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Loads and Loads of Roles: Difference between revisions

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* In the short film ''Ghosts'', [[Michael Jackson]] plays two main roles (the Maestro and the Mayor) and three transformed versions of them (Skeleton, Superghoul and Ghoul Mayor).
* In ''[[Clerks]]'', several actors play multiple small roles. Given the late hours and low pay, many of those cast simply failed to show up, so Smith would have anyone who happened to be around step in. David Klein (the cinematographer) and Walter Flanagan get hit the hardest with this, with five and four roles respectively.
* [[Buster Keaton]]'s silent comedy ''[[The Playhouse]]'' (1921) opens with a scene in which ''every character'' at a theatrical performance - actors, stagehands, musicians, audience members , a twelve-man minstrel show - is played by Keaton, impressive both for Keaton's skill and for the technical aspects of pulling something like this off so early in film history. It's even lampshaded when one of the Keatons remarks to another, "This fellow Keaton seems to be the whole show."
* ''[[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]'' (1939) had Frank Morgan playing five different roles: The Wizard, Mr. Marvel, a gatekeeper in Emerald City, a carriage driver, and a guard in the Wizard's palace.
* The 1971 adaptation of [[Neil Simon]]'s ''Plaza Suite'' had Walter Matthau playing a different character in each of the film's three acts.
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* In the Japanese VHS/DVD dub of ''[[Forrest Gump]]'', [[Katsuhisa Hoki]] voices over the Doctor, Alabama Governor George Wallace and President [[Lyndon B. Johnson]].
* Tony Randall in "[[7 Faces of Dr. Lao]]" plays Dr. Lao, various acts in his circus, and a brief moment as a spectator.
* [[Priyanka Chopra]] interpreted 12 different women in the [[Bollywood]] film ''What's Your Raashee?'', each one representing one zodiac sign, and all of them being bride candidates for the main male character to chose to marry ASAP to save the family fortune. Chopra has to do so without recurring to prosthetics or heavy makeup, as the director was against it, so she had to retort to hair-styling, clothing, acting, and body language to differentiate each one; many critics said she pulled it successfully. She became the first actress in history to portray twelve roles in one film, a feat considered for inclusion in the ''[[Guinness World Records]]''. The director decided on this gimmick on the logic that, if he cast 12 different actresses the public sympathy would go to whoever they find the prettiest regardless of personality and would feel betrayed if the girl the protagonist chose wasn't the one they preferred, while with 12 identically-looking women that factor could taken out and shift their interest to the different characters and their mannierisms.
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