M*A*S*H (television)/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Speaking of Klinger, can anyone explain why the hell he was given a tent all to himself while captains and majors were sharing quarters in the Swamp?
*** Would you bunk with him if you didn't have to? The rest of the barracks probably complained until he got the boot.
* Where did Hawkeye and Trapper get trained? Their lack of military professionalism is evident throughout the series, and sometimes it goes far beyond a simple defensive mechanism to cope with stitching up kids younger than themselves. And besides their brilliance in surgery, why didn't they ever get busted, or even a real reprimand? Henry couldn't have been THAT spineless.
** It was (and still is) common for civilian professionals (lawyers, chaplains, nurses and doctors) to basically take the 90-day officers' course. Doctors start out as Captains, other professionals as 1st Lieutenants. This wasn't intended to make them proper military men, it was to get them used to military procedure and the system within which they were expected to work. Unsurprisingly, it didn't always take. In most cases (chaplains particularly) they are not expected to have any real command responsibility, which means the rest of the hierarchy can ignore them until needed.
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*** Well, it was mostly for conflict, but in-universe, he mentions having taken ROTC in college. Unless I'm wrong about how ROTC, he could have been working in a VA hospital or something. Especially considering MASH's version of the army, he could have easily gotten promoted on zeal alone.
*** There's also the question of how the camp had such a high survival rate if one of the four doctors was so incompetent. If Burns was really as bad as they claimed he was while being one of the camp's few doctors, they could not have had a 97% success rate.
**** The show's Burns was heavily [[Flanderization|Flanderized]] from the novel's original. ''That'' Burns was a decent surgeon -- not a prodigy like Hawkeye, Duke and Trapper, but still respectable -- he just had an attitude that the others couldn't stand. Given the books' versions are [[Jerkass Hero]]es that the show toned down, another reason was needed for why Frank was objectionable. Even then, it's pretty likely that much of the accusations of incompetence are insults and [[Trash Talk]] rather than literal truth. (Though TV's Frank Burns was certainly capable of major malpractice at his worst.)
* Did the characters' attitudes have to be so anachronistic? I could stand them being a bit ahead of their time, but it's just so blatant, especially in the latter seasons, how everyone acts like the social movements of the 1960s have already happened. And the 1950s were twenty years before the show was made, so there's no way the cast and crew didn't live through the time period they were portraying.
** Here's a justification for ya - the Korean War began 25th of June, 1950. Let's suppose in the M*A*S*H* Verse, the Korean War actually did go for the time period shown. The show went for 11 seasons. One episode took place over the course of a year, so we see 12 years pass by in M*A*S*H*, so the show ends in 1962. Presumably, a 12 year war would have some effect on the psyche of a nation, and even if it didn't we certainly see it affect the characters, as they gradually become dependent on the few forms of escape they have, and also the whole "Little contact with home" thing, meaning they perceive what they have as normal. I kinda lost my train of thought here, but I think you know what I mean.
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*** At the beginning of Season 4, when Trapper leaves, Hawkeye says he was room-mates with Trapper for over a year.
*** In a Season 4 episode, the PA announcer says Ralph Kiner has just hit his 47th homerun of the season. The only time that happened (during the Korean War) was in 1950.
** The reason the attitudes seem so anachronistic is that the series, like the film, isn't really about the Korean war. It's about the Vietnam warWar. Neither the movie nor the series would have been green-lighted if they were explicitly about Vietnam. So yeah, this is a form of [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]].
* This show made Korea look so backwards. I'm no expert on Korea, but I know South Korea is now one of the Four Asian Tigers. Was it really Amish-Land in the early '50s?
** [[Or So I Heard|I'm told Koreans hate the show because of how the country was portrayed.]]
** The series is supposed to take place around Uijongbu, which is an actual city. During the Korean War, Uijongbu was only a small village, so the portrayal may be justified.
