Kimono Is Traditional/Playing With

Basic Trope: Japanese character wears kimono and appreciates the traditional values.

  • Straight: Kimika is a Yamato Nadeshiko and often wears kimono.
  • Exaggerated: Kimika would die for the Imperial Family, rants about how all the stinky gaijin are ruining the beautiful land of her fathers, and never, ever wears anything that wasn't seen in pre-WWII Japan.
  • Justified: the story is set in imperial Neo Japan, and wearing anything else than a kimono is treated as treason and an act of anti-national agitation.
    • A family believes in the Good Old Ways and wears the kimono as a sign and reminder of this.
  • Inverted: Kimika wears kimono but is a die-hard yankee wannabe.
    • Or, Kimika is noted for having very traditional values, but is never seen wearing kimono, even to weddings or funerals.
  • Subverted: Kimika gives off distinct Yamato Nadeshiko vibes, but only appears like that because she's nervous about ruining the ridiculously expensive rental kimono.
  • Double Subverted: She's nervous because the kimono came her family's rental shop, which has been in the family for generations, and was sewed together by her late grandmother.
  • Parodied: a 200-hundred-year-old cursed kimono turns its wearer into a mindless zombie and puppets them around in a distinct Samurai era fashion.
  • Zig Zagged: Kimika acts traditional because she's worried about ruining her rental kimono, because it came from her tradional minded family's rental shop, but the reason for that is because the dry cleaning would come out of her allowance.
  • Averted: everyone wears a kimono, or no one does.
  • Enforced: the show's biggest sponsor is a company selling designer kimono to upper-class traditional-values families, and wants to reinforce their campaign idea that wearing kimono is something that "proper Japanese" just do.
  • Lampshaded: " A kimono? Is that supposed to mean you're traditional and cultural and stuff?"
  • Invoked: Kimika's parents talk her into wearing kimono to her marriage arrangement meeting, hoping she will appear as better brought up and more submissive and gentle.
  • Exploited: Kimika burrows her grandmother's kimono to impress her crush, a modern Samurai from an a long family line of Samurai. He falls in Love At First Sight.
  • Defied: Kimika visits China, and to avoid provoking her hosts about the Japanese nationalism and the events during the Sino-Japanese wars, gets some neutral western style clothes to wear instead of her normal kimonos.
  • Discussed: "Hana-chan always makes her mummy sound like such a Yamato Nadeshiko so of course I wasn't surprised to see her grocery-shopping in kimono!"
  • Conversed: "-- and even while Kimika is seen only for a few minutes during the whole season, the fact she always wear kimono tattoos her traditional mindset into the viewer's brain."

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