Little Witch Academia (2017 series): Difference between revisions

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* [[Love Triangle]]: One is present in the ''Night Fall'' [[Show Within a Show|book series within the show]].
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Akko's rare card of Shiny Chariot.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Episode seven begins with the dangers of magic. To use magic to commit murder, they will be eaten life slowly by mice. Use magic to resurrect the dead? Enjoy your [[Fate Worse Than Death]]. Then... {{quote|'''Akko''': Are all of these going to be on our next exam?
'''Professor''': Probably.}}
* [[My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels]]: Akko calls a cockatrice a "stupid bird" in the Forest of Arcturus, and now it wants to eat her. She meant to just cast a spell that Sucy gave her. Sucy uses Akko as bait to distract the cockarice while she harvests its poison.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Diana casts a family-secret revitalization spell in the second episode, to bring more life to the Memorial Tree which is special to Luna Nova. It led to the tree spreading its roots all over the campus. Then the trope occurs ''again'' as she tries to destroy what appear to be parasites on the tree's roots, but turns out to be Papiliodia -- rare butterflies who only hatch once in a hundred years.
* [[Off Model]]: If a character is small and far from the camera, it's difficult to tell exactly who they are. While it is expected that characters further away will be drawn with less detail, sometimes characters won't be drawn with basic features like eyes at all, making them difficult to tell apart.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: The dragon in episode five makes coffee and makes money trading stocks, apparently. {{spoiler|He's also a [[Loan Shark]] and takes Philosopher's Stones as collateral, for some reason.}}
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Sucy as a character is less enthusiastic, and serves as the blue oni counterpart, to Lotte and Akko.