Trivia about Lostprophets includes:

  • Old Shame: The remaining members of the band not only publicly expressed their dismay and disgust over Ian Watkins' sexual indiscretions, they also disbanded as they felt uncomfortable performing under a name that has been forever tainted by a man with a disturbing sexual obsession with children.
  • Role-Ending Felony: Ian Watkins was charged with thirteen sex offences against children, one of them being the attempted rape of a one-year old along with possession of child pornography. The remaining band members wanted nothing to do with Watkins as a result of the revelations, stating that they were "heartbroken, angry, and disgusted" and that they had been unaware of his crimes. The band broke up soon after and reformed under the name No Devotion, largely so they can disassociate themselves with Watkins and his disturbing behaviour.

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