Liberal Crime Squad: Difference between revisions

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* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]]: Averted; the number of people a squad member can recruit is determined by their rank and certain skills, and the number of people the Squad can recruit total is technically infinite - recruiting people to recruit more people to recruit more people like some sort of guerrilla warfare pyramid scheme.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: More skilled characters are more likely to live long enough to accumulate Juice, which directly impacts how many recruits a character can have under them.
* [[Badass]]: [[Took a Level In Badass|With enough juice and practice]], [[Badass Normal|anyone]] can become skilled enough to [[One-Man Army|mow down SWAT teams]]. Including [[Retired Badass|Retirees]] [[Never Mess Withwith Granny|(Liberals also don't care about gender)]], [[Badass Preacher|Preachers or nuns]], [[Badass Teacher|Teachers]], and so on. [[Handicapped Badass|Even if, for example, they lose their legs, they get a wheelchair and go on regardless.]]
** [[Badass Driver]]: Anyone with sufficiently good driving skill. With 5 and a sports car, you can outrun everything. Driving (like all skills) caps at 20.
* [[Batter Up]]: Baseball bats are one of the many weapons available.
* [[Bavarian Fire Drill]]: Wearing the [[Dressing Asas the Enemy|correct disguise]] and fast-talking is enough to blend in as a doctor or police officer. [[Serial Escalation|Or a judge]].
* [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|Being Tortured Makes You Liberal]]: The end result of any kidnapping not ended prematurely by escape, the police, or death of the hostage.
* [[Big Red Button]]: If one manages to sneak into a nuclear power plant, you may find a big red button that you can press to cause a nuclear meltdown. The catch? [[Guide Dang It|You need a certain skill to press the button]].
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* [[Crapsack World]]: Starting the game in 'Nightmare' mode sets the game in an ultra-right-wing pseudo-fascist dystopia, complete with armored squads tasked to suppress 'Unacceptable Speech', Death Squads who deal with any crime, no matter how minor, by shooting it, and legalized slavery and child labor.
* [[Crowbar Combatant]]: Crowbars are one of the available weapons in LCS.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: Mutants, the result of severe pollution and unregulated genetic experimentation, are generally horrifying deformed freaks who are extremely easy to recruit but effectively useless. However, about a quarter of them are instead superhuman [[Badass|Badasses]] who have the highest base stats in the game... and are ''still'' just as easy to recruit.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: The CCS, your Conservative counterpart, is not only ignored by the police, army, and other government entities, but also can get some of the best weapons in the game regardless of weapon laws, and has exclusive access to the best armor in the game.
** They're implied to be either government- or corporate-funded.
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* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]:
** Causing an alert will, regardless of the reason, cause the Conservatives to open fire and summon reinforcements. And one can cause alerts by simply plaing the guitar or hanging around in a club.
** The [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Death Squads]] are made of this trope, and will summarily execute people for such heinous crimes as disturbing the peace, vandalism, and ''loitering''.
** In general, Arch-Conservative Death Penalty laws makes execution the default punishment for any crime.
* [[Distracted Byby the Sexy]]: The seduction skill maxes out at 20, in theory. This is high enough to convince undercover government agents to follow you to your apartment for a good time... using terrible, terrible pick-up lines.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Hostages not physically restrained at all times are prone to killing themselves, especially if they've been tortured.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: One of the available weapon at the Oubliette (called the Dwarven Hammer).
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* [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]: If free speech laws go arch conservatives, all swear words in the game are replaced by gosh dang it to heck vocabulary written between brackets.
* [[Hanging Judge]]: Conservative judges are called "Hangin' Judges" in game.
* [[Harder Than Hard]]: [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Nightmare Mode is very aptly named.]]
* [[Hollywood Law]]: Do well enough in court and you can be acquitted for dozens of counts of homicide, treason, and kidnapping in front of numerous witnesses.
* [[Human Shield]]: Every hostage taken during a raid automatically becomes one. [[Shoot the Hostage|Not that this stops you from getting shot at]].
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** Actually, this depends partly on how the captor(s) treat the prisoner. If you beat the crap out of them constantly and refuse any verbal contact, for example, they're not likely to react very positively.
* [[Strawman Political]]: Played for laughs. The game treats [[Day of the Jackboot|Conservatives as evil fascists]] and [[The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified|Liberals as the second coming]]. Both liberal and conservative ideological tenets are deliberately exaggerated to the point of implausibility for the sake of comedy - the game's 'liberals' have such goals as ''granting animals full personhood'', and the game's 'conservatives' ''burn buildings where free speech has happened'' if not stopped.
* [[Suicide Byby Cop]]: In earlier versions of the game, this was the standard method of freeing up space in the squad. As of the latest version, you can either release (i.e. fire) or [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|execute]] unwanted squad members instead.
** Each of these options has a potential downside, too - if a squad member with low Heart is fired, they might very well go to the police, while executing a squad member has a chance to cause a significant (and ''permanent'') stat drop in the person doing the executing.
* [[Super Lawyer]]: For a large sum of cash, you can hire an Ace Attorney, who will be inherently better than almost any lawyer you could develop on your own. However, hiring them risks causing [[Arch Enemy|their Arch Conservative]] [[Evil Counterpart|opposite number]] to assist the prosecution.