Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Broken Base]]: {{spoiler|There was a MASSIVE [[Internet Backdraft]] after it was revealed that Vanitas looked just like Sora, as at this point many have grown sick of Sora clones or counterparts.}}
** Cloud and Leon's appearance being replaced with Lea and Isa caused an uproar amongst fans of the former duo.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Let's see, Master Xehanort [[Manipulative Bastard|uses]] VentusVen to {{spoiler|combine him with [[Dragon with an Agenda|Van]][[Magnificent Bastard|itas]] in order to allow himself access to [[Eldritch Location|Kingdom Hearts]], thereby gaining control of all worlds and plunging the multiverse into a second Keyblade War, which was ''[[Apocalypse How|what broke the worlds apart in the first place]]''. The reason? [[For Science!|he just wants to see what will happen as a result]]}}, and possibly to control it all for himself}. Terra, meanwhile, {{spoiler|is manipulated into succumbing to darkness, so he can provide a suitable new vessel for Xehanort to [[Grand Theft Me|steal]]}}. In the end, Master Xehanort turns out to have been personally responsible for pretty much ''everything'' that is wrong in the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' universe as of the present time.
** From the RPG Fan website review of the game: "It gracefully sidesteps the sympathetic villain trope and makes the antagonist an irredeemable, deplorable monster." {{spoiler|Or at least it did until ''III'' bafflingly rewrote Xehanort as a misguided [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]].}}
** The Evil Queen might also qualify since it's a status she's had since the movie. On the other hand, ordering the removal of someone's heart becomes more mundane in this series' setting.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Vanitas. He may be a sociopathic sadist who lives to hurt others, his [[Evil Is Sexy|attractive voice and musculature]], [[Evil Is Cool|cool factor]], and slightly sad death scene have given him a following of fangirls who ''desperately'' want to absolve him of the many, many awful things he's done. [[Running the Asylum|The non-canon light novels in Japan even run with it.]]
* [[Ear Worm]]: Disney Town has the old Mickey Mouse Club song playing in the background. One of the rhythm games is "It's A Small World After All." [[Driven to Madness|Aaaarrgh!]]
** And there's Cinderella's world, Castle of Dreams, whose overworld theme is "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo".
* [[8.8]]: GameSpot gave the game a 7.5. Cue the angry mob.
* [[Even Better Sequel|Even Better Prequel]]: ManyThis regardgame thiswas gamehailed as onean example of thethis bettertrope inwhen theit serieswas first released, ifthanks notto theits besttragic and more mature story, mostlycomplex duecharacters, toand itssurprisingly battleintricate ability-building system. (whichNowadays, isit's regardedsadly asslipped theinto most[[Contested polished,Sequel]] refined,territory anddue justto plainits fungameplay onenot yet)aging andwell theas storymany would expect, but even then sentiment mostly leans positive.
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Vanitas, Xehanort, and Braig. All three of these guys are competent threats, nefarious evil geniuses, and are ''total'' hams to boot.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Vanitas. {{spoiler|You don't realize this until the end of Ven's story, when he unmasks himself and reveals that he looks ''just like Sora''... except with a more muscular build, black hair, and [[Eyes of Gold|gold eyes.]]}}
* [[Fan-Preferred Couple]]: Many fans ship [[Anti-Hero|Terra]]/[[Action Girl|Aqua]]. Yep, for once a frequently-shipped pairing in this fandom that ISN'T a yaoi one (though Ven/Vanitas counterbalances this.)
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** Vanitas has a bit of it with Ven (and to a lesser extent, Aqua).
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: Pretty much everything Zack says, from proclaiming he's going to be a hero someday to asking Aqua out after he becomes a hero. We do not ''know'' what happens to him later, but we have not seen him in games taking place later, and we know what happened to him in [[Final Fantasy VII|his series]].
** The final end credits sequence shows {{spoiler|hehim lookslooking startled and then disappearsdisappearing, leaving nothing but a single black feather. Three guesses who took him, and the first two don't count.}}
* [[Game Breaker]]:
** The Command Board and Mirage Arena are pretty much game-breaking mechanics. You can head to the Mirage Arena right after you complete the character's first world, start playing Command Board there to level up commands quickly without fighting, and use the medals you win to buy Synthesis items for fusing. You can even play the Command Board at your first Save Points, and if you know what to fuse and have the patience to keep playing the board you can get pretty much every high-level command in the game almost when you begin your journey. For example, buy an Abounding Crystal from the Arena and use it in a fusion of Blizzard and Aero. You'll get a Command with the EXP Walker ability, and for the rest of the game you'll now get Exp just by walking around. [[Level Grinding]] [ just became obsolete.]
** As another example, level up three Fires and two Aeros, fuse two of the Fires into Fira, fuse that with the third Fire to get Firaga, fuse the Aeros into Aerora, and then fuse Firaga and Aerora into Fission Firaga. Now repeat the process with the Fires to get a second Firaga (or if you have the cash, just buy one from a Moogle), and fuse that with Slow to get Crawling Fire. Now fuse Crawling Fire with Fission Firaga. Congratulations, you just got Mega Flare before you even got to your second world. Granted, it's totally useless against bosses, but against the game's resident [[Goddamned Bats]] and [[Demonic Spiders?]] You're practically nuking them.
** Rhythm Mixer edges on this against bosses, due to its [[Spam Attack|speed]] a well placed combo can hit nearly a dozen times. The only drawback is how long it takes to activate and you can either eat ice cream or spam [[Boring but Practical|Thunder Surge]] to go around that.Using it against No Heart makes the fight go far faster.
