Loads and Loads of Roles: Difference between revisions

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* [[Mike Myers]] playing the role of several key characters in the ''[[Austin Powers]]'' franchise.
** In the first film he played only Austin and Dr. Evil, but picked up the roles of Fat Bastard and Goldmember in the sequels.
** [[Eddie Murphy]] ishas doing thismade a lotcareer moreof nowadaysthis.
** In ''[[Coming to America]]'', [[Eddie Murphy]] and Arsenio Hall play several different roles, including white or female characters.
** [[Eddie Murphy]] is doing this a lot more nowadays.
** In ''[[The Nutty Professor (1996 film)|The Nutty Professor]]'' and its sequel, Murphy played the protagonist Sherman Klump, his alter ego Buddy Love, and the full Klump family.
** In ''[[Norbit]]'', he plays Norbit, his wife Rasputia and Mr. Wong.
* ''[[The League of Gentlemen]]'', in which, as the ads put it, "three guys don the shoes and dresses of an entire town."
* [[Jack Black]]'s character from ''[[Tropic Thunder]]'' made a career out of this.
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* [[Fred Astaire]] does this in ''[[The Man In The Santa Claus Suit]]''. (Although technically {{spoiler|they are all the same guy. Guess who..}})
* In the Japanese VHS/DVD dub of ''[[Forrest Gump]]'', [[Katsuhisa Hoki]] voices over the Doctor, Alabama Governor George Wallace and President [[Lyndon B. Johnson]].
* Tony Randall in "''[[7 Faces of Dr. Lao]]"'' plays Dr. Lao, various acts in his circus, and a brief moment as a spectator.
* In the film version of ''[[Cloud Atlas]]'', all the main actors had to play at last 3 roles, due to plot taking place in six different eras and the themes of reincarnation and cyclical repetition of their story. Some, as Jim Sturgess, [[Halle Berry]], [[Tom Hanks]] and [[Hugo Weaving]] had to play six different roles each.
* [[Priyanka Chopra]] interpreted 12 different women in the [[Bollywood]] film ''What's Your Raashee?'', each one representing one zodiac sign, and all of them being bride candidates for the main male character to chose to marry ASAP to save the family fortune. Chopra has to do so without recurring to prosthetics or heavy makeup, as the director was against it, so she had to retort to hair-styling, clothing, acting, and body language to differentiate each one; many critics said she pulled it successfully. She became the first actress in history to portray twelve roles in one film, a feat considered for inclusion in the ''[[Guinness World Records]]''. The director decided on this gimmick on the logic that, if he cast 12 different actresses the public sympathy would go to whoever they find the prettiest regardless of personality and would feel betrayed if the girl the protagonist chose wasn't the one they preferred, while with 12 identically-looking women that factor could taken out and shift their interest to the different characters and their mannierismsmannerisms.
* Indian actor Kamal Haasan career is full of these, but the most astounding one was his film ''Dasavathaaram'' where he played ten different characters, which included an old grandma, a former CIA Agent, a 12th-century religious warrior, a Japanese martial artist, and [[George W. Bush]].
== Live-Action TV ==