Kill Me Now or Forever Stay Your Hand: Difference between revisions

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Tom is generally in some kind of superior position. He can be the boss, [[The Captain]], etc. Or he can just be more powerful, as in a better swordsman. And he is at least heroic, if not [[The Hero]].
Jack finds himself in a situation where he could kill Tom—either at all, or [[What You Are in the Dark|without reprisal]]. Usually, Tom knows that Jack wants to kill him and has [[Batman Gambit|set this up]], although this can sometimes be [[Obfuscating Stupidity|hard to establish]]. Always, he is expressing [[The Power of Trust|some degree of trust]] in his safety with Jack, and always, Jack has not planned to kill him there.
They both get through it alive. Jack never tries to kill Tom. Though the exact degree of loyalty this inspires can vary widely. Generally indicates a moral improvement on Jack's part, all the way up to a full [[Heel Face Turn]].
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* In [[Andre Norton]]'s ''The Beast Master'', Hosteen has to persuade an alien that a spaceship, landing in a forbidden area, is not a human ship but that of their enemies. He concludes by giving him a knife and telling it to drive it home if he doesn't believe him.
* Used in Orson Scott Card's ''Ender in Exile''. However, while [[Dead Guy, Junior|Achilles Jr.]] does stop short of killing Ender, he does beat the shit out of him.
* In Matt Farrer's [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] story "After Desh'ea" (in the [[Horus Heresy]] book ''Tales of Heresy''), Kharn tells Angron that despite Angron's demand that he fight, he had [[I Gave My Word|given his word]] not to lift his hand to him, and if that means he dies, he dies. Angron is clearly moved by such devotion.
* ''[[The Dark Tower|The Gunslinger]]'' by Stephen King: In a [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]], the [[Dark Is Evil|Man in Black]], who [[The Gunslinger]] has been pursuing for years in hopes of revenge for the destruction of his kingdom, shouts ''"Come now... or find me'' never!"<ref>Unfortunately, the Gunslinger's [[Tagalong Kid|child companion]] is [[Literal Cliff Hanger|hanging over a precipice]] [[What the Hell, Hero?|at the time]]...</ref>
* ''[[The Dark Tower|Wizard and Glass]]'' by Stephen King: In a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], Roland, [[The Gunslinger]] has been on a lengthy tirade against the [[Spiteful AI]], Blaine.
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[[Category:Example as a Thesis]]
[[Category:Redemption Tropes]]