Life on Mars/Awesome

Revision as of 20:47, 2 February 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (trope=>work)

  • Sam and Gene's synchronized desk-leaping from the pilot.
    • Not to mention Gene's introduction:

 Sam: All right, surprise me. What year is it?

Gene: A word in your shell-like, pal. (slams Sam up against a filing cabinet)

Sam: Big mistake. (shoves Gene away)

Gene: Yeah? (sucker-punches Sam in the stomach) They reckon you've got concussion. Well, I couldn't give a tart's furry cup if half your brains are falling out. Don't ever waltz into my kingdom acting king of the jungle.

Sam: Who the hell are you?

Gene: Gene Hunt, your DCI. It's 1973, almost dinner time. I'm 'aving 'oops.

  • Sam to Gene in 2.05: "I can just about handle you, driving like a pissed up crackhead and treating women like beanbags. But I'm going to say this once, and once only, Gene. Stay out of Camberwick Green!"
  • In 1x06, during the hostage situation, Gene is shot three times, point blank. The thing is? He's got three flasks in his jacket.
  • How, at the end of episode 2.01, Sam gets Tony Crane sent to an asylum, therefore preventing a future murder AND keeping his cover. AWESOME.
  • Annie Cartwright's entire performance as "Cherie Blair" in episode 2.04.
  • "Don't move! You're surrounded by armed bastards!"
  • Don't forget how Chris Skelton saved the day in 2.06, showing up in the nick of time to resolve the hostage situation by shooting the hostage taker.
  • Sam's suicide/epiphany, set to David Bowie's Life on Mars, was an absolutely beautiful Crowning Moment of Awesome.