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** [[The Dragon|The Cyberdemon]] requires ''a lot'' of damage to be killed, 45 rocket hits, 55 shotgun blasts, or 400 handgun shots. No matter how much damage he's taken, he never shows so much as a dent until he is killed, but his only death animation is him exploding and leaving behind a pair of bloodied hooves. You can shoot him in the face with a shotgun 54 times, and he still has no visible damage, but he would vaporize when next hit by ''[[Critical Existence Failure|one bullet]]''.
*** Quick note, those numbers are averages, as the game has a random number generator for damage.
** There's a mod called [ "Beautiful Doom"] which, among other things, increases the gibs to, well, ludicrous levels.
*** [ Brutal Doom] does this to such levels that the room you're in is ''literally'' painted with blood. Not to mention the facts that you can perform a [[Fatality]] while in berserk mode in the same gore-happy fashion as ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'', that mouth monsters can literally bite your torso off, and that the chainsaw can actually hack away at body parts with impressive results.
** In ''Doom 3'' the shotgun packs enough punch that if you hit a zombie with it at point blank range you'll ''tear all the flesh off its bones,'' reducing it to a bloodied skeleton.
*** Given the way gibs are calculated in the Doom series (total damage dealt must be equal to or greater than twice the monster's maximum HP) and the fact that ''Doom 3'''s zombies simply ragdoll and leave perfectly viable corpses behind, hitting a dead zombie with so much as a ''flashlight'' would usually cause it to explode violently.
*** Punching a civilian can result in ''his head instantly evaporating'' and ''his brain flying out''.
* ''[[Bulletstorm]]'' is all about this.
* For ''[[F.E.A.R.]]'', this is can happen to living being short of [[Powered Armor]] or [[Mini-Mecha]], provided you have a Combat Shotgun or an explosive weapon. Given that the damage calculated has to be a [[One-Hit Kill|one-hit]] [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|overkill]] for this to take effect, it has a better chance of happening when enemies are caught off-guard. Oh, I'm sorry. [[Stripped to the Bone|Did you want to leave the skeleton intact?]] Then pack a Particle Weapon or a deranged psychic... like Alma.
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** The newest version of the ''[[Duke Nukem]] 3D High Resolution'' Pack mod feeds off this, with a separate patch specifically designed to stick blood spatter to walls!
** Whenever an enemy gets crushed by a big door, it leaves behind a disgusting mass of goo that ''stretches across the gap'' when said door is opened.
** If you step into a corpse, you leave bloody footsteps for a while afterward.
* The titular vivisection point of the PC game ''Vivisector: Beast Within" allowed massive chunks of flesh to be ripped away from an enemy with little more than a pistol, and even the basic knife or scalpel weapon could completely gib an enemy without much difficulty under the right circumstances.
* In the original ''[[Quake (series)|Quake]]'', zombies would only die if gibbed. If just shot down they would wake up after a few seconds and resume attacking.
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** Who needs mods? Just grab a shotgun, get close to the enemy, and score a direct headshot on someone without a helmet. Viola! Plenty of salsa for the next party (quite [[Chunky Salsa Rule|chunky]] of course)! Slightly less over the top, but still silly, is the fact that players without a helmet lose more blood then what should ever be in a human's head from something like a 9mm bullet, or even a knife slash. Not stab. '''Slash'''.
*** This tends to happen because the game is programmed to show more blood if someone is shot in the head.
* ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]]'' features, among other things, an enemy teleportation effect, where a foe will spontaneously burst into a cloud of aerosolized blood and flying bits of bone... and then the effect reverses itself nearby, blood and bits flying together and reforming as a foe.
** If you see the houdini splicers in water, you realize that it's not teleportation: it's invisibility. You can see their footsteps in bodies of water in Arcadia. I don't know what the red puff is, but the scraps are usually leaves or some other forest life.
* ''[[Borderlands]]'' embraces this. If you go back 10 levels and use a powerful weapon, the enemies will ''explode'' into gore, blood and random body parts.
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* ''[[Mass Effect]]'' tends to avoid actual bloodshed, but certain ammunition types have disturbing effects on slain enemies. Incendiary and explosive rounds cause them to vanish in a cloud of glowing ash, while proton rounds make their victims disappear in a cloud of ionized gas and electricity. Chemical, radioactive, and polonium rounds make enemies ''melt'' into puddles of green goo, and cryo rounds make victims ice over, followed by them inexplicably [[Stuff Blowing Up|exploding a couple of seconds later.]]
