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* ''[[Castlevania]]'' was pretty light on the gore for a horror series—until ''[[Castlevania: Symphony of the Night|Symphony of the Night]]'', that is. Alucard's ability to [[Our Vampires Are Different|heal by absorbing blood]] made it necessary for lots of enemies to bleed. (Kill an Evil Butcher with a sword if you want to see some real gushworks.) Since then, probably because ''Symphony'' became the new model for CV games, enemies have bled profusely.
** It gets even better in ''[[Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia|Order of Ecclesia]]'', where the fight with [[Giant Enemy Crab|Brachyura]] ends with you dropping a spiked elevator on the git, shoving him down fifteen screens of lighthouse and splattering him into a great many bits when you reach bottom. The bits are still there if you come back later.
** Also since ''Symphony'' (It was first used with Richter in ''[[Castlevania: Rondo of Blood|Rondo of Blood]]'', but this game is where it became the standard), when the main character is killed it sends them screaming into the air while they turn into a cloud of blood. It makes strong attacks from bosses seem extra dramatic. It becomes hilarious when low on health, you lightly touch a minor enemy and get a completely over the top death.
*** Additionally, playing as Maria in Rondo of Blood spares her from Richter's overly bloody death, falling to the ground and disintegrating to nothing instead. She gains the overly bloody death in ''[[Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin|Portrait of Ruin]]'', however.
*** An exception is ''Order of Ecclesia'', where you only die in a cloud of blood if Shanoa is killed in the air. Landbound, she just groans and keels over
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=== [[Real Time Strategy]] ===
* In the ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' RTS ''[[Dawn of War]]'', units in melee can perform [[Finishing Move|sync kills]] on other units, which are often bloody and gory. Of special note are the [[Our Orcs Are Different|Ork]] [[Authority Equals Asskicking|Warboss]]' sync kill against most infantry units, where he grabs the unit in his claw and smashes it against the ground head-first as though a particularly angry child, and most of the [[Humongous Mecha|Dreadnought]] sync kills, one of which involve grabbing the enemy in a claw and [[Kill It with Fire|blasting it with a flamethrower]], another of which appears to show the Dreadnought ''blending'' the unfortunate enemy. Add in that shooting enemies causes blood and gibs to fly out as well, and battlefields can get quite bloody.
** That last instance is definitely an example of the trope: large blobs of blood and organs will fly out of a corpse when they die, but the corpse itself remains completely whole as it falls to the ground, making one wonder where all those chunks of meat actually came from. Ludicrous indeed.
*** Rectified in the sequel, where powerful attacks can literally shred the enemies into pieces.
* In ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'', the Zerg - perhaps out of jealousy at the Terran and Protoss tendency to [[Stuff Blowing Up|explode when something looks at them funny]] - generally explode in a shower of blood when killed, including buildings. Their buildings also bleed when damaged.
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=== [[Role -Playing Game]] ===
* The first two ''[[Fallout]]'' games rewarded the player with extra gruesome death animations that would play some of the time if the player inflicted a large amount of damage in a single attack. If one gave the player character the special trait "Bloody Mess" during creation, the most spectacular death animations would always play when an enemy died. The full list of splattery animations is:
** Shot or stabbed to death: A large hole appears in the target's torso.
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** ''[[Rogue Trader]]'' and ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]'', which use the same system, both use the same rules.
*** As does Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, although the lower tech level means that it isn't quite as gory. Still more than qualifies though.
** Then again, Dark Heresy ''is'' set in the ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]''-verse.
*** [[Nightmare Fetishist|So they most certainly took highly disturbing amounts of glee from the description of such]].
* Kind of up to the [[Game Master]], but in ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'' experimental weapons from R&D quite frequently have ... interesting ... effects upon the target. And the user. And the user's teammates. And, oh, everyone within a half-mile or so. Paranoia is for GMs who like killing player characters, and players who don't mind their characters dying if they can do so in an entertaining way. "I press the red button on the strange black gizmo I got from R&D." "A voice comes from it: 'Tactical Thermonuclear Warhead activated. Detonation in 2 seconds. Have a nice day, Citiz-BOOOOOOM!'"
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