Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cutscene Power to the Max]]: {{spoiler|Dekar's death scene}}.
** {{spoiler|There's also several scenes where Amon overpowers your party as part of a cutscene even you're strong enough to beat him (if you could take Gades the first time, you likely are)}}.
* [[Degraded Boss]]: The Lizardmen and Armor Goblins.
* [[Evasive Fight Thread Episode]]
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Tia.
* [[Fill It With Flowers]]: Lexis does this for a little girl in his hometown, and leaves the party in order to do so.
* [[Flower From the Mountaintop]]: The origin of Priphea.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: If you've played [[Lufia and The Fortress of Doom|the first game]], you know how this will end, since you've already played it.
* [[Four Is Death]]: The four Sinistrals. Bouns points for {{spoiler|Erim, who is the Sinistral of Death and is fourth in the group}}.
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* [[I Am Not Left-Handed|I Am Left-Handed]]: Gades.
* [[I'm Crying but I Don't Know Why]]: Tia at the end because of {{spoiler|Maxim's death}}.
* [[Innocent Flower Girl]]: Leefa, who will give you another fetch quest.
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Maxim.
* [[Keep the Reward]]
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* [[Together in Death]]
* [[Token Romance]]: Arguably Maxim and Selan.
* [[Trying Not to Cry]]: Tia, due to her name sounding like "tear", was constantly teased as a child because she easily cried. Because Maxim always rescued her, she eventually tried so hard to stop crying that she eventually became [[Unable to Cry]].
* [[Trying Not to Cry]]: Tia as a child, resulting in:
* [[Unable to Cry]]
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]: {{spoiler|Dekar}}.
* [[Wedding Smashers]]