Large Ham Title/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character usually has a title hammily appended to their name when it's spoken.

  • Straight: Bob always gives his name as "Bob! Lord of Tropeville!".
  • Exaggerated: Everyone, no matter how quiet they are, always calls Bob "BOB! LORD AND MASTER OF TROPEVILLE, WISE MASTER OF ALL STREETS AND CUDDLER OF PUPPIES!".
  • Downplayed: Bob quietly introduces himself to Alice, Claire and Dan with his title (since it's technically part of his full name) and occasionally uses it as part of a Badass Boast.
  • Justified: Bob is nobility and a bit full of himself .
  • Inverted: "The Lord of Tropeville was my father. Just call me Bob.."
  • Subverted: Bob is revealed to be an impostor, and promptly shooed off by Lady Alice.
  • Parodied: Bob's title is an Overly Long Gag every time it's mentioned and he even uses it when he's wearing a Paper-Thin Disguise.
  • Deconstructed: Bob's insistence on using his title all the time wears on everyone and costs him the respect he should be due from it.
  • Reconstructed: Bob ends up having to demonstrate that he's very worthy of it and people decide he's earned the right to have his fun.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob doesn't always use his title or complain when someone else doesn't.
  • Averted: Bob doesn't use a title. "Lord of Tropeville" is given purely as a description.
  • Enforced: Bob's played by a Large Ham who insists on having some fun with the role.
  • Lampshaded: "I wonder if Bob's parents called him that."
  • Defied: Alice begins introducing Bob with his title, and Bob insists she skip the boring formalities and let them get down to business.
  • Discussed: "Good morning, Bob. We came to a-" "That's BOB! LORD OF TROPEVILLE!, peasant! what can I do for you, my loyal subjects?"
  • Conversed: "Oh, here comes the Lord of the town. I bet he'll insist on using his title all the time!"
  • Exploited: Bob hams it up so various dignitaries will be too embarrassed to speak to him at formal events unless it's something important.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob's always shouting his title at inappropriate times.
  • Played for Drama: Bob is a Noble Fugitive, but he's been conditioned from birth to give his title and risks giving himself away with a slip of the tongue.

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