*** The only place shown to be "backwards" (i.e. poor, farming communities) was the immediate area surrounding the 4077th and the Korean countryside. Seoul was never shown, but sounded like a large metropolitan city (because it is) and the place you want to go to when you go on leave if you can't get to Tokyo (which is the Las Vegas of the east).
*** ''At that time,'' most of Korea ''was'' pretty backwards. Up till about five years before the war started, Korea was a Japanese colony, and from what this troper has heard from people ''who were there,'' it was in pretty sad shape --- along with most of East Asia. The era of the "tigers" did not come until decades later.
*** Also, when Korea was divided into Soviet and American occupation zones (which fairly quickly became North Korea and South Korea) upon the Japanese surrender in 1945, the country's economy was seriously disrupted. In 1945, the north was primarily industrial (largely powered by hydroelectric power generated in the mountains) while the (generally less mountainous) south was primarily agricultural. As is normally the case, the agricultural area was more backward. South Korea didn't really become a developed economy for years.
* Were we really meant to feel sympathetic during Margaret Houlihan's whole 'lousy cup of coffee' rant? Each season she mistreated her nurses, went out of her way to make things difficult for others. At the very least her rant seemed like a very left field thing, at the very most it seemed like a very thin justification for basically stomping all over the people she was supposed to be responsible for.
** She never really mistreated her nurses. Not in the way that Burns, for example, mistreated his subordinates. She was just very Rules and Regulations, and she resented the fact that she was vilified because of it. Moreover, [[Characterization Marches On]]: the Houlihan of later seasons is a very different person from the Houlihan of earlier seasons.
Line 69 ⟶ 74:
*** I think that Frank and Margaret were mutually bad influences on each other. Frank's view of class and the proper order of things made Margaret distant with her nurses (and everyone else), while Margaret's army background and what she wanted in a man made Frank army-obsessed and somewhat violent. Once Margaret started seeing Donald, Frank became a lot less obsessed with army rules, and a lot more snarky and desperate for attention. When Margaret married Donald, Frank went round the bend, but didn't revert to his army obsession. After the marriage, Margaret was able to start to progress as a character, and became more willing to socialise and mingle with those "under" her. The episode in question was just part of that process of growth - indeed, once she married Donald, I think she'd have been open to the offer of a "lousy cup of coffee", if asked in the right context.
*** She did. In a later episode, she comes into the mess tent and says something like "aren't you going to ask me to sit with you?" Kellye: "We didn't think you'd accept." She smiles and says "That's gonna cost you a cup of coffee!"
* This troper always wondered why certain people had their own tents when others had to share. For example, Burns (later Winchester) had to share a tent with two to three other doctors (in the beginning, Spearchucker Jones was in the tent with Trapper, Hawkeye, and Burns). The dentist (in early episodes), Hot Lips, Sergeant Zale, a supply sergeant, Lieutenant Simmons, and Klinger all had their own tents. That's six people of lower rank than Major Burns who have their own tents. Blake, then Potter had his own tent, too, but that's understandable.
** Some of that can be easily explained: Blake and Potter would have had their own tents as unit commanders, Hot Lips as the only female of rank (Can't bunk her with the men or with the enlisted nurses), Zale was a supply sergeant and could have bartered his way to privacy (there are several instances on the show of the supply personnel bartering to other goals) and Klinger spent most of his time trying to convince people he was crazy; I speak from experience in saying that being weird enough will win you a private college dorm, I imagine it's rather the same: no one WANTED to bunk with him.
Line 77 ⟶ 83:
** Those are all reasonable explanations for how someone could get his/her own tent and even if those are true, there don't seem to be enough tents in the camp to house all the personnel, especially with so many people having their own tents.
*** I think that perception is a result of the fact that you never really see the whole camp. An entire army camp of that size would be pretty massive, but they didn't have the budget or the technical skills to show something that big on a TV show. (Especially since their chance of getting cooperation from the actual military was pretty much zero.) Nowadays you'd probably see characters strolling along rows of tents while soldiers drilled in the background or something fairly often.
