Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== SVU New York is the Prison Colony from [[Escape Fromfrom New York]]!! ==
That makes sense to since SVU New York (City or State) would be essentially abandoned and most of the States prisons full up there would be reason to turn all that empty space into something more practical also by the time it happened enough of the [[Twenty Minutes in The Future]] timeline of the film would have passed to coincide.
* And Fin is The Duke.
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== Big Bird will be the suspect for the series finale. Mulder and Scully will also appear. ==
X-files, The Wire, Homicide: Life on the Streets, Law and Order, Arrested Development, Sesame Street, and their respective spinoffs all share the same universe since Munch has appeared on each of them.
** The reason Munch was able to appear in them all, he's a [[Doctor Who (TV)|Timelord]].
* However when one considers the top of this pages theory and connect it along with this one its [[Dude, Not Funny|not really all that funny at all]] and gives it pretty strong doses of [[Nightmare Fuel]] and [[Fridge Horror]] if you think about it. Which pretty much means..
== ''[[Sesame Street (TV)|Sesame Street]]'' exists within the Law & Order SVU universe ==
It pretty much goes like this ''[[Sesame Street (TV)|Sesame Street]]'' is or has pretty much a [[The Land Before Time|Great Valley]] like haven/secured neighborhood for all that remains of New York City's children within the svuniverse and probably was a natural habitat for its [[Muppets|non human residents]] which pretty much explains why most of its residents appear to live in blissful ignorance (at least its children and child like muppets) of the far more lethal and torturous world around them.
Anyway after the sex crime rate got too high in New York Sesame Street went under some sort of martial law/lockdown order in order to protect the highest concentration of children in the city. Since the street is just a few blocks long its not too hard so heavily armed guards and roadblocks surround the neighborhood at all times which are never seen because their always just off camera and behind some of the buildings. And every once in a while either detectives Benson (whos pretty much [[Team Mom]] to most of SVU's victims) or Munch (who pretty much is the ONLY detective in SVU with a sense of humor, period.) go over to check if everyones still alright.
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== Huang is a eunuch ==
[[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]].
* You are so mean.
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He escaped through the morgue after faking his death; he planned the escape in case he ever became absolutely sure that Toby would never love him again. The real Elliot Stabler was killed in action while in the Marines; Keller just happened to be in the right place at the right time for someone to recognize "him" and bring him home. He felt it was his only chance to make a new start, so joined the police force in order to protect himself from ever going back to prison. That's why he has anger problems, and why he has a difficult time with Kathy-- she's not really ''his'' wife. In the episode where Lee Tergesen appeared as the killer of the day, he recognized Toby, but realized that after being paroled and changing his name to distance himself from his time in Oz, Toby had lost his mind, and he prayed with him that way as a way to say goodbye without saying goodbye.
== One of the Detctives has a [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] ==
What else explains why the perp/suspect ends up dead so often?
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