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* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Hostages not physically restrained at all times are prone to killing themselves, especially if they've been tortured.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: One of the available weapon at the Oubliette (called the Dwarven Hammer).
* [[Dystopia]]: Nightmare Mode starts you off in a hellish shadow of the USA where free speech is prohibited and suppressed by the Firemen, corporations run the country with legalized slavery and have full access to everyone's information at all times, pollution is sold as food (resulting in the poor starting to become mutants), the CIA have been replaced by the freaking ''Ministry of Love'', prisons are re-education facilities (not that it matters, as virtually everyone is sentenced to death, even down to crimes such as loitering and disturbing the peace), women have been reduced to second-class citizens, homosexuals are openly hated and prosecuted (one of the random newspapers shows the writer being ''shocked'' at someone who publicly lynched a homosexual being brought to trial for murder), virtually all government spending goes to the military, there is no immigration at all and anyone found in the country illegally is executed, the police have a division that is literally called the Death Squad (who go around shooting at any and all criminals with M16s and will execute anyone who surrenders to them), and the CCS (if present) is loved by the public. During a normal game, you might feel that the LCS's actions are unjustified. During Nightmare Mode, you will absolutely not. Even better, this is all bound to happen in normal mode if the LCS doesn't prevent public opinion from becoming conservative. Finally, if the USA stays in this state for too long, an Arch-Conservative Amendment repealing the Constitution and making the United States into the Confederate States (where instead of a president, Ronald Reagan is King for all time, Congress is made up of [[CE Os]]CEOs and televangelists, and anyone may write a petition to Jesus for a redress of grievances, because no one else will be listening), will be passed, ending the game.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: The LCS can go shoot random conservatives in a park, in apartments, take over the radio station for their own broadcast, press the [[Big Red Button]] at the nuclear power plant... But the LCS will NOT do any shootout at the hospital. [[Kick the Dog|The CCS, on the other hand, have no such restraints.]]
* [[Everyone Is Bi]]: While gender is part of a character's stats, it's a Conservative notion and [[Purely Aesthetic Gender|has no effect on the game]]. [[Ho Yay|This means you're free to hook up any of your followers with anyone who needs seducing.]]
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