King Arthur: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] series ''[[The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel]]'' uses Sir Palomedes the Saracen Knight, one of the more obscure Arthurian characters.
* Adrienne Martine-Barnes' [[Space Opera]] ''The Dragon Rises'' supposes that the principal characters are immortal spirits who every so often through the millennia involuntarily take over people's bodies <ref>It's sort of [[Reincarnation]], as in every life, the characters look fundamentally the same</ref> and proceed to play out the story again, '''possibly''' with some ability to vary the events. In the current cycle, "Arthur" is the admiral of a space fleet, and "Guinevere" has been [[Made a Slave]] and given to him, as a way of punishing her treasonous father....
* In [[Andre Norton]]'s ''Merlin's Mirror'', Arthur, like Merlin and Nimue, was produced by [[Ancient Astronauts]] artificially inseminating his mother with an "improved" line of humanity.
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* ''[[The Goodies]]'' protect a descendent of King Arthur from having Camelot seized by a greedy land developer. Because medieval law still applies on Arthur's land [[Hilarity Ensues]] as both sides resort to torture and jousting to force the issue. Gags include Excalibur being used as a club (because no-one can remove the stone from the end) and Ye Secret Weapon -- a giant magnet that proves highly effective against metal armor and swords.
* ''[[Camelot (TV series)|Camelot]]'': A 2011 series co-produced by Starz and GK-TV.
* An episode of ''[[The Time Tunnel]]'' of course had the main characters drop into Arthur's Britain — while [[Merlin]] appeared in the [[Mission Control|control room]] to paralyze the technicians and make sure they couldn't yank the travelers out until they'd helped Arthur with his current problem.