Loophole Abuse/Real Life: Difference between revisions

fixed bare URL, when?, spelling, word choice, grammar, cleanup
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{{trope}}{{cleanup|Needs a comprehensive edit pass for grammar, usage and word choice, at the least; additionally, a few examples below are borderline [[Word Salad]] and need review, research and rewriting.}}
* Anyone that has circled 'X' when teachers told you to find it. [[Mathematician's Answer|Mathematicians will surely applaud such an answer...]]
** Done by this anonymous Brazilian student: [http://franciscotrindade.blogspot.com/2008/06/encontre-x.html this anonymous Brazilian student]: It turned into an meme, but there's no way of knowing if this is from an actual text or just done as a joke.
* The ''IOCCC'' (International Obfuscated C Code Contest) has a separate yearly award for "worst abuse of the rules", which is awarded precisely for invoking this trope. Obviously, this means the rules will be amended for the next year. For instance, one year's winner is the world's shortest self-reproducing program, which turned out to be a zero-length program which indeed generates a zero-length output. Therefore, contest entries must now be a minimum of one byte in length.<ref>The entries must build without manual assistance. And they may not bypass the code size limit with makefile define flags. But they can take advantage of the fact that several types of characters like empty space does not count for the main size limit.</ref>
* ''The Real Hustle'' showcased an old hustle which involved betting that some random guy can't do everything you can. Touch your nose. He touches his nose. Lick your glass. He licks his glass. Take some drink. He takes some drink. Spit the drink back out...
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* Avoided by most Internet services (forums, hosts, etc.) in that their Terms of Use specifically say you can be reprimanded for any reason by the owners/moderators. Effectively seals the "Ain't no rule" loophole.
** Similarly, try reading a software EULA or copyright agreement all the way through. They [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness|can be paraphrased as]] saying "We can do whatever we want, whenever we want, and you have no rights whatsoever." The phrase "in perpetuity throughout the universe" is popular.
*** Though ironically, most EULAs are often unenforceable; if the EULA isn't on the outside of the box, it isn't necessarily enforceable by law. This is why, for instance, OM versions of Windows have the EULA on the outside of the packaging. Also, many open-ended contractual things of this nature can be difficult to enforce in court. Also not every copyright law allows to enforce fully EULA. For example in some countries you are allowed to deassembledisassemble code in certain cases (for e.g. to make cooperation between programs better) - even if EULA explicitly forbids disassembling.
* Ain't no rule that says [[The Colbert Report|a fictional pundit]] can't run for President. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party of South Carolina decided there ''was'' a rule that said all candidates had to be "serious".
** There isn't a rule about candidates having to be serious in the UK, which resulted in a rock star founding the Monster Raving Loony Party. And harming the political system not at all.
Line 75:
** And before that, censorship laws only forbade the display of pubic hair; ''genitals'' were, technically, okay. You can see where this is going...
** Likewise, the used schoolgirl panties started being sold in vending machines because there wasn't a law on the books restricting it.
*** At least one creative jurisdiction managed to regulate their sale under laws governing "Artifacts and used goods."... which just meant pawnshops and similarly licensed buisnessbusiness got into the act.
*** When EbayeBay and other online retailers banned their sale, some schoolgirls switched to selling a photo of themselves with the panties thrown in for free.
* After the devastating casualties suffered from the use of poison gas in World War I, a treaty was signed banning the use of chemical weapons, the deadliest weapons of the day. However, this treaty failed to keep up with technology, and after protests against bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was noted that there ain't no rule against using nuclear weapons.
** The US had, at the time and until very recently, never actually signed a treaty banning production and use of chemical weapons (including that section of the Geneva Conventions). It wouldn't have been a treaty violation even if it had been chemical weapons being used.
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* This is probably the reason why there are so many "dumb laws"; laws in areas like "no pet crocodiles on the street" or "it's illegal to bathe a donkey". Someone abused a loophole, and the city/county/etc. had to implement a law that would make future generations wonder "wtf"?
* Adam Hills, a comedian, has an artificial foot. He can drive, but his license stipulates that he "must wear [his] artificial right foot" while doing so. As Adam points out: "...doesn't say where."
* An [http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE69E33320101015 ingenious German man] has gotten around the EU's ban on high wattage lightbulbs by importing and selling them as "heaters"; since 95% of the bulbs' actual ouputoutput is in heat, this is perfectly legal.
** That particular loophole was intentional, to allow for heat-lamps for terrariums and such. He's still abusing the hell out of it, though.
** He did not get away with it. They called him out on the similarities of his so called heating-device with lightbulbs.
* All who auditioned for [[Mila Kunis]]' role in ''[[That '70s Show]]'' were required to be [[Dawson Casting|at least 18 years old]]; she was 14 at the time, so she told the casting directors she’d be 18 on her birthday, but didn't say ''which one''. Though they eventually figured it out, the producers still thought she was the best fit for the role.
* In 1992, a sixteen year old high- school student was elected to a circuit court judicial seat in Idaho. It seems no one ever got around to adding a requirement for a law school degree, or even an age requirement, to the laws regarding state judges. He ran on a whim, and was rather surprised when he was actually elected. The boy served two years on the bench, mostly overseeing traffic cases, and according to all accounts wasn't all that bad a judge.
** In fact, most posts in US elections have only the barest minimum of requirements. Residency is usually the only one, with age being second most common. Technically, anyone who fills these requirements is "qualified" to run for the office.
*** Though this comes from one of the basic ideas that anyone can and should be able to run for office rather than limiting office to nobility or what have you. However, many such positions, such as attorney general and judge, do have additional requirements, such as "must have actively practiced law for at least X years prior".
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* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachinko Pachinko machines] work like this in Japan, where gambling for cash is illegal. These and other devices dispense Pachinko balls, which are exchanged at the casino for prizes or tokens, which can then be exchanged for cash by a merchant who is nominally not affiliated with the casino. . One prize exchange may serve a number of nearby parlors, getting a percentage of the prize's value when it is collected by the parlor.
* The ATF used to define a machine gun as a gun that fires more than one bullet per pull of the '''trigger'''. The [[wikipedia:Sputter Gun|Sputter Gun]] has no trigger. The ATF caught on and changed the wording. Also, they sometimes tried to "catch" what obviously is a faulty semi-auto (some mechanisms can shoot twice when worn—not that they're safe enough to be useful at this stage) under this.
** Every now and again some [[Sarcasm Mode|bright]] [[Too Dumb to Live|spark]] tries to exploit the current law concerning machine guns. Under U.S. law, it is illegal for a civilliancivilian to transfer a machine gun not registered at the time that the registry closed permanently in 1986. However, there is no rule against building such a gun for yourself, so long as you do not transfer it to anyone else. However, the ATF has [[No Sense of Humor]] and loves to over step the [[Aint No Rule]] loopholes and just prosecute you anyway.
*** That's still an [https://web.archive.org/web/20150113025337/http://jpfo.org/common-sense/cs55.htm understatement].
* The Filipino programmers charged with the creation of the highly-destructive ILOVEYOU virus were not charged with anything by Philippine state prosecutors because there were no laws in the Philippines regarding malware at the time. So, yes, they got away with crippling ''millions'' of computers and caused '''billions''' of dollars in damages worldwide because the Philippine justice system was behind the times—something Filipinos old enough to remember the hubbub view with a peculiar mix of misplaced pride and sheepish embarrassment.
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* Wanna bribe a politician, but don't want to go to jail? Simple! Lobbying. It's been said that there are ten ways to bribe a crooked politician, and a hundred ways to bribe an honest one.
* During the 1980s, [[Ronald Reagan]] enacted a law which imposed a 49.4% tariff on overseas goods, among them those so-called "metric" motorcycles (Metric meaning they use fasteners and other parts sized in metric units, an oddity considering the United States being the lone holdout with imperial measurements) such as those from Honda whom [[Cool Bike|Harley-Davidson]] felt wasn't playing fair with them (though to the Japanese manufacturers' credit, Harley's build quality during the AMF era was [[The Alleged Car|spotty]] to say the least, and even Sonny Barger of [[All Bikers Are Hells Angels|Hells Angels]] fame admitted to it in an interview). As such, Harley lobbied the government into restraining the Japanese from competing against them in the heavyweight (750cc and up) motorcycle segment. There was however nothing technical or legal that prevented the Japanese from manufacturing a slightly-detuned motor, so they came up with variants of their existing bikes that are modified somewhat with shorter strokes and/or cylinder bores to get around the tariff restrictions. Ironically enough, the VF700C Magna<ref>[https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/02/18/honda-vf700c-magna-one-of-the-hondas-that-harley-built-tariff-bike/ Honda VF700C Magna : One of the Hondas that Harley Built (Tariff Bike)]</ref> produced in response to the tariffs had ''somewhat more horsepower'' than the non-compliant model.
* The advance of technology allows crazy abuses when the law fails to predict certain acts could ever be possible. Example: it is currently{{when}} legal to program a computer to buy and sell stock for you. Therefore, it is legal to program it to buy stock in New York and immediately sell in Chicago during the split-second intervals when the two exchanges are out of sync on that stock's value.
* A British schoolboy was annoyed when he found out that boys weren't allowed to wear shorts in hot weather, so he looked up the uniform rules, and found [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-13362586 there was no rule against boys wearing skirts].
* A rare positive example, [[Nintendo]] actually used R.O.B to get the NES into the American market: America was still reeling from [[The Great Video Game Crash of 1983]], and no toy store would dare market a product as a "video game". R.O.B., however, allowed Nintendo to make the NES look much more toy-like and less like a video game console, and convinced toy stores to stock it.
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* In US states where the minimum gambling age is 21 (including Native American casinos), there are bingo variety slot machine casinos where you only have to be at least 18 to play (same as tournament bingo). The slot machines' winning combination is determined by the outcome of your current bingo card rather than just the slot spin meaning that you're playing the bingo card upon activation of a spin, thus lowering the legal age.
* There are a number of blind spots where some places in the united states lack any law specifically forbidding underage strippers from performing live, like mentioned [http://www.projo.com/news/content/teen_dancers_07-21-09_Q6F39ID_v80.3985e27.html here.]
* The [[Troper Tales]] for [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Like]] was removed from [[TV Tropes]] because it became nothing but huge complaints and was often one big [[Flame War]] after the next. Several other tropes devolved into [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Like]] in the [[Troper Tales]] section. So people turned to the [[Headscratchers]] (At the time called "It just bugs me") and let the complaining and [[Flame War|flame wars]] begin.
* In medieval Germany serfs couldn't carry swords, but as a sword was defined as (among other requirements) being double bladed, nothing stopped [[Knife Nut|really big knifes]], as long as they were single bladed.
* Ain't no rule saying states [[wikipedia:National Popular Vote Interstate Compact|can't award all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote]].
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* A joke involving a particularly unpopular village head goes thus: One day, while he was walking around the village at night, a young man bumped into him, and claimed that he couldn't see him because it was too dark. The next day the head passed a rule saying, everyone walking on the streets at night must carry a lantern. That night, the same man bumped into him again, and showed the lantern to the annoyed village head and pointed out that there is no rule that the lantern should have a candle. The village head made an [[Obvious Rule Patch]] the next day, saying that the lantern must also have a candle. That night, the man bumped into him again, and this time the Loophole Abuse was that the rule doesn't say the candle has to be lit. The embarrassed head cancelled the rule on the following day.
* [[wikipedia:Filibuster|The filibuster]], in which a politician prevents a bill from being voted on by extending debate indefinitely. It's actually [[Older Than They Think|as old as the Roman Republic]].
* In the United Kingdom, there used to be [[wikipedia:Rotten borough|rotten boroughs]] that had representatives in Parliament even though they had a very small population - the district lines hadn't been been changed in centuries, and what were once large population centers were now tiny villages. It was very difficult to get rid of them because it required an act of Parliament to redraw the district lines. This is why the U.S. constitutionConstitution requires that [[Obvious Rule Patch|a census be taken every ten years]].
* [[wikipedia:Gerrymandering|Gerrymandering]].
* The Westboro Baptist Church basically does this to be real life trolls.
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* In online auctions (primarily eBay), it's not uncommon to find automated pieces of software that were programmed to monitor the auction and always bid with the absolute minimum price without the person having to ever actually be at the computer.
* Whenever something is released under a "pay what you like" plan (Such as the Humble Bundle Indie Bundle) a lot of people select the minimum price, especially if it's as low as $0.01. (And plenty of people still pirate it anyways.)
* On art sites like ''[[DeviantArt|deviantART]]'', pornographic content is against the TOS. However, Artistic Nude isn't considered pornographic at all, so naturally if you look in that section, be prepared to see a ''lot'' of pornography that's labeled as "Artistic Nude".
** Likewise, icons often aren't handled by the mature filter. Some trolls on those sites regularly put pictures of asses or stuff that normally would be placed under "mature" to shock people with the mature filter on. It was less common in ''deviantART'' where the icon size was limited to only 50x50 pixels, but on other art sites with bigger avatars....
** For that matter, "Photo-dumping" is not allowed on some art sites...but people love to take these and then place them under a "Photograph" categorization so they get away with it.
* Related to the above, there were people who had done the Loophole Abuse on ''[[Fur Affinity]]'' before an update to the terms of service said that xX-rated avatars would be banned, too. When it comes to depicting content banned from the site, though, [[Aint No Rule]] saying you can't tell people to go check out your gallery on another site that ''does'' allow it.
* An old Irish joke takes advantage of this:
{{quote|Murphy and Flannery hated each other with a burning passion. To help end the fighting, God sent an angel down to Murphy to help nudge him to repentance and reconciliation. The Angel said to Murphy: "Murphy, m'boy, God has told me that you may pray for any one thing you wish, and you will receive it. However, whatever you get, Flannery will get twice as much." "So, angel, lemme get this straight," Murphy replied. "Does this mean that if I ask to be the head of one dockside union, Flannery will be the head of two?" "Yes." "And if I win the Irish Sweepstakes once, Flannery will win it twice?" "Yes." And if I get a brass band following me, he'll..." "Have one in front of him AND''and'' behind him," said the angel.
Murphy thought for a moment. "All right, angel, I've made my decision. '''I'd like a glass eye!'''" }}
** Of course, there's further Loophole Abuse to be had when you realize that Murphy [[Exact Words|never specified]] that the glass eyes had to ''replace'' the real eyes. The angel could just as easily make glass eyes appear and hand them over.
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** Other variations of the joke (usually with the person getting double being a Lawyer) have Murphy asking for a ton of money, a ton of success, and then to be scared ''half'' to death.
*** Or to be shown something so funny he'd laugh himself half to death.
*** Or be beaten half to death.
*** Or to donate a kidney.
* More legal Loophole Abuse, Wal-Mart. While this practice is ''hardly'' unique to Wal-Mart, they just happen to be the most well-known example of it. The practice in question are to skirting around labour laws.
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** Meanwhile, up in Canada, solicitation for prostitution is illegal, but prostitution itself isn't, leading officially recognized loophole abuse: if a prostitute and customer can arrange a sex-for-money deal without either one actually proposing a sex-for-money deal, no crime has been committed.
* On [[Yahoo!]] Answers, there's no such rule that you cannot vote for your own answer. This makes it a paradise for [[Trolls]] who can easily score 13 points by writing ''nonsense''. 2 points for the answer, 1 point for the vote, and 10 points if the answer gets selected as the best by voters (which is often just one).
* Infamous "director" [[Uwe Boll]] routinely abused a loophole in German tax law that rewards investments in film. The law allowed investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allowed them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor was then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor would get a tax writeoffwrite-off.
{{quote|'''Uwe Boll:''' Maybe you know it but it's not so easy to finance movies in total. And the reason I am able to do these kind of movies is I have a tax shelter fund in Germany, and if you invest in a movie in Germany you get basically fifty percent back from the government.}}
* [[Rule 34]] on most art-sites is often ignored...unless it violates site policies in some way. A notable one is that characters who're canonically underage. Cue people drawing the characters as young adults so they could upload rule 34 of them.
Line 213 ⟶ 214:
** Three: If a program contains some "educational and informative" information, they can legally count as an "E/I". Many talk shows got away with this because some provide information to the viewers.
* While profanity is strictly monitored on cable and broadcast television, it has to count if heard but [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|not mouthed off]]. This means, if a character lip sync the swear word without having it heard or replace it with an animal sound like a dolphin chirp or the classic bleep, a TV Network can get away with it.
* Many teenagers at a school in Mustang, OK got around the drug policy by using [http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2010-06-30/health/sfl-digital-drugs-063010_1_drug-abuse-miami-dade-county-public-schools-sounds so-called "digital versiondrugs"] since itthey can't be found on a drug test. Officials [[Obvious Rule Patch|control the usage of MP3 players]] and blocked YouTube in attempted to regain control.
* While is banned alcohol in prisons, the materials to make a kind of alcohol known as [[wikipedia:Pruno|Pruno]] are still legal because prisons are required to make sure nationalnutritional needs are meet. Some wardens have tried to [[Obvious Rule Patch|banned fresh fruits from leaving]] the cafeterias but that isn’thasn't stopped inmates from getting alternatives.
* '''[[wikipedia:First Amendment to the United States Constitution|The First Amendment of the United States Constitution]]''': ''Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.''
** Noticed a major loophole… it states congress, which consist of United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. However, it doesn’t mention school officials, state governors, city mayors, local officials, and even the President.
*** Many students reporters keeps getting screwed by this issues, with one exception... see below.
** '''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_agencies_of_the_United_States_government Independent agencies]''' aren’t mentionmentioned either, and they work outside of United States federal executive departments. This means, even the President of the United States, has little power whenover it comes to controlthem. While they’rethey're often given approval from Congress, they’rethey're NOT''not'' part of congressCongress. Now, you see why there was an issue following [[Janet Jackson]] and her performance at Super Bowl XXXVIII since the Federal Communications Commission is classified as an independent agency. In any words, now see how censorship of American programming was able slip by.
*** [[Howard Stern]] also got screw by the FCC thanks to this loophole.
* If you’re a high school student and want to run school newspapers, you should [http://www.firstamendmentschools.org/freedoms/faq.aspx?id=12818 anticipate censorship by the schools] unless you don’t have them sponsor it. Make it an [https://web.archive.org/web/20130513034618/http://www.splc.org/news/report_detail.asp?id=1230&edition=37 independently run] and offer it off-campus either having it available a news stand on public grounds or publish it online. There’s nothing the schools can do if the work is off-campus thanks to the Fourth Amendment since it would be considered private property.
Line 226 ⟶ 227:
** '''Two''': If both parents are U.S. citizens, the child is a "natural-born citizen", which is how Milder got around this since her parents are New Jersey along with the rule mentioned above.
** '''Three''': If a child is born outside the United States and one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year, the child would still be declared a natural-born. Even if he was born in his father's native of Kenya, [http://ivn.us/2013/08/13/defining-natural-born-citizen/ Obama] was still been allowed to become US President because his mother, Ann Dunham, was born in Wichita, Kansas.
* In 2010, [http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/05/us/massachusetts-upskirt-photography/ Michael Robertson] was arrested in Boston for voyeurism after he was caught taking pictures of women with his cell-honecellphone camera. Robertson usesused his camera photograph up the women’s skirts, and he exposed a serious loophole. Because the photographs didn’t contain nudity, the "Peeping Tom" laws against voyeurism didn’t applied. After Michael Robertson was let go, lawmakers in Massachusetts [[Obvious Rule Patch|immediately passed reforms to the laws]] to include "upskirting".
* The phase “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” is an open door invitation for a loophole since other body parts aren’t mentionmentioned.
* Electric cigarettes were patented in 1963, but it wasn't put into production until 2004… ten years before they were released into the market. While tobacco adverts were banned from airing on American TV in 1971, RJ Reynolds got around it since there wasn’t anything on electric versions. [http://kdvr.com/2013/11/11/loophole-allows-tv-advertising-of-e-cigarettes/ Needless to say] congress caught wind of this and begun to work on a bill to [[Obvious Rule Patch|fix it]].
* When it comes to weapons, many gun-advocates cite the '''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution Second Amendment of the United States Constitution]''' gives them the right to own firearms. They’re partially right thanks to a loophole: It states “the"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed”infringed". However, the type of arms isn’t mention including firearms, which means any item can be use as a weapon would it comes to self-defense.
** However, multiple Supreme Court decisions have established the precedent that the term "arms" as used in the Second Amendment includes firearms.
* If a story is banned from being released in one country, a reporter with the forbidden story can just get it to another country and have it publish online to make it viewable in the forbidden country anyways.
* When it comes to prisons, there are reasons why guards have to perform searches for weapons since inmates often can get crafty while confined in their cells. While having a weapon is illegal, the materials to make one aren’t often the case. The most common of prison-made weapon is a knife-like device known as a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiv_%28weapon%29 shiv]. The materials to made them are easy to find, making a shiv is simple, and it can be hidden almost anywhere with an easy reach. This makes stabbing a common form of attacks behind prison walls, both inmates and guards are fair game.
* Prisons are sadly not alone when it comes to stabbing. Schools are also at-risk for this. Although actually blade weapons like knives are banned and violators can face a harsh punishment for bringing one in, writing tools like pencils and pens are still allowed. This Nebraskan man [http://www.kcra.com/news/turlock-boy-stabbed-in-throat-with-a-pencil-at-school/24871574 learned of this] loophole when his son was stabbed by a pencil. Needless to say, the guy filed a police complaint when he learned the school didn’tdidn't take the matter as seriousseriously as he did.
* A bar owner in [http://gazette.com/bar-owner-finds-long-sought-smoking-ban-loophole/article/95320 Colorado] was looking for a way to seeksneak by the smoking ban in order to keep his business running, which once allowed smoking in bars. The law banned smoking in indoor public places, but he managed to find a loophole after learning a tobacco shop was allowed to stay in business. What did the bar owner do…do but turn his business into a “cigar"cigar bar”bar" since they were excused from the smoking ban.
* '''Averted''', [http://www.leagle.com/decision/1979743285Md458_1697.xml/THOMAS%20v.%20STATE This detainee], facing a robbery charge, sent a letter to a friend, requesting the killing of anyone willing to testifiedtestify since guards in a Maryland Jail check incoming mail, not outgoing. However, he was caught when the postal office sent the letter back due to an error in the address.
* The concept of '''time shifting''', recording of programming to a storage medium to be view and/or listen on a different time, itself is a loophole. The famous '''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Corp._of_America_v._Universal_City_Studios,_Inc. Betamax case]''' was an augmentargument over copyright since the technology of a VCR was released and allowed owners to record TV programs to be viewed at a later time. Sony aguedargued that if the procedure is for “noncommercial”"noncommercial" home use, it doesn’tdoesn't count as copyright infringement. A district court agreed with Sony, though Universal appealed in 1981. However, Supreme Court of the United States sided with Sony that the practice of time shifting was legal since it didn’tdidn't havecause any substantial harm to the copyright holder and would have an effect of the marketplace.
* When it comes to some local city ordinances regarding pets, there are some who got around many loopholes in them. This was meant to control the pet population, mostly to due resources and health codes.
** When it comes to dogs, those who have them as a pet outnumber those who has a cat for a pet because due to laws limiting how many dogs one can have. As a result, many housing tenures locations, both private and public housing, have their own pet policies to keep the amount in check.
** It’sIt's worth noting that most of the time; it has to do with adult animals because juveniles would have to stay with their parents until they get approved by veterinarians before they can go to a new home.
** Some housing locations would permit pets that can be confined in their personal homes, like a pet cage. However, there aren’t many rules against letting them out for awhile since many veterinarians do recommend this to allow them to be outside of the cage. This is mostly for their mental health to be kept in check, not to mention exercise.
** When it comes to dogs and cats, most places do have a policy against them unless they happen to be service animals. If a tenant requires a pet dog or cat for medical needs, like guide dog, they can be excuse to have one.
Line 261 ⟶ 262:
* Australian gun-laws restrict pump-action shotguns. Enter Adler Hunting Arms Company with a ''lever'' action shotgun.
* The American NFA unconstitutionally regulates firearms that shoot more than one bullet per pull of the trigger. Finding ways around it is an industry onto itself. The most common is "bumbfire" where recoil pushes the trigger back, after which it is pushed forward into a stationary finger. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE3KVOQ54IE It also doesn't cover] bullets shot by ''releasing'' the trigger.
** The NFA has very weird definitions for "pistol" (No shoulder stock only a single vertical grip), "rifle" (Pistol, but has a shoulder stock and/or two vertical grips) and "shotgun" (smoothbore designed to fire shot. Grips and stocks are irrelevant). This means a pistol with a stock duct -taped to it is a rifle (and the ATF will crack down on you both for an illegal modification and a short barreled rifle), a rifle without the stock is now a pistol (regardless of length), and stub nosed revolver with a long cylinder that takes .410 bore shotgun shells is ''not'' a shotgun because it is rifled and officially chambered in .45 Colt. It's even more obtuse and non-sentential as it sounds.
** "Firearm" shotguns are shotguns (in the sense that they are designed to fire shot) are short longarms that are not legally "shotguns" because they were not built with a shoulder stock and the NFA's definition of "Shotgun" (and by extension its definition of short barreled shotgun) only covers weapons originally designed with shoulder stocks. They are not Any Other Weapon because they are too long.
* Between the two World Wars international regulations prevented export of firearms with shoulder-stocks to warlord heavy China. For this reason, pistols and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alpefGkv2VI machine pistols] capable of mounting a shoulder stock became massively common. It also fueled Chinese manufacture of firearms, which gives examples of Chinese [[Shoddy Knockoff Product]]s decades before the the concept entered public conception.
* One of the favorite categories for attempted Loophole Abuse is submitting travel expenses to be reimbursed by your employer. The crowning example is a National Guard officer who, after every month's drill, submitted his routine request for travel expenses from his current home of record to his drill site (which is paid as a certain #number of cents per mile after the first X miles). The thing is, National Guard enlistment is handled by ''state'' of residence, while travel distance is figured from ''home of record''—and those can be two different things if you're from the United States but are currently living overseas. Given that the officer in question was an oil company pilot who flew a regular trans-Pacific run, his state of residence was California while his current home of record was ''Jakarta, Indonesia''. Collecting 8800+ miles of travel expenses every month—both ways—added up to more money than his entire annual salary.
** And to cap this off his actual travel cost every month was effectively zero, as he simply made the trip by travelling as air crew in a company plane.
* Back in 2009, and yes a clip of the case can be found [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVyg_IBZGKE here], a teenager in Texas had trouble getting her car started and didn't want to be late for school. Luckily for her, she happened to have a horse since there wasn't any rule on what kind of mode of transport a student can take to school. This ended up a bit subverted, as the principal demanded to know why a horse was being brought in the first place after being asked.
* "Antique firearms" <ref>Short version: blackpowderblack powder weapons that don't use fixed cartridges</ref> are (despite the name) not legally firearms in the United States (though they are still a "deadly weapon" and some state laws do consider them so). There is indeed a market for concealed carry cap and ball revolvers.
* Going back on the ''BetaMax'' issue, the concept of home videos introduced a new market for many indie studios since the rating system only dealt with films released in the theaters at the time thanks to children being part of those going to them. However, it was often seen as a form of censorship, and [http://www.filmadvisoryboard.com/ratings/ rating system] for the DTV market wasn't around. This lead to many to simply release their films as DTV, but it meant a film meant for adults could end up in the hands of children. If you ever heard of [[Video Nasties]], well, you can thank to this loophole.
