Just Here for Godzilla: Difference between revisions

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[[File:King_Kong_vsKing Kong vs._Godzilla Godzilla.jpg|frame|Now ''[[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny|this]]'' is what we're here for!]]
{{quote|'''Bart Simpson:''' [[Alan Moore]]! You wrote my favorite Radioactive Man comics.
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Often, however, creators of works may put obstacles in your way to force you to go through all of their new quirks before getting a chance to see the action (like you being in a theater, sitting through hours and hours until you get to that glorious part) or play the same mode over and over. Sometimes they make it [[Fake Difficulty|even harder]] for you to get to your true goal.
[[Sister Trope|Sister Tropes]]s are: [[Bile Fascination]], [[Play the Game, Skip the Story]], [[Preview Piggybacking]], [[Watch It for the Meme]], [[Excuse Plot]], [[Developing Doomed Characters]].
Compare [[I Read It for the Articles]], [[Complacent Gaming Syndrome]], [[Black Sheep Hit]], [[Estrogen Brigade]], [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]], and [[Come for the X, Stay for the Y]].
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* Many people who watch ''[[Hamtaro]]'' only watch it for its human characters (mainly Laura and Kana).
* Any show with [[Loads and Loads of Characters]] will have a Fandom affected by this.
* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' was initially intended to be a cute little spinoff for people Just Here For the cute little sister from ''[[Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~]]''. Halfway through the first season, which had by then pulled more viewers than the ''Toraha 3'' OVA released around the same time had, the game cast starts to fade out and the plot gets complicated. By the end, Nanoha is the only game cast member with a major role, the universe has made many major breaks with the originals, and most people seeking the ''Triangle Heart'' games and [[OVA|OVAs]]s are Just There For Nanoha.
* ''[[Happiness]]'' is an anime that was originally a [[Visual Novel]]. Most agree it's a fairly mediocre high school drama with a really generic magic system attached. It doesn't matter though, because nearly everyone watches it to see [[Wholesome Crossdresser|Jun]], who steals [[Ensemble Darkhorse|every]] single scene he's in.
* Lesser example; ''[[Mirai Nikki]]'': Just here for the [[Ax Crazy]] [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] Goddess.
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** And, on the other end [[Broken Base|of the spectrum]], there are some people who really connected to the [[Dysfunction Junction|characters' psychological and emotional problems]] and could give a rat's [[Unusual Euphemism|sweet bippie]] about the Evas and [[Faux Symbolism|symbolism]].
* While the manga has a bit more existent plot, pretty much the only reason most people watch ''[[Kanokon]]'' is because it should have just been titled [[Fan Service]]: The Anime.
** That describes any Ecchi, especially [[Panty Fighter|Panty Fighters]]s, that have a little more substance, either in story complexity, character depth or animation quality. Any given viewer may have a different Godzilla.
* Many watchers of ''[[Black Butler]]'' stick around simply for the sheer awesomeness that is [[Battle Butler|Sebastian]]. He is after all, one hell of a butler.
** And a lot of others came for the apparent [[Ho Yay]] that fans always boast about.
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* Probably the biggest complaint about the live-action ''[[Transformers (film)|Transformers]]'' movies is the focus on the humans. Optimus Prime doesn't even get introduced in the first movie until an hour in. There are subplots that lead to nothing and very scatological humans. ''Revenge of the Fallen'' is a little better, offering flashy fights in the beginning, middle and end, but all the time between that is just waffle.
** At least one person appears to have been interested in the film only because of [[Megan Fox]].
** This is something the ''[[Transformers]]'' producers have long failed to grasp. Fans are just here for the robots, and it's an ''extremely'' rare human who catches on with viewers of ''any'' age. The adults who were annoyed by [[Transformers Generation 1|Spike and Daniel]] were kids when they ''first'' watched, and with the newer series, for every [[Transformers Animated|Sari]], there's three [[Transformers Film Series|Sams]] or [[Transformers Energon|Kickers]] whose not-remotely-interesting home lives are only unwanted interruptions to the giant-robot-armies-at-war thing everyone ''really'' came for, and any scene with them will be considered [[Developing Doomed Characters]]. The humans who ''do'' get popular are never the [[Tagalong Kid|Tagalong Kids]]s who get all the screentime.
* Even [[2012|the movie itself]] didn't really seem to care ''why'' the Apocalypse was going to strike in ''[[2012]]'', but it didn't half put [[Money Making Shot|the money up on the screen]] when it was time for [[Scenery Gorn|the geological shit]] [[Holy Shit Quotient|to hit the fan]].
* A large percentage of the ''[[Tekken]]'' film's sparse audience likely went just to see Lateef Crowder playing Eddy Gordo. The smart ones just settled for watching his scenes on [[YouTube]].
