Lost Girl: Difference between revisions

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** Well she can see sexual aura's at least, which she claimed to be able to do back in Season 1 on her [[Not a Date]] with Lauren.
* [[Auto Cannibalism]]: Gary, a Fae butcher, from "Death Didn't Become Her":
{{quote| '''Gary''': You know what they say-- sometimes a flesh-eater is just too tired to get out of bed, go to the fridge, know what I mean? ''[bites off his own index finger]''}}
** In his defense, the fingers do grow back.
* [[Axe Crazy]]: Reynard, a Dark Fae who wants to restart the war between the Dark and the Light
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* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Light fae tend to wear white grey or beige. Dark fae tend to wear black. Lampshaded by Lachlan when he points out how good Bo looks in dark colors as succubi are dark fae.
* [[Conversed Trope]]: from the season 2 premiere:
{{quote| '''Bo''':Guy disappears for 3 weeks and leaves you hanging, usually the girl gets to be the pissy one, yes?<br />
'''Kenzi''':That is how I've come to understand things from my education in [[Rom Com|romantic comedies]], yes. Also, girls with glasses are way smart and [[Cute Clumsy Girl|being klutzy is adorable]]. }}
<!-- %%eventually pothole "girls with glasses are way smart" to Brainy Specs once TRS is finished cleaning up the glasses tropes -->
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** Most Fae think that Kenzi also falls into this category since they consider her to be Bo's property. It does not cross their minds that Bo considers Kenzi to be an equal.
* [[Harping on About Harpies]]: [[Played for Laughs]] in episode 7, when Bo is trying to apologize for being insensitive.
{{quote| '''Lauren:''' Well, physically you're fine.<br />
'''Bo:''' But emotionally I'm a level 10 harpy. ''(One of Lauren's medical staff slams something down and storms off, giving Bo a dirty look)''. Is she...?<br />
'''Lauren:''' Of the Boston harpies.<br />
'''Bo:''' Great. }}
* [[Hate Plague]]: Spread by the Djieiene.
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* [[Lipstick Lesbian]]: Lauren.
* [[Little People Are Surreal]]: Averted. Trick's being much smaller than the rest of the cast is unremarked upon, and when another little person figures into the plot, it turns out he's related to Trick. It seems to be just another Fae marker for that particular species. Kenzi doesn't let it go without note though:
{{quote| '''Kenzi:''' [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Uh oh! Trouble in the Shire.]]}}
* [[Local Hangout]]: Trick's bar, populated only by fae ([[And Zoidberg|and Kenzi]]).
* [[London Gangster]]: The Red Caps.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: "nothing in the rules about bringing the stag [[Back From the Dead]]". The Blackthorn even compliments them for thinking of it.
* [[Love You and Everybody]]: Bo pulls this on Lauren in the second season finale, despite the fact that only she and Lauren are present:
{{quote| '''Bo:''' I love you…all, so much}}
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|Trick is Aife's father, and Bo's grandfather.}}
* [[Lzherusskie]]: Averted. Ksenia Solo is from Latvia.
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* [[Sex for Solace]]: Kenzi suggests this to Bo a few times in regards to her being rejected by Dyson. The first time in ''Faetal Attraction'' Bo has a threesome with a married couple. In ''Scream a Little Dream'' Kenzi even says "the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else", but Bo ignores her this time.
** In ''Lachlan’s Gambit'' Lauren grieving over {{spoiler|Nadia's death}} even gives a scientific reason for this, but ultimately subverts it.
{{quote| '''Lauren:''' It's just that the doctor part of me never shuts off, and I know that I’m merely acting out of transference of grief onto you. Wanting to have sex is a very common response to grief. Biologically speaking, the transference often helps move the pain. Sort of use it as something else. Turn it into something different. Something better...<br />
'''Bo:''' ''(grinning)'' I love it when you totally geek out.<br />
'''Lauren:''' Can I sleep with you?<br />
'''Bo:''' Yes.<br />
'''Lauren:''' I just mean sleep. ''(Bo's face falls a little)'' In your arms?<br />
'''Bo:'''...Yeah exactly. }}
* [[Sex Slave]]: Played with. No one ever uses the word "slave" to refer to Lauren, but she does refer to herself as the "property" of the Ash, and for all the influence and prestige she enjoys among the light fae, she is clearly a slave. This trope comes into play when the Ash orders her to seduce and sleep with Bo. Granted, she very much liked and wanted Bo, but it's still the case that she didn't have a choice in the matter. Bo still holds it against her for awhile.
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* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: {{spoiler|Jenny}} in "Faetal Attraction".
* [[Sticky Fingers]]:
{{quote| '''Bo''': And Kenzi?<br />
'''Kenzi''': Yeah?<br />
'''Bo''': Stop stealing shit. }}
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Bo displays one when Lauren is threatened. She doesn't remember how or what she did afterwards though.
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* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Bo has. Dyson points it out after returning in season 2 opener, and she seems far more competent and comfortable in a fight.
* [[Two Words: Obvious Trope]]: When Trick is wondering how to attract more people to his bar, after Bingo failed, all Lauren has to say is:
{{quote| '''Lauren:''' Two words Trick. Mechanical Bull.}}
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: {{spoiler|Lachlan}} manages to make himself look worse than the old guy pretty quickly. He even gives a variation of the "there will be changes" line!
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Wolf-fae are extremely loyal to their pack and their king. It took a massive betrayal by his king for Dyson to leave his service and the other members of the pack still protected the king even though they knew what happened.