Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs: Difference between revisions

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* The [[Trope Namer]] and [[Trope Codifier]] is [[Aesop's Fables|Aesop's fable]] ''[[w:The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs|The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs]]'', numbered 87 in the Perry Index. A farmer has a goose that lays golden eggs but becomes greedy, deciding to slaughter it. But when he cuts the goose open, there are no more eggs.
* In the mythology of Hawaii, the princess Hainuwele was always retreating to a private place and coming back with jewelry, dishes, and other precious items. Some greedy people killed her to raid her private stash. They discovered only a privy, as she had been [[Solid Gold Poop|defecating the valuables]].
* One Hindu folktale has a variant of this: when a Brahman dies and leaves his family destitute, he is reincarnated as a bird with golden feathers. To ensure that his family won't rely on charity, he comes every day and gives his wife a golden feather. The wife starts enjoying the luxury life and becomes greedy; she snatches the bird and plucks all the feathers against her children's protests. They promptly turn into white, ordinary feathers. He reveals that the reason why he gave one feather at a time was that more than one would end the enchantment. When his feathers do grow back, they are white and he feels he no longer has a place. So he flies off, and she eventually runs out of money.
== [[Pinball]] ==