** The books, on the other hand love to go into detail how even normal ammo renders a victims body even minor wounds turn limbs into "hamburger meat"
** The sequel has a lot more blood, revealing to us that Krogan and Collector blood is orange-brown, Salarian blood is green, and Asari blood is dark purple; for some reason Turians and Batarians retain red blood (Except for Garrus, who [[Fridge Logic|somehow bleeds dark blue blood]]). Geth also spew white lubricants when hit.
*** This occurs in the first game, though not as much. Krogan and Geth enemies do occasionally squirt bright orange and white. And when {{spoiler|Saren, another Turian, dies, a pool of blue blood seeps out around him.}}
** The mop is definitely needed in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''. Reaper forces tend to be rather messy when killed, and headshooting with pistols, sniper rifles, or shotguns tend to result in reducing the target's head to salsa. And should you overkill with an explosive of some manner, their entire body is reduced to gibs.
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** Also, there's a gun that shot mines which would jump up and cut enemies' legs off, which actually showed bits of bone poking through the flesh.
** The 2008 ''Turok'' game lets you blow up certain dinosaurs with explosives. The kicker is that their severed bloodied body parts twitch like mad on the ground before going lifeless.
* All over the place in ''[[Painkiller]]''. The titular weapon is like a food blender pumped up on steroids and ''evil'', so the results are predictably gory. A shotgun blast can reduce a foe to chunks. Freezing enemies and then [[Literally Shattered Lives|shattering them]] would break them apart. It doesn't stop there.
* ''[[Call of Duty]]'': ''World At War'' appears like this, at least in comparison to the relatively tame gore of past titles. However, it's actually done in a way that kinda makes sense (e.g., don't expect to see any [[Ludicrous Gibs]] unless you're using the [[More Dakka|MG-42]], a shotgun at point-blank, or the [[BFG|PTRS-41]].) Still quite messy, though. ''[[Call of Duty: Black Ops|Black Ops]]'' follows the same formula, though, tragically, enemies' heads can no longer be exploded. It's perhaps made up for by the fact that even the lightest of light machines guns (like the 5.56mm Stoner 63 or the 5.45mm RPK) can now blow off limbs with the right aim.
** The Nazi Zombies mode has plenty of gibbing. On Der Riese, when camping the catwalk, zombie corpses will slide back down the stairs when killed but gibbed body parts will not. This results in a heap of corpses at the bottom of the stairs, while the steps are littered with liberal amounts of dismembered hands and feet. Amusing and disturbing.
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* ''[[Strife]]'', being the last game using the Doom engine, makes use of this trope. In addition, it provided special, gib-like animations for enemies that were immolated by your flame weapons or disintegrated by your [[Disintegrator Ray]].
* An add-on for ''[[Garry's Mod|Garrys Mod]]'' combines this with [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]] to produce outstanding results. [ A sample.]
* In ''[[E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy]]'', large-caliber weapons will cause enemies to explode into a fine red mist. The [[BFS|Damocles]] will cause enemies to ''explode'', sending body parts flying.
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** [[Comically Missing the Point|They're really more like giant cherries]]...
** If a single pixel of your gun occupies the same place as a single pixel of a spike or apple... You explode. Across a quarter of the screen. With probably a dozen times the pixels that actually compose your avatar in the first place.
** One aversion exists. If the Kid gets drained by a [[Metroid]], he doesn't gib- he turns into brown dust and blows away. This is just as annoying as a normal death, however.
* In ''[[wikipedia:Jump chr(27)'n Bump|Jump'n Bump]]'', you and other players control adorable little bunnies which will explode into fountains of blood and gibs as you stomp on each other.
* The old PC game ''Biomenace''.
* The original Japanese ''[[Mega Man Zero|Rockman Zero]]'' games include quick bursts of blood when Zero destroys certain enemies with the sabre. Why are these gibs ludicrous? Because every enemy in the game is a ''robot''.
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* The first two ''[[Fallout]]'' games rewarded the player with extra gruesome death animations that would play some of the time if the player inflicted a large amount of damage in a single attack. If one gave the player character the special trait "Bloody Mess" during creation, the most spectacular death animations would always play when an enemy died. The full list of splattery animations is:
** Shot or stabbed to death: A large hole appears in the target's torso.
** Machinegun Mayhem: The body is split into tiny pieces by the bullets, and only the legs and lower torso remain.
** Melted Alive: Plasma weapons cause first the target's skin, then the skeleton, to melt into a green puddle.
** Laser Cut: Laser weapons and the solar scorcher cause a clean cut in the middle of the target's torso, separating the target in two.
