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** Which is surely rivaled by the vast number of times Psylocke referred to her psychic knife as "the focused totality of my psionic powers"<ref>Fortunately, she no longer HAS her psychic knife, so this trope has since seen its day.</ref>. That kind of thing happened a lot in ''X-Men'' back in those days, although this one happened less often than a lot of fans like to believe. It is remembered so well because of its inherent clunkyness.
** Another classic example, from ''X-Men'' vol. 1 #1:
{{quote| ''Magneto:'' You haven't defeated me yet! I can still escape you, flying by means of magnetic repulsion! }}
** Another character who seemed compelled to remind the reader of her powers every other issue is Rogue, who would constantly have an internal dialogue about how "Ah cain't touch another human bein', or mah powers'll absorb their thoughts and abilities."
** ''[[New Mutants]]'' used to do this all the time, constantly reminding readers what the kids' powers were. Sunspot: "Careful Bobby, you're strong, not invulnerable!"; Cannonball: "Good thing ah'm invulnerable when ah'm blasting."; Magik griping about Limbo; etc.
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*** At least once every issue, Superboy will explicitly state that he's doing something with his tactile telekinesis, and at least once every issue, [[The Flash|Impulse]] will Lampshade the fact that at least once every issue, Superboy will explicitly state that he's doing something with his tactile telekinesis.
** It started in the very first issue:
{{quote| '''Robin''': Superboy, you think you can manage to..?<br />
'''Superboy''': Pull it out? Not a problem. All I have to do is touch it and my tactile telekinesis can-<br />
'''Impulse''': Man, will you stop blabbering about your stupid power?! You act like you're filling in someone who's just met you! }}
* ''[[Star Wars]] Legacy 28'', introducing new readers to the ''Legacy'' series and the ''Vector'' [[Cross Through]] at once, was probably the most egregious example of this in ''[[Star Wars]]'' comics, when almost all characters engaged in this kind of exposition.
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* In #17 he talks about how he can slip through the air holes in cement, and how he must quickly slip through.
* From an ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'' comic circa the OZT saga:
{{quote| "What's happening? Mutant power to randomly deflect any other mutant power thrown at me isn't working!"<br />
said by Random while being blasted into a puddle. Who the hell talks like this when they're being ''blasted into a puddle''? }}
* Used during a Paul Jenkins remake of the original ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'' story. Unlike other examples it was not ridiculous, as it was a mix of [[Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me]] and [[To the Pain]]. Magneto was explaining how he was using his magnetic powers to torture and kill a trio of teens who brutally murdered a young mutant girl to the teens as he was killing them.
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* The cheesy-yet-strangely-fascinating English dub of the Japanese sci-fi film ''[[Prince of Space]]'' has many examples of the eponymous Prince conspicuously ''not'' being harmed by evil alien laserbeams, and smugly declaring "Your weapons are useless against me!". Though it does seem kind of necessary considering ''they keep shooting at him every single time''. Prince of Space was ''not'' immune to weapons in the original Japanese script, which also explains why he keeps dodging them.
** To quote the riffers, "But they scare the crap out of me anyway".
{{quote| '''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000|Servo]]''': Empirical data suggests the accuracy of my earlier contention that your weapons against me are without merit! Ha ha!}}
** “It is my considered advice that you discontinue use of said weapon, ha ha!”
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[X Men Legends]] II'', villains are constantly using this to explain their powers and weaknesses to the heroes, to the point that it's clear the writers believed that [[Viewers are Morons|Players Are Morons]]:
{{quote| '''Living Monolith''': "You cannot hurt me so long as I am in the sunlight!" [Which, once you've started blocking the mirrors, leads to-] "No! Don't do that! I neeeeed the sunlight!"}}
* ''[[Starcraft]]'' II instructions as provided by Zeratul in Wings of Liberty: "This chasm is vast. It is fortunate that I can phase through the shadows to the other side."
* Satori Komeji of ''[[Touhou]]'' fame will ''not'' shut up about her mind-reading powers. Deconstructed, as this is implied to be part of the reason she's [[Not Good with People|incredibly unpopular with other youkai and humans]].
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** Almost always subverted, in that his wings are exactly like a shield of steel, and most of the thing aimed at Batfink are entirely capable of bypassing steel shields one way or another (say, by being capable of cutting through steel). The villain typically points this out just after Batfink has delivered the line.
* ''[[Batman: The Brave And The Bold]]'':
{{quote| '''Batman''': Don't bother with mind control, Grodd. I'm blocking it with a technique I learned in Tibet!}}
** A bit ironic use of this trope, because isn't Batman ''not supposed to have powers?''
*** "[[Crimefighting with Cash|Luckily this rare ability I was able to do because I spent my summer in a foreign country on a trip that I paid for likely in small bills as a way to grieve for my parents will protect me!]]" doesn't flow as well, though.
** Batman is referring to a mental exercise. Same way he has prevented Martian Manhunter from reading his mind in several media. It's a very effective technique, it goes something like this: {{spoiler|Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, BATMAN!}} Or {{spoiler|"[[Justice League|Frere Jacques]]"}}.
{{quote| {{spoiler|''This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend.''}}}}
* The ''[[Superfriends]]'' had ''everyone'' narrate what they were doing. For example, when [[Lex Luthor]] blasts Superman with a "molecular disintegrator" and it fails, Superman goes, "Nice try, Luthor. My [[Heat Vision]] will disintegrate your disintegrator!"
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