most totally not a]] [[Tsundere]].
** If he is exposed to just about anything that surpasses the slightest of weird, Tandrak ''will'' implode (or at least resist the urge to implode).
*** Made even funnier by the fact that Alexandria is notorious for her [[Mind Screw|Mind Screws]]
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* [[This Is Sparta]]: Antola, as part of responding to Bill's attempts to have him and everyone else surrender: "THIS. IS. UNACCEPTABLE!"
* [[This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman]]: When nothing is working and Kotose is there, it's almost a given that she'll be able to solve things with her asteroid powers.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: More like a MILLION levels in badass for Bill. He started off as a fairly nice guy, until revealing later on he was on the bad side. Cue him [[Oh Crap|TRYING TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE CITY OF ALTADOR WITH CLOCKWORK AND ATOMIC YOOYUS (a breed of Yooyu he engineered himself), AND POTENTIALLY NOT CARING ABOUT WHO DIES]]. [[Flat What|What]].
** Mirsha also took quite a few levels in badass when she told her sister off before the first Altador Cup.
{{quote|"So, I called her a huge pile of dung (actually, it was much worse), and I stormed off."|Mirsha, telling Antola about how she got estranged from [[Arch Enemy|Derlyn]].}}
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[[Category:Jellyneo Altador Cup Vi]]