Love Hotels: Difference between revisions

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** And as an added bonus, the Shadow tries to accomplish this through a [[Shower Scene]].
** The same thing happens to the [[Gender Flip|female protagonist]], but with one of the male teammates.
** [[Persona 4|The sequelseque]]<nowiki/>l has everyone staying in one after your homeroom teacher rents it out, completelyapparently oblivious ([[Really Gets Around|but with that teacher you cannot really know]]) to what kind of a place it actually is. For bonus points, [[Mythology Gag|it's actually the same hotel from the last game!]]
*** [[Really Gets Around|Or not]]
*** For bonus points, [[Mythology Gag|it's actually the same hotel from the last game!]]
* And no one could forget the [[Final Fantasy VII|Honey Bee Inn]], which is also famous for having a lot of dummied-out content that was even more extreme than what ended up in the game proper and thus didn't make the final cut.