Laser-Guided Karma: Difference between revisions

(+Sir Brian)
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[[File:karma 9861.jpg|link=Fallout|frame|The relationship of cause and effect in ''[[Fallout]]'' stops just short of [[Bolt of Divine Retribution]]. But the cat's relatives ''will'' send mercenaries after your blood.]]
{{quote|''"Karma police, arrest this man."''|'''[[Radiohead]]''', "Karma Police"}}
|'''[[Radiohead]]''', "Karma Police"}}
While in [[Real Life]] there is rarely a direct and easily traced relation between actions and their subsequent reward or punishment, in fiction the connection is usually a lot more... ''direct''. Help an old lady across the street? [[Chekhov's Gunman|Several chapters later]], [[Retired Badass|she'll turn out to be an elite ex-commando]] [[Storming the Castle|who will gladly help you storm the Big Bad's castle]]. [[Kick the Dog|Kick the little dog that's barking at you?]] [[The Dog Bites Back|The dog will sniff you out and lead the heroes right to your]] [[Supervillain Lair]].
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* [[The Juggernaut|Mr Don]] in ''[[Eyeshield 21]]'' had earlier used [[Blood Knight|Gaou]] as his punching bag and ran [[The Ace|Yamato]] out of Notre Dame. In the Japan vs. America game, those two are the first who end up beating him for the first time.
* Wyald of ''[[Berserk]]'' is a [[The Hedonist|hedonistic]] Apostle who is after the Band of the Hawk and Griffith in particular on orders from the King of Midland and has a [[Horny Devils|particular delight in raping people]]. {{spoiler|When he tries to do this to Guts' [[Love Interest]] Casca, Guts almost kills him despite being half-dead and "[[Sin City|takes his weapon away from him]]" in [[Groin Attack|graphic fashion]]}}. Things only get worse for Wyald when {{spoiler|Zodd shows up to teach him a very painful lesson about trying to get in the way of Griffith's destiny as a [[Big Bad|Godhand]] and [[Half the Man He Used To Be|rips him in half]] for his trouble}}.
* In ''[[One Piece]]'', Nico Robin was the victim of [[Malicious Slander]] at only ten years old, the World Government calling her "Devil Child" and claiming she was [[The Antichrist]] in order to assure she would be hounded forever. Thus, years later when she perfects her Devil Fruit powers and unlocks [ the Devil Fleur form], she is pretty much saying, "You asked for it" towards her tormentors.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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*** Lockhart, who takes credit for other people's achievements then erases their memories. He {{spoiler|gets his memory erased (accidentally) by ''himself'' towards the end of ''Chamber of Secrets''}}.
* One particularly horrific version appears in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[Past Doctor Adventures]] novel ''Festival of Death'', in which a character wipes out a species as research into how they are able to resurrect at the beginning of their lives with memories of how the last one went, in the hope of doing this and saving his parents from a shuttle accident. {{spoiler|He succeeds, and [[And I Must Scream|learns he can only watch, not interfere with what's happened]], essentially forcing him to watch all the tragedies and atrocities of his life an ''infinite'' number of times.}}
* The Eludidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, who summon the dragon in ''[[Discworld/Guards! Guards!|Guards Guards]]'', end up burnt to death as soon as the dragon slips the leash. ''The Discworld Companion'' lampshades this in the entry for the Brethren "The thing about karma on the Discworld is that it often happens real ''soon''".
* ''Walter The Weremouse'', by John Dashney, works on this trope. Walter Wampler stops on his way home from work to help an old woman who's struggling with her grocery bags, and when they've been successfully trucked home she reveals that it was actually a [[Secret Test of Character]]; she appears to people who don't even have the opportunity for potential (much like Walter, whose life is at such a dead end that occasionally people forget he exists), and if they pass her test, she gives them a special cheese that, aside from being the most delicious cheese anyone's ever tasted, gives them just enough of a shove that they can make their lives go much better, but will have unpleasant consequences if eaten after midnight (hence why the book is called Walter ''the Weremouse'').
* Although Artemis Entreri was a [[Karma Houdini]] ''[[The Icewind Dale Trilogy]]'', taking Regis captive and cutting off two of his fingers, karma catches up to him shortly after. In ''[[Legacy of the Drow Series|The Legacy]]'' he tortures Regis even more, to goad Drizzt into fighting for his friend's life. But when it's all said and done, Entreri ends up badly injured and hanging from a cliff by his torn cloak. He is stuck in that position for over a day before he is Regis. Regis taunts the helpless Entreri, takes several of his possessions, wonders aloud if he should bring help for the assassin...then decides that he's not feeling too merciful, and cuts the last remaining strands of Entreri's cloak, causing him to fall. {{spoiler|And while Entreri does survive this, he winds up stuck in Menzoberranzan, and he is absolutely ''miserable'' there.}}
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* [[Roald Dahl]]'s ''The Enormous Crocodile''. The title character's misdeeds towards other animals throughout the book backfire on him big time, and devious attempts to eat kids are thwarted at every turn. {{He ends up being [[Hurl It Into the Sun|thrown into the Sun]] by the elephant he bit earlier}}.