** Thunder Surge is so hilariously broken it's not even funny. The user is enveloped by lightning, propels themselves forward, and repeatedly smacks anyone unfortunate enough to be in the way for ''tons'' of Lightning damage. Oh yeah, and while it's active? You've got invincibility frames out the wazoo. It's one of few commands that are actually, consistently effective against every character's endgame and postgame boss fights to the point that it makes the Mysterious Figure somewhat tolerable to fight!
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: The Mandrake Unversed, small plant-like enemies that shoot projectiles at you from a great distance and tend to spawn in trios, ensuring a constant rain of fire. They'll interrupt your attacks, stun you for other enemies to land hits, and will definitely annoy the hell out of you. They also attack ''OUTSIDE'' of combat!
** Tank Topplers are large red enemies that are very easy to damage, but when you hit them enough they turn red, become invincible, then roll around to distract you and ''eventually'' explode to damage you. The only way to prevent this is to hit them from behind, or to kill them so quickly they don't have time to [[Turns Red|turn red]].
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: [[Jason Dohring]] voiced Terra and sadly does so as a case of [[Dull Surprise]]. Then {{spoiler|Master Xehanort commits [[Grand Theft Me]], resulting in a Xehanort voiced by [[Richard Epcar]], and Terra goes straight up to [[Large Ham]].}}
* [[Idiot Plot]]:
** Terra's story is often criticized for being perceived as an example of this. Despite being [[Obviously Evil]] to hilarious extents, Terra unfailingly trusts Master Xehanort and once he finally catches on to his wicked nature, {{spoiler|it's too late for him, and he gets turned into the old coot's next vessel}}. He's also criticized for helping every single Disney villain he meets, most of them just as [[Obviously Evil]] as Xehanort, and never learning from his mistakes... [[Common Knowledge|though that's not actually what happens despite what the fandom might tell you.]]
** Terra's story basically revolves around him trusting the first person he meets. 90% of the time it's a villain. {{spoiler|It's also the reason he lost his body.}}
** The entire game can count as one due to the plot only really being kept going because the main heroes are idiots that [[Poor Communication Kills|lack common sense and social skills]]. [[Unwitting Pawn|Terra]] and [[What an Idiot!|Eraqus]] are the worst examples, {{spoiler|and [[Too Dumb to Live|Eraqus even gets taken out for his role in starting the mess]]}}, but [[Plot Coupon|Ventus]] and [[Team Mom|Aqua]] are no better. By the time they wise up enough to take on the [[Big Bad]], {{spoiler|[[Too Dumb to Live|it turns out to be too late and their stupid decisions catch up to them]], leading to a [[Downer Ending]].}}
** To single him out, Master Eraqus' stupidity ''must'' be elaborated on. As sinister as Master Xehanort may be, Terra, Aqua, and Ven have heard nothing but good things about him and thus have no reason to think he's up to no good (and no, looking creepy is ''not'' a justification for immediately assuming the worst about someone). Eraqus has no such excuse though. He knows that Xehanort is crazy enough to start an apocalypse just to see what would happen. ''He was attacked with dark magic when he confronted him!'' And yet when Xehanort shows up and dumps a comatose, amnesiac, obviously traumatized boy on his doorstep, he doesn't ask any questions. When the balls of light used in Terra and Aqua's Mark of Mastery Exam suddenly get corrupted by darkness, he doesn't connect the dots despite sitting a few feet away from the darkness-obsessed old loon. In fact, '''he blames it on Terra!''' If he had warned someone, ''anyone'', that Xehanort was nuts, {{spoiler|Terra, Aqua, and Ven might have had a much happier ending. Maybe even Eraqus himself would survive the events of the game.}}
* [[Iron Woobie]]: Regardless of the main trio's flaws, hardships or no, ''they all keep trucking''. {{spoiler|And while the end result is largely a disaster, they ''do'' [[Spanner in the Works|manage to collectively derail most of Master Xehanort's plans]], with the remaining pieces failing into place for Sora & co. to clean up a decade later.}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Master Xehanort. He makes Terra run off and fight the Unversed, making his darkness stronger so Xehanort can take his body. He keeps Ven fighting Unversed and Vanitas, gets Terra to help him kill Master Eraqus, and then brings all of his plans together in one place. ''And they all almost worked''!
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* [[That One Attack]]:
** When he's possessed by Hades, Zack flips out and gets what is essentially Omnislash. It deals massive damage and stuns Terra for the entire duration once he's hit, requiring constant dodging.
** Whilst the UnknownMysterious Figure's entire moveset is basically this, one in particular stands out: Collision Magnet, [[Fan Nickname|often called the Rape Rope.]] Simple idea: he jumps high into the air, latches onto you with his laser beams, drags you up into the air and slashes you. The catch? The attack will almost always take you down to 1HP (kill you outright without Second Chance and Once More), and it actually ''stuns you'' briefly once you get hit. This means that it's entirely possible for him to follow it up with another Rape Rope, which you'll have no chance of surviving (although he more commonly uses Tornado or his Combos afterwards). To add to that, it has a fairly wide attack radius, and it homes in on you. So yeah, don't get hit, or else you're pretty much dead. Have fun beating him with [[Mighty Glacier|Terra]].
* [[That One Boss]]: Quite a few. Among them is the ''first boss'' of VentusVen's Story: the Mad Treant. He not only has a knee-jerk spin attack that makes getting close to ithim a dangerous proposition most of the time but is ithe even has an attack where ithe throws offflings a bunch of fruitfruits that lookshaped like firefirecrackers at crackersyou. There are many''way'' more than you would'd expect. This is not helped by the fact that it's very unlikely that you'll have a Cure spell at this point. YouAll do,we however,can havesay D-links,is whichthank act as a free heal on activation, and - if you're'God'' Terra or Ven - Aqua'sfor D-link specifically, which has Cura right outta the boxLinks.
** Zack, particularly the second time Terra fights him.
** Vanitas can be quite hard the first few times you fight him.