Little Witch Academia (2017 series): Difference between revisions

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Problem: [[Inept Mage|Akko kind of sucks at magic]]. Flying on a [[Flying Broomstick|broomstick]] is supposed to be one of the simplest spells for a witch. Everyone around her effortlessly rose into the air and soared through the sky, while not even a [[Training Montage]] nor [[The Power of Friendship]] could make Akko overcome gravity. Well, no fear! Her [[Plucky Girl|pluckiness]] and [[Genki Girl|''exceptional'' enthusiasm]] means she at least has a chance in the academy.
== Sucy Manbavaran ==
== Lotte Jansson ==
== Atsuko "Akko" Kagari ==
* [[Captain Obvious]]
* [[Genki Girl]]: She's very enthusiastic, and perhaps ''too'' energetic, constantly yelling things out loud. The series opens with her asking around everyone where the bus stop to Luna Nova is, and proclaiming her love for Shiny Chariot.
* [[Inept Mage]]
* [[Muggle]]
* [[No Indoor Voice]]: Due to her being a [[Genki Girl]].
== Diana Cavendish ==
* [[Icy Blue Eyes]]: To reflect her cold attitude towards Akko.