* In the [[Honor Harrington]] short story ''Fanatic'' Victor Cachet is a [[State Sec]] operative secretly working for the illegal opposition. He protects his cover by pretending to be in support of the regime and even more fanatical than-Victor Cachet. Which means he is a very scary person. In the course of an investigation of the murder of a [[Asshole Victim|tyrannical political officer]] he finds that he had engaged in the sexual torture of several naval personal and recorded it on video. He also discovers that another political officer was guilty of culpable cowardice in failing to intervene. His sentence is for the negligent officer to watch his comrades, one of whom he was in love with being repeatedly raped on video.
* In [[A. A. Milne]]'s poem ''"Bad Sir Brian Botany''", the titular character makes a habit of abusing his neighbours using his fighting boots and battle-axe. Eventually the villagers band together, hide his weapons and give him exactly the kind of beating he's been giving them.
* J. S. Le Fanu's "The Vision of Tom Chuff" includes a helping of this. A violent, abusive alcoholic is persuaded to reform by a dream involving the local graveyard and a trip to Hell. He then {{spoiler|gradually slips back into his old habits, eventually driving his wife to an early death. On the night of the funeral he takes a shortcut through the graveyard, only to find his surroundings identical to the start of his dream.}} This time he {{Spoiler|falls into a grave and breaks his neck.}}
== [[Live -Action TelevisionTV]] ==
* The premise of ''[[My Name Is Earl]]''. Not just laser guided, a karma satellite orbital attack grid is aimed at the cast of characters.
* On ''[[Tosh.0]]'' this trope is invoked in a Web Redemption, when a video shows a man attempting to do a complicated slam dunk falls into a garbage can immediately after littering. In his words "that would be some fast-acting karma."
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* Used quite frequently on [[The King of Queens]] anytime Doug or Carrie (or both) come up with a selfish scheme to benefit themselves. A good example: in the episode ''Buy Curious'' an elderly neighbor dies and Carrie convinces Doug to buy her house for a small sum then "flip it" to make a larger profit. However, it costs them too much to make repairs to it, theuy inadvently insult an African couple who attempt to buy it, and are forced to sell it to Lou Ferrigno (whom they had forced away from the house, despite him only tending the plants)for much less then they paid for it.
* Gregory House of ''[[House]]'' sometimes finds his underhanded actions will undermine the very goal he was aiming to achieve. Perhaps one of the most poignant instances was when he plugged up various sewage mains at the hospital as a result of his anger at {{spoiler|Wilson deciding not to seek cancer treatment}}. When he finally accepts the decision and resolves to enjoy what time he has left with {{spoiler|Wilson}}, he's jailed for felony vandalism as a result of flooding the hospital and loses that remaining time.
* In ''[[Hellcats]]'', the bitchy volleyball team challenges the cheerleading squad to a game of flag football, where the losers have to cheer for the opposing team - in their underwear. The cheerleaders win, and seeing as the volleyball team were the ones who proposed the wager, they are hit by this Trope big time.
== Mythology ==
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* Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died of a heart attack on 10 December 2006 ([[wikipedia:Human Rights Day|Human Rights Day]]). It was also the 84th birthday of his wife Lucia Hiriart.
* In regards to [[w:Death of Caylee Anthony|the death of her daughter Caylee in 2008], it seems that it is at least true that Casey Anthony lied about the investigation and the search cost a load of money. She was found not guilty of murder and released; however, several civil suits and court rulings determined that she was responsible for repaying many of the costs of the search for Caylee to the various organizations involved, starting with [ $217,000 to the state of Florida itself]. Ultimately Casey Anthony filed for bankruptcy, with estimated liabilities from these repayments somewhere between half a million and a million dollars.
* After scoring major legal victories against Samsung in Germany and Australia (as well as a minor victory in the rest of the European Union and a stalemate in the United States) and HTC in the United States, [ BAM! Motorola whacks Apple and basically asks them,] [[Bond One-Liner|"How do you like them Apples?"]] Also, [ Apple now faces an antitrust lawsuit] [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|from a small-town Spanish tablet manufacturer]] [ that they had harassed for the past year]. Their victory in Australia was also nullified in December 2011 pending a final hearing on the matter, and they also failed to kill a modified version of the model to which they had shown the German border back in September, because apparently this time around Samsung placated the German courts with said modified model.
* [[Lindsay Lohan]]'s father Michael was convicted of sexually and physically assaulting his ex-girlfriend Kate Majors and somehow managed to avoid getting a jail sentence, getting sentenced to four months of anger management instead, which many people were angry at. Soon, Michael was scheduled for emergency heart surgery due to chest pains, and the surgery would up being delayed after blood clots were found in his lung.
* During the European-Ottoman conflicts it was common for [[Pirates]] to raid peaceful villages for slaves. When one was captured his probable fate would be to be [[Galley Slave|hauling an oar himself]].
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{{quote|''"Instant karma's gonna get you."''|'''[[John Lennon]]''', |"Instant Karma"}}
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