Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me: Difference between revisions

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* Something as pervasive and self-explanatory as this probably doesn't need an example, but it's hard to resist pointing out that, for several ''years'', Cyclops managed to say "Only my ruby-quartz visor can contain my optic blasts," in literally every single issue of ''Uncanny [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]''... quite possibly the worst [[Catch Phrase]] of all time.
** Which is surely rivaled by the vast number of times Psylocke referred to her psychic knife as "the focused totality of my psionic powers"<ref>Fortunately, she no longer HAS her psychic knife, so this trope has since seen its day.</ref>. That kind of thing happened a lot in ''X-Men'' back in those days, although this one happened less often than a lot of fans like to believe. It is remembered so well because of its inherent clunkyness.
** Another classic example, from ''X-Men'' vol. 1 #1:
{{quote|''Magneto:'' You haven't defeated me yet! I can still escape you, flying by means of magnetic repulsion! }}
** Another character who seemed compelled to remind the reader of her powers every other issue is Rogue, who would constantly have an internal dialogue about how "Ah cain't touch another human bein', or mah powers'll absorb their thoughts and abilities."
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** Similarly, every time another character takes advantage of one of his main weaknesses, he'll say, "No! My symbiotic other cannot stand fire/loud noises!"
*** Although arguably, that creates a bit of fridge logic because the only time you don't hear the bang of a gun is when you're hit with it, but seeing as the symbiote protects him, it really shouldn't.
* Brittney from ''[[Gold Digger (Comic Book)|Gold Digger]]'' tended to have a hard time with this, especially in earlier comics when it was just getting off the ground. Her super-speed, her inability to avoid telegraphing her blows, the fact that only "Magic, another were-creature, or silver" can hurt her. Oh, she does it a LOT. Gets better once continuity and the reader-ship is better established.
* When ''[[Sonic the Comic]]'' included stories about other [[Sega]] games, the magician Xavier in the ''[[Eternal Champions]]'' adaptation was prone to declaring, "Your barbaric weapons are no match for the power... of magick!" or something similar. Unfortunately, [[Narm|his magic never actually seemed to work very well.]]
** However his staff ''was'' sufficient enough to turn brains to jelly.
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Parodied in [ this strip] of [[Its Walky]], though that was in response to [ Websnark].
* Parodied in [ this] ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''. And probably justified, since Thief talking about his common sense and memory like they were exclusively elven traits, and bragging about them, is [[Cultural Posturing|totally in character]].