M*A*S*H (television): Difference between revisions

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* [[Stock Footage]]: Aside from the opening sequence, all the bugout footage of the camp being torn down. In the finale, you can even see Radar!
* [[Strawman Political]]: Frank Burns, but that's okay since [[Rule of Funny|he was damn funny]] that way.
** While the show never particularly lacked these, it became positively riddled with them in later years as Alan Alda [[Wag the Director|seized more creative control]] and turned every other episode (at least) into an [[Author Tract]].
* [[Strip Poker]]: An early episode has a gag where Hawkeye and Trapper are down to their underwear while playing this with - and losing badly to - a nurse.
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: Margaret Houlihan, [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that she took her job as head nurse seriously (and that she was an Army brat). Frank Burns was too immature, and Donald Penobscot treated her poorly behind the scenes, but the likes of BJ, Col. Potter, [[Foe Yay|and especially Hawkeye]] helped [[Defrosting Ice Queen|soften her up]].