League of Legends: Difference between revisions

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* [[Elemental Crafting]]: Referred to in the basic armor items: Cloth Armor grants some armor, while Chain Vest grants a lot of it.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Brand and Annie use [[Kill It with Fire|fire spells]], Ryze and Kennen cast [[Shock and Awe|electricity]], Anivia uses [[An Ice Person|ice]], Malphite uses [[Dishing Out Dirt|rocks]], Janna is a spirit of [[Blow You Away|wind]], Fizz and Nautilus use [[Making a Splash|water]], Lux's spells involve bursts of [[Light'Em Up|light]], Nocturne uses [[Casting a Shadow|DAAARRKNEESSSSSS]]... yeah, the whole spectrum gets represented in this game.
* [[Entitled Bastard]]: A necessary evil. This is a MOBA game -- Unless you manage to get on a private server with only a fraction of the fanbase, you ''WILL'' run into players who demand you ward the map and gank them without thanking you or doing it when ''you'' need help.
** A special form exists regarding the tribunal. There are players who sabotage games, grief games, and are overall just an insufferable [[Jerkass]]. They are then reported, and the tribunal members tell Riot they think they should be punished. They then go onto the forums and complain that ''they'' were the ones who were trolled.
*** More on the Tribunal, some people believe they shouldn't receive bans because they support the company, and in their mind being a paying customer grants you special treatment, like being able to act like a complete [[Jerkass]] with no repercussions.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: The Cloak and Dagger item... is made from the Cloak of Agility and Dagger items.
* [[Excuse Plot]]: It seems this way at first. [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=917499 Tell that to the Lore Discussion forums, though.] The story is considerably deeper than it appears.
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: You can be promised from the start of the game that only your team will have disconnects, only your team will have a support that doesn't know how important wards are, and only your team will have the Jax that does bad. It's positive that THEIR team will have the Akali that gets 12 kills by 10 minutes, their team will know how to communicate, and their team will always have the better jungler.
* [[Evil Twin]]: A confusing instance on Riot's forums. There is an Associate Game Designer, Shurelia. There is also an apparently official Riot account posting on the forums called DarkShurelia. Who is comparatively ruder and [[Deadpan Snarker|snarkier]] while posting. One other Riot poster seemed to indicate this was because people made fun of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxGQ3gWdrM her voice].