Level Ate: Difference between revisions

Rayman Legends
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(Rayman Legends)
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* The Candy Chateau in ''[[Rayman]]'', which is also (amusingly and unfittingly enough) ''the final level and the contrasting villain's hideout''. However, the level's boss arena is a radical departure from the stage itself (It is a generic castle room with no trace of this trope).
** ''[[Rayman Origins]]'' has Gourmand Land. Both locations [[Hailfire Peaks|mix]] in [[Lethal Lava Land|fire]] and [[Eternal Engine|kitchen]], and [[Slippy-Slidey Ice World|ice]] and [[Palmtree Panic|resort]].
***These levels return in ''[[Rayman Legends]]'' and now include patches of ground made of cake which can be tunnelled through via Murfy's bottomless stomach.
* The secret "good" ending of ''[[Twelve Thirteen]]'' {{spoiler|replaces the disaster that reduced the Earth to a seemingly-lifeless toxic wasteland... with one that turned it into a world made of candy, where the lead character rules as hyper-metabolic god-king for the rest of his life.}}
* [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]] of ''[[Psychonauts]]'' is the Meat Circus, A literal combination of Raz's own nightmares from his circus upbringing, and another character's nightmares from his father's butcher shop. As can probably be guessed, the level is very macabre.