** Crispy Critter: Flamethrowers cause the target to burst into flame. Also known as the "Burning Bitch Dance".
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** If you enjoy hacking, you can put Liberty Prime's Liberty Laser into your weapons inventory. At 1200 strength, it's about 20 times stronger than the strongest normal weapon in the game. This basically means that not only will anything you point it at instantly die, they will also turn into a giant mass of flying red chunks that shoot out for miles across the map.
* Bloody Mess is back for ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]],'' along with a host of new weapons. Notable entries include the Red Glare (full-auto rocket launcher), Ballistic Fist (power fist with a sawed-off shotgun mounted on it), chainsaw, and Two-Step Goodbye (a Ballistic Fist with a ''rocket launcher'' instead of a shotgun), which has the listed effect "Critical Kill = BOOM!"
* ''[[Wizardry]] 8'' has this, even though it makes absolutely no sense. It's medieval fantasy, mostly medieval weaponry (aside from some guns and explosives), but there are maybe three or four enemies that ''don't'' explode when killed. Still, it's a great game, so gibbing a rat by ''stabbing it with a knife'' is a minor slight.
* ''[[Dungeon Siege]] 2'' does this, despite being medieval fantasy. Gibbing seems to occur if enough damage is done to push an enemy over a certain point of negative health, most likely a percentage, they will explode violently into pieces, flying every which way. While it might make sense for some of the power attacks, which deal huge damage and have effects that would warrant a violent mess, seeing an enemy explode into fragments from a single quarrel to the chest is rather absurd. The fact that every party member is usually capable of making enemies into such a mess at the same point, this can lead to some very interesting times when leading a powerful team up against a small army of inferior enemies.
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]'' features a spell called Enemies Explode. It wasn't until a combat mod (Deadly Reflexes if memory serves) was released that featured a revamped system of combat complete with dismemberments and various other fatal effects where a spell was included that achieves just such an effect.
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== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Lots and lots in [[Poke Wars]], as a result of the removal of the [[Power Limiter|dampeners]] keeping Pokemon attacks from being lethal.
* What happens to a Scyther in ''[[New World]]'' after encountering Mewtwo.
* Happens to Matt in ''[[Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami|Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami]]''.
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** Seen in the [[Tron|first film]] as well, when Tron gets a [[Boom! Headshot!]] on Sark.
** In ''Centurion'', a Pict is thrown head first into a tree. His head explodes.
* ''[[Kill Bill]]''- Boss Tanaka, in what can only be described as a fountain of blood. [[High-Pressure Blood]] doesn't ''begin'' to describe it. Most of O-Ren's story is somewhat like this.
* ''[[RoboCop]]'' has the scene where one of Bodikker's flunkies gets [[Body Horror|dosed in toxic waste]]. As he shambles about the factory, begging for help, he gets hit by a speeding Bodikker. His body bursts the same way a water balloon would.
** Not quite "gibs," but there's also the OCP executive chosen to demonstrate ED-209's capabilities. He gets riddled with ''hundreds'' of bullets before someone finally pulls the plug.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* An episode of ''[[CSI: Miami]]'' features a man whose gun has about [[More Dakka|a bajillion barrels]] mounted in the approximate shape of a human body. He calls it [[Spell My Name with a "The"|the]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Vaporizer]]. Its effect on a human body [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|is, well]]....
** [[Special Effects Failure]]? [[Conspicuous CGI]]?
** [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|But apparently, it just takes the one.]]
** [ Now as seen in Minecraft!]
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* Being [[Turbine Blender|sucked into a jet engine.]]
** Men have survived that. However, in at least one case, it was because he was wearing a helmet and he still suffered pretty serious injuries as a result.
** Anyone who has survived it is because the jet engine was shut down before they hit the blades. There are pictures easily searchable on the Internet depicting what happens when the blades are NOT stopped before a person hits them. Search at your own risk, in synopsis, there is nothing left that is easily identifiable as belonging to a human. Nothing.
* There's a [[Shock Site|picture]] that can be found on the internet if one searches the right places that has a man who was shot in the head with a powerful sniper rifle. The rifle in question was a Barret .50 Caliber rifle). [[Nightmare Fuel|Search at your own risk.]]
** Although not any less brutal, these images are getting more and more common. Since every rebel on the streets these days has a mobile phone with camera, you can now even see such things on [[Squick|video]]. It's still not advised to look for it, although news agencies are also showing them more and more often on prime-time tv.