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* [[Fisher King]]: Seems to be invoked with the Emperor in the "Toy Soldiers" storyline. Sailor Terra was drawn forth into the 'canon' 40k verse by Beryl and bound into service via the tradition of "Sacred Marriage" with the Emperor. Simply known as "Terra" she is insane from the state of the world in 40k and has little personality in common with the Mamoru/Darien Shields Sailor Terra.
* [[Flirty Stepsiblings]]: It's a common belief in the Imperium that Horus and Serenity are or were very very fond of each other despite being (adopted) siblings.
* [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance]]: Sailor Terra
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: The Great Treachery and the Age of Heresy in general, there ''is'' a reason it was nicknamed the "Galactic Clusterfuck" by the authors.
* [[Gender Bender]]: While the "Sailor Horus" storyline has the eponymous character and Fulgrim crossdressing, Mortarion and Angron were reborn as women.
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* [[Moses in The Bulrushes]]: Serenity
* [[Mother Earth]]: Sailor Terra, again
* [[Mother Nature, Father Science]]: Sailor Terra dropped a fish on him. [[Retcon|Word of God]] is that he was Prof. Tomoe
** Quite literally in the case of Terra and the Emperor, both being Eldritch Horrors with their own portfolios.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Toy Soldiers, Beryl has a wish, and Lovehammer never happens.
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* [[Percussive Therapy]]: A decade with the World Eaters did let Artai work through his anger over {{spoiler|the destruction of Chogoris}}
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Roboute Guilliman
* [[Pistol -Whipping]]: The early command style of Umi {{spoiler|, reincarnation of Angron,}} involves a lot of this. How much effect it has on power armoured World Eaters is questionable.
* [[Prongs of Poseidon]]: Amphithoe, who is given a power-trident as a gift from Ferrus Manus.
* [[Pure Awesomeness]]: The Emperor could probably burn normal peoples' sanity by just being in the area if he didn't bother reigning in his [[Physical God|psychic presence]]. The same goes for the physical part of the matter.
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* [[Sibling Triangle]]: Angron and Leman Russ, regarding Thora.
* [[Shared Universe]]: Not all stories are in the same universe, but there's a great deal of overlap and consensus.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The Imperial Literature and Imperial Entertainment chapters are essentially built on shout outs to literature, television, etc.
* [[Snowball Fight]]: Azmina and Rogal like these.
* [[Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying]]: Sailor Terra's author is aware that the Velociraptors are smaller than depicted in Jurassic Park. There is an intention to eventually portray them that way, but forgets to.
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