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* Many ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fans went to see the reboot of ''[[Fright Night]]'' with the sole intention of seeing David Tennant shirtless.
* A lot of people only watch the first half of ''[[Full Metal Jacket]]'' because of [[Large Ham|Gunnery]] [[Drill Sergeant Nasty|Sergeant]] [[R. Lee Ermey|Hartman]].
* A lot of people have watched ''Zabriskie Point'' solely because of its [[Pink Floyd]] connection. <ref> As for ''More'' and ''La Vallée'', the main reason that anyone even hears about these films today is that Pink Floyd is still selling the albums (''More'' and ''Obscured by Clouds'') of the music that they wrote for the soundtracks.</ref>
* ''[[Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day]]'' took seventy years of [[Development Hell]] before being released. That's a good enough reason for many people to watch it.
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** Along those lines, ''[[Michael Jackson the IMMORTAL World Tour]]'' (the [[Cirque Du Soleil]] tribute show) has been criticized by both professional critics and casual showgoers for giving too much stage time to songs from [[The Nineties]] onward, most of which are not nearly as well-known and loved as his songs from [[The Seventies]] and [[The Eighties]] except by the [[Vocal Minority]] of his fanbase. Less "They Don't Care About Us" and "Earth Song", more "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" please! (This might change when the show leaves North America for Europe, where his later songs tended to perform as well as older ones had.)
* This is often why [[Hank Williams III]] gets concert bookings. He sounds just like his late grandfather Hank Williams Sr. and so starts off every concert by doing some country songs and his grandfather's hits. Once that's done he informs the country fans that the part they came for is done with and that they can leave before launching into the Psychobilly Death Metal songs from his group Assjack that he actually likes to perform.
* [[Hawkwind]] attribute a large portion of their live audiences from mid-1971 to mid-75 (particularly in Germany) to Stacia, a [[Most Common Superpower|statuesque]] brunette standing a little over 6 foot tall, who would dance on stage. <ref> She started off performing naked or in body paint where possible, but moved to more serious, less-exposed performances as the years progressed.</ref>
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* Some people only play ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'' to explore and cause mayhem in the cities.
** Or drive around and listen to the soundtrack, especially in ''[[Grand Theft Auto Vice City]]''.
** Likewise, the ''[[Driver]]'' series doesn't really need a story either. It's just an unlimited supply of interactive [[Chase Scene|Chase Scenes]]s for many.
** But [[Grand Theft Auto IV]] insisted on thrusting the story on the player, with occasionally harsh wake-ups from the escapist fun. This is why ''[[Saints Row]] 2'' sold itself as a refreshing break from the wangstmire. There's story, but players who are only here for the fast cars, [[More Dakka|gunsgunsguns]] and explosive sociopathy can race right over such speedbumps.
* ''[[Dead or Alive]] Xtreme Beach Volleyball'' is often considered one of the better volleyball simulators on the market, not that there are many to begin with. Most people only played it for the [[Fan Service]]. (Naturally, the sequels focused on fanservice at the expense of gameplay.) Mind you, given that it was created as the videogame equivalent of a [[Fan Service|fanservicey]] [[Beach Episode]] (with minigames where you buy bikinis for the other characters), the players who are just there for the volleyball are probably the ones who fit this trope.
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* Did you actually read '''428: Fuusasareta Shibuya de'''? You only started it because [[Nasuverse|Kinoko Nasu wrote one of the scenarios]], didn't you?
* Xbox Live's Gamerscore system has resulted in "achievement whores", players who buy games strictly to milk their achievements and then never touch them again.
* Despite [[Sega|Sonic Team's]] ''[[Sonic Adventure|numerous]]'' [[Sonic Adventure 2|attempts]] [[Sonic Heroes|at]] [[Shadow the Hedgehog (video game)|adding]] [[Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (video game)|alternative]] [[Unexpected Gameplay Change|gameplay]] [[Gameplay Roulette|features]] [[Sonic Unleashed|to]] [[Sonic and The Black Knight|the]] [[Polygon Ceiling|3D]] ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' titles, most ''Sonic'' fans are just in it for the [[Platform Game|Sonic gameplay]] .<ref>that is, to get Sonic from point A to point B as fast as possible, while jumping from obstacle to obstacle and smashing some robots along the way.</ref>. With ''[[Sonic Colors]]'', it appears [[Sega|they]] finally got the message.
* ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'' features [[Shown Their Work|weather simulation, realistic geology and climates, elaborate history simulation and genetically-controlled character appearances]]. People play it to slaughter [[Eldritch Abomination|horrible monsters]], find the most [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|gruesome ways to execute goblins]] and flood the world in boiling magma.
* And then there's ''[[Rollercoaster Tycoon]] 3''. Who cares for creating well-working, beautifully designed amusement parks when you can deliberately crash rollercoasters into your peeps instead?
