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[[File:xkcd 444 - Macgyver Gets Lazy 8988.png|link=Xkcdxkcd|frame|[[MacGyver]] [[Doesn't Like Guns|Gets Lazy]]]]
{{quote|''"With what?" Spencer asks. "Don't tell me you know how to make a bomb with a stick of chewing gum." Wow, the first ever MacGyver joke was actually in the first ever episode of ''MacGyver''. That's actually kind of impressive.''|'''[[The Agony Booth]] [ recap]''' of the first ever episode of ''[[MacGyver]]''}}
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*** This is somewhat subverted in that it took 4 years for Setsuna to show himself and in this case, it was less of a case of MacGyvering and more of a case of scrounging for parts that he needed. The replacement Camera eye was probably dug out of a Tieran while a lot of the missing pieces of armor may attribute to him breaking them down for spare parts. This is less of a case of MacGyvering and more of a case of replacing a broken car tire with a sturdier but smaller tire.
* Yusei from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'', in episode 88, disarmed a high tech battle royal collar with a nail.
* Shogetsu from [[Hatenkou Yuugi|Dazzle]] got a can of mackerel for lunch... but no can opener. So, with a few tools he got from the school's kitchen and science lab and the graphite from a pencil, he made a welding torch in the hopes that it would open the can. It did, but sadly, [ it also burned the mackerel.] Oh, and Rahzel and Fay both had can openers.
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* [[Lex Luthor]], on the other hand, ''has'' been known to build a teleporter out out of stuff lying around his cell. During his appearance in the short-lived ''The Joker'' comic, he improvised a jetpack out of a couple of bottles of pop and some paint flakes.
** Spectacular jailbreaks based on his MacGyvering skills were a huge part of [[Pre Crisis]] [[Mad Scientist]] Luthor's character. One story has him consider that it has reached the point where his guards won't allow him to have ''anything'' other than a pad of paper and a pen. He knows perfectly well how to turn to the ink, metal, plastic, wood pulp, and glue into a high explosive to blast his way out... but he would never ''do'' that, