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''Lost Girl'' is a 2010- Showcase television series that revolves around Bo, a young woman with the ability to control men and women through her touch and suck the life from them with a kiss. She is a succubus, and one of the Fae, a group made up of several races of supernatural entities separated into two sides: Light and Dark. Rather than choosing a side, Bo decides to strike out on her own and learn about her past with the help of a streetwise sidekick named Kenzi, and a Fae police detective named Dyson. Now being shown on [[Sy Fy]].
=== This show provides examples of: ===
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: In the webcomic at least.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Kenzi's stepfather is said to have locked her in a closet for as little as laughing too loud, and generally made her childhood miserable enough that she came close on several occasions to summoning Baba Yaga to kill him.
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** Kenzi. In a series of supernaturals who can break her physically without trying and mentally with a glance, she manages to hold her own and repeatedly save Bo from other Fae.
** Although the fae tend to dismiss humans as a threat, a determined human can seriously hurt and/or kill a fae.
* [[Bad Powers, Good People]]:
** Corpse-eaters and harpies are numbered among the Light fae. The corpse-eaters, known as Aswang, are portrayed as saintly old women who consume the unloved and diseased dead.
** Also Bo herself, with the supernaturally seductive touch and life draining kiss of death is one of the most moral characters in the show.
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* [[By the Eyes of The Blind]]: Lightning birds can only be seen by human females.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Liam takes out a hit on his brother due to a childhood grudge. {{spoiler|Subverted when he calls off the hit after his Dad admits he was the one who wronged him.}}
* [[Canada, Eh?]]:
** Averted. It's not explicitly stated that the series takes place in Toronto (where it is filmed), but there are a few hints. Check the currency...
*** And the flag in the trailer park in the second episode...
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* [[Fantastic Racism]]/[[Puny Humans]]: Nearly every Fae in the series has a ''very'' low opinion on humans. Kenzi is only barely tolerated, because they see her as Bo's property.
** Lauren is also treated this way, as they see her as the property of the Ash.
* [[Film Noir]]: The entire series is dark lit, and often takes place in underground bars and abandoned buildings or an [[Abandoned Warehouse]]. The protaganist is an [[Badass Longcoat]] [[Anti -Hero]] [[Femme Fatale]] [[Private Detective]] who deals with [[The Mafia]], fae style. It even comes with [[Flash Forward]] and [[Flash Back]].
* [[Fingore]]:
** Vex forces Siegfried to stick his hand down a sink trash disposal.
** Bo and Dyson question a Fae who recently lost a finger. When they ask how he lost it, he bites off another of his fingers to demonstrate. He likes to snack and the fingers apparently grow back.
* [[Five -Man Band]]: Generally the crew that gets together to solve the [[Mystery of the Week]].
** [[The Hero]]: Bo
** [[The Lancer]]: Kenzi
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* [[Flowers for Algernon Syndrome]]: When a fae father drugs his son to become smarter, he starts infecting others at his school causing serious damage to humans. The son returns back to being dumb by the end of the episode.
* [[Forced Prize Fight]]: The pilot episode
* [[For Science!]]: Lauren's reason for working with the Fae. Well, that's the reason she gives anyway. The real reason is {{spoiler|her girlfriend was stricken ill, and then lapsed into a coma, by a disease that was supposed to only affect Fae. The Ash offered Lauren all the resources she wanted to finding a cure, in exchange for becoming a slave to the Light Fae.}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: Most of the main characters in "Original Skin" switch bodies. Kenzi in Dyson is probably the [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]. Similar to ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'', they have name tags to distinguish everyone.
* [[Freaky Is Cool]]: Kenzi sure seems to think so.
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* [[Green Thumb]]: Landwights.
* [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]: Averted. Kenzi's has no problem swearing, and Showcase has no problem airing it, nor does [[Sy Fy]].
* [[Good Powers, Bad People]]: The landwights are nature Fae who bring amazing good fortune to anyone who eats the plants that grow on their land. The Dark Fae landwight seen in the show, however, is happy to use humans as plant food.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: Part of the reason Lauren and Dyson don't get along. Though he also seems dismissive of her because she's human, and a slave.
** Lauren also accuses Kenzi of this, in that Kenzi wants to be the only human in Bo's life.
* [[Guns Are Useless]]: Averted. Fae aren't much more immune to bullets than the typical human, and Dyson coup-de-graces several with his service piece.
* [[Guttural Growler]]: The Ash. It's almost "Christian Bale"-esque [[Narm]].
* [[Half -Human Hybrid]]: Averted. Offspring of human and Fae are totally human.
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]:
** Lauren is the property of the Ash, leader of the light fae, but is generally content with her lot in life. She finds her scientific research into fae physiology to be intellectually rewarding, and her medical expertise, and the fact that she is owned by the leader of the light fae, gives her a fair amount of prestige and influence among the light fae. She is unmistakably a slave, however. {{spoiler|The happiness part of the trope may be in decline under the new Ash}}. The Ash also never openly refers to Lauren as his slave. However, {{spoiler|Lachlan, the new Ash, refers to Lauren as "chattel" and his property, to Bo's fury.}}
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* [[Hunting the Most Dangerous Game]]: the Stag Hunt.
* {{spoiler|[[Kappa]]}}: The villain Fae of episode 3.
* [[I Ate What?]]: Kenzi does not take it well when she find out that she ate foot soup.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]:
** Kenzi, but it was an accident.
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* [[Love You and Everybody]]: Bo pulls this on Lauren in the second season finale, despite the fact that only she and Lauren are present:
{{quote| '''Bo:''' I love you…all, so much}}
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|Trick is Aife's father, and Bo's grandfather.}}
* [[Lzherusskie]]: Averted. Ksenia Solo is from Latvia.
* [[Magic Pants]]: Aversion with Dyson. Kenzi actually picks up his pants post-transformation, explaining where he recovers them from. I guess he didn't have time to put the rest of his clothes on...
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* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: Kenzi.
* [[Prophecy Twist]]: This being a TV show all about Fae in the modern world,it seems like there are always prophecies and fortunes waiting to trip characters up.
* [[Protagonist -Centered Morality]]: The show conveniently expects you to forget that Bo went on a spree of murder and arguable rape for about ten years, valuing her own survival over the lives of others in the process, every time she gets mad about Fae killing humans, getting away with murder and gives a speech about right and wrong. However, in "Raging Fae" she is confronted by the sister of the first person she ever killed and is shown to be still very guilty over that. She also refers to herself as a serial killer in the early episodes, and is haunted by the people she's killed.
* [[Punny Name]]: The episode titles
* [[Psychic Nosebleed]]: {{spoiler|The Oracle in episode 5, but only for really intense visions.}}
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* [[Slave Collar]]: The pendant Lauren wears marks her as the Ash's property.
* [[Speak of the Devil]]: Invoking Baba Yaga involves, among other things, saying her name three times into a mirror.
* [[Spell My Name With a "The"]]: The Ash and The Morrigan, respective leaders of the Light and Dark Fae, though it should be noted that those, like other high-ranking Fae, are their titles and not their names.
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: {{spoiler|Jenny}} in "Faetal Attraction".
* [[Sticky Fingers]]:
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'''Kenzi''': Yeah?<br />
'''Bo''': Stop stealing shit. }}
* [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]: Bo displays one when Lauren is threatened. She doesn't remember how or what she did afterwards though.
* [[Take a Third Option]]:
** Bo chooses to side with neither Light nor Dark Fae. It's made clear that this may not be the best idea.
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* [[Voice of the Legion]]: {{spoiler|Bo after draining the life force from a room full of people, all at once, to save Lauren.}}
* [[What Beautiful Eyes]]: Ksenia Solo, who plays Kenzi, has very striking eyes, which are particularly noticeable due to the heavy eyeshadow she wears.
* [[What Did I Do Last Night?]]: Well, Kenzi, you invoked Baba Yaga and cursed Dyson.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: What happened to {{spoiler|The First Ash}}?
** He either never woke up from his coma, or was thrown into dishonor
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Why did it have to be Baba Yaga, in Kenzi's case.
* [[Win Your Freedom]]: The stag of the hunt to decide the new Ash can win his or her freedom by ringing the bell, with all prior crimes being wiped away by their participation. The contestants for the title need to kill them before that.
** [[Condemned Contestant]]: Trick states the game is designed so that the stag wont win, and no stag ever has. They try to make it easier by having Hale, who wont hurt her, be one of the hunters. {{spoiler|They also have her lover, who can turn invisible be there to help. Ultimately, she is still shot right before she ring the bell, so they have Lauren revive her in a [[Loophole Abuse]]}}.
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