* Why is it that so many people that are known to the main characters happen to come to this MASH unit at various times? Hawkeye's childhood friend visits, so does a girl he went to college with, though this one makes a little sense as she was a nurse who was drafted, too. Also, a doctor Hawkeye did residency with comes to do a nose job on a soldier. Trapper's old friend also visits, and so does a writer friend. Potter's son-in-law visits and so does Margaret's dad (who was not as dead as he seemed to be in earlier episodes).
** Margaret's dad could be justified by some sort because he was a soldier of high rank (which specific rank this troper can't recall) so he probably had enough clout to check out her MASH unit.
Line 84 ⟶ 91:
*** Also, Radar had a brother early on.
*** And Hawkeye had a sister early on (she knitted him a huge sweater), and a living mom and a brother in a few episodes, then it was established that he was an only child and that his mother was dead.
* Is this troper the only one that is kinda discomforted by this little exchange (in the episode "Dear Ma") between Margaret, Radar, and a silent Potter?
{{quote|'''Margaret:''' Make sure no one goes into my tent.
Line 95 ⟶ 103:
** This is probably not how it was intended, but the way I interpreted it originally was not that Radar was the one who'd done it, but that he knew who it was and didn't want to say.
** I always saw it as Margaret knew that Radar was going through her underwear, but took it as a boy with a harmless crush on her, since a career Major in the medical field would likely be in her mid to late 30s, while an enlisted farmboy from Iowa was likely to only be about 20 at the most. She was taking the chance to rib him about it and let him knew that he wasn't as slick as he thought he was.
* Why is Hawkeye portrayed to be so sympathetic? He is basically a creep. I remember when he had to give Margaret a shot, and somehow lusting over her ass and humiliating her was okay. He is also condescending and cruel. He basically tortured a severely mentally ill man (Frank). Why didn't he make the completely reasonable recommendation that Frank was unstable and should be sent home, instead?
** That always bugged me, too. If he liked you, he was very loyal to you. If he didn't like you, look out! There was also a time where he drugged Frank, bandaged him up, and hid him in the OR just so he could have a party.
Line 102 ⟶ 111:
** Simple. At the start of the show, Hawkeye was an [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist]]/[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] type of character. He always expressed the writers' anti-war viewpoint, but early episodes don't really try to portray him as a great human being. Then he started to turn into Alan Alda and act like he was some sort of moral paragon. But his skirt-chasing, martini-drinking, Frank-abusing shticks lingered ([[Comedic Sociopathy|where else would the comedy come from?]]), so for much of the show he was essentially a self-righteous hypocrite. Not the writers' intent, of course, but you can see how it happened.
** I'm not sure if he's meant to be a [[Anti-Hero|hero]].
** Could be a form of [[Fridge Brilliance]], since the show was set in The1950s[[The Fifties|the 1950s]], when even your more liberal types would have less enlightened attitudes towards women ("girls" well into their 30s) and the concept of sexual harassment barely existed.
* Radar, as we all know, is so-named because of his ability to anticipate the needs, words, and actions of his C/O Lt. Col. Henry Blake. Once Col. Potter took over the operation, Radar was able to anticipate him just as easily, and also to anticipate Hawkeye on the rare occasions that Hawkeye found himself in command. So why is it that Radar was entirely unable to anticipate Frank Burns when he was in command?
** Burns was not fit to command, he was also making his own rules on the spot, unlike Potter and Henry who talked it over with someone before making a decision, Radar was able to predict what they wanted by conversation and paperwork. Burns was making giant changes that Radar wouldn't dream someone would do.
Line 113 ⟶ 123:
'''Radar''': (handing him another file) The efficiency reports.
'''Frank''': ...the efficiency reports. }}
* It bugs me how motive-driven the characters can be to drive the plot along in several of the episodes.
** Also, how the characters will go out of character to drive the plot along, like the episode where Burns has a sudden spark of bravery long enough to attack a Korean General because he thinks the general is Chinese. This goes against Frank's cowardice, but serves the purpose of making him look stupid.
