It's just your jive talkin'. You're telling me lies, yeah.
Jive talkin', you wear a disguise.
Jive talkin', so misunderstood, yeah.
Jive talkin', you're really no good.

"Ryan's crunk tonight and slinging the bling-bling. Make sure a 10-0 doesn't come walking by or he's sure to be dropping caps in all of your asses. Yes that's right, I am talking about murder, not video games anymore. Ryan, you are the legitimate street thug, nice Tec9 on that little jib lib bling-bling, once that woop woop starts rolling around, a little WOOP WOOP, you know what I'm saying? Drop a little bit of that POOF. That click click pow, get iced out, blinged out, blasted down, smoke a little of that chron-chron, slip john, chron john silvers, you know what I'm saying? Put the drugs, put the ice on the table, a little bit of that, Scooby-Doo, and you'll be all set for the night. I'm Zelda, reporting in from Fuck Me In the Ass, I'm as White as Hell, But So In Touch With Kids Culture Studios, see ya next time, never."