• Genius Bonus: All of the names used are extremely fitting for each character... as well as in another language. Éclair and Lumière, for example, mean 'lightning' and 'light' in French. Also, the prototype and copies of their ship, La Muse, are all named after The Muses of Greek legend.
    • Wouldn't say "extremely fitting", but for Éclair and Lumière they definitely are.
  • Growing the Beard: A series which started off as an episodic crimefighting drama with some fanservice becomes much darker as it considers socioeconomic and philosophical themes.
  • Ho Yay: Sinistra and Dextera.
  • Les Yay: Éclair and Lumière have their moments, although their relationship may very well transcend ordinary human notions. At times there seems to be something between Lumière and Tweedledee as well (much to the annoyance of Tweedledum).