*** Frank is more than willing to be "brave"... when he thinks the "enemy" won't be able to fight back ''and'' Frank's got heaps of people around him to help. In Frank's mind, the "North Korean" person is unarmed and surrounded by Americans, which gives Frank the perfect chance to be the "Hero", because he isn't putting himself in any sort of risk.
*** In early episodes, Frank cared about people, even joining the others in trying to help when a little Korean boy was found running through a minefield.
* Knowing that both the movie and the television program were allegories about America in Vietnam, why didn't the writers even bother to TRY being somewhat historically accurate in its portrayal? The racial, gender, and sexual values presented in the show weren't even commonplace when the show ''aired'' in the 1970's, much less 20+ years earlier.
** The writers/cast probably [[Opinion Myopia|thought their views were more widely held than they actually were]].
** When you watch the show now, it doesn't look like a period piece for the setting in the 1950s. It looks like it's taking place in the 1970s.
* Why doesn't anyone call Hawkeye or Trapper out on their bullshit? A few examples:
** There are times when Trapper and Hawkeye start something with Frank, but no one seems to notice these things. In the episode, ''L.I.P.'', Frank is finishing up with a patient. Trapper comes over to him and tells him his stitching is good, then asks him if he practices on baseball mitts. Later in the episode, they treat Frank like crap to try to get him to sign some papers reporting a friendly-fire incident. Frank refuses. Sure, Frank is the bad guy, but they could have treated him better to begin with.
Line 132 ⟶ 145:
*** I can see the point in some of the above (and would add that Trapper and Hawkeye should have been on assault charges that time they forcibly took a pint of blood from Frank and gave him anaemia) but he got what he deserved in ''George''; that Trapper's an adulterer too makes no difference to the hypocrisy of Frank trying to ruin someone's life over a moral code he doesn't live up to himself.
**** ''At that time,'' homosexuality was considered far, far worse than heterosexual adultery. You could be thrown into prison for it in many states.
* It bugs me that cheating is bad for some, but okay for others. Burns is portrayed as being immoral because he's cheating on his wife with Margaret. Potter's son-in-law visits and it's known that he's had an affair while he was in Korea and that's bad. When BJ thinks about having an affair, that's bad. When Donald cheats on Margaret, that's bad. Henry and Trapper have affairs and it's fine. And then there's Henry contemplating an affair, and when he decides not to, it's shown as a good thing.
** I would hypothesise that the different levels of morality portrayed with characters' infidelity reflects their different levels of conscience; at least, about adultery.
* It bugs me how the ''good'' characters must be opposed to the war. Even Colonel Potter starts to act this way. By Season 7, he's even allowing Hawkeye to openly sabotage the war:
** In one episode, he steals a Jeep, drives to Panmunjom, berates the peace delegates, then drives back to the camp. Potter not only lets this slide, but approves of the stunt. When a major comes to confront Hawkeye about his actions, the major tells him the general said to stay at least 20 miles away from Panmunjom, but he relays the message that if the general could get away with it, he'd do the same thing.
Line 142 ⟶ 157:
*** The visiting general mentions that the munitions dump is ''barely'' legal under international law, and that it was put there to keep the ammo safe from being attacked, since the hospital is a non-target. Since it was getting the hospital attacked (legitimately, since the ammo dump stripped the hospital of its non-combatant status), Hawkeye took steps to protect the patients. Also, Charlie wasn't an enemy plane; he was a civilian vigilante who was targeting only the munitions, but kept hitting the camp instead.
**** None of that really makes it any better. It especially makes Hawkeye look like a [[Hypocrite]] since he repeatedly flies off the handle at allied pilots whose bombs are less precise than he'd like. Apparently Hawkeye only considers collateral damage a sin when it's white people dropping the bombs. Also, as was noted above in the example about keeping a nonfunctioning Howitzer around points out, Hawkeye's dedication to not making the camp a target is questionable at best.
* Why doesn't Klinger just shoot himself in the foot?
** Because self-inflicted wounds of that sort would get him out of the Army --- and straight into Leavenworth, where he does not want to go.