* The Center of Diseases Control and Prevention has released a graphic [https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/zombie/novel.htm novel] about zombies while United States Department of Defense Strategic Command CONOP worked on training students in military planning, by using zombies. This was to due to another country could take the US military plans as a declaration of war. Since zombies were "fictional", both groups used this in order to inform the public on disease control and civil breakdown. [http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2014/images/05/16/dod.zombie.apocalypse.plan.pdf CONOP 8888] listed in the link.
* The semi-protection rule on MediaWiki sites such as [[Wikipedia]] in theory should deter if not prevent newly-registered vandal accounts from defacing articles protected under said rule, on the grounds that they should make a dozen or so legitimate edits to be given access to protected articles. However, enterprising trolls can take advantage of the sandbox feature by making innocuous edits for their account to count towards an autoconfirmed status, and thus be able to vandalise even supposedly-protected pages. This caused an issue when pages on contentious topics such as the state of [[Israel]] and [[The Holocaust]] became a prime target for vandalism and antisemiticanti-Semitic sentiment even from autoconfirmed accounts, forcing Wikipedia to [[Obvious Rule Patch|adopt]] what is called an extended-confirmed protection rule where pages receiving heavier-than-normal vandalism or those that pertain to controversial subjects (by way of arbitration enforcement by Wikimedia staff) can only be edited by established accounts, as while giving the pages full protection (i.e. only admins can edit) would have been anathema to the site's principle of a "free encyclopedia", they wouldn't want to see antisemitesanti-Semites, racists and trolls savage articles on Jewish subject matter and other controversial topics either.
* While the Volstead Act during the [[Prohibition]] era banned the production, sale and distribution of alcohol in the United States, it wasn't without its loopholes: the act allowed grape farmers to sell grape concentrates "on the legal fiction that it was a non-intoxicating fruit-juice for home consumption"; while there was a warning advising drinkers not to let the grape concentrate sit for too long as it would otherwise ferment, many simply ignored the warning especially as it was merely there to allay any legal suspicion. Besides the sale of grape concentrates which were surreptitiously fermented into actual wine, some posed as religious organisations or clergymen in order to take advantage of an exemption allowing the use of sacramental wine.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGEicwdjI3U Episode 6] of ''Bargain Racement'' by [[Bad Obsession Motorsport]] details the efforts made by mechanic/racers Nik Blackhurst and Richard Brunning to navigate the "grey areas" of the British Racing and Sports Car Club's regulations for the [https://citycarcup.co.uk/ City Car Cup] after their car came in second in the inaugural race.
* The Church of Latter-Day Saints stipulates that its members should not take part in any sort of vice, be it drinking, smoking or gambling. There is, however nothing keeping Mormons from ''investing or working'' in casinos so as long as they're not directly placing bets or partaking in any related vices themselves. It is through this that one YouTube documentary argued that it was ''Mormon investors'' and not the Italian-American Mafia who built [[Las Vegas]].
* City councillorscouncilors in Manila, Philippines passed an ordinance banning ''[[The Da Vinci Code]]'' for sacrilegious and offensive content towards Christians, with cinema operators and (bootleg) home media sellers facing jail terms and fines should they insist on screening the film. Not that it kept Manileños from buying a pirated copy of the film elsewhere and smuggling it to their home in Manila though, as the film was only banned in Manila and theatres owned by SM Supermalls.
* Roger Neilson, ice hockey coach, is known for among other things, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tonxd_9_lY exploiting loopholes].
* While political advertisements are naturally subject to regulation, there's nothing keeping those running for public office in the Philippines from putting up thinly-veiled ads ''prior'' to the actual campaign period, [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|for as long as they have the resources]]. The courts ruled in favour of this as a matter of fact, based on the technicality that the COMELEC (Commission on Elections) has no jurisdiction over any publicity campaigns by (would-be) candidates until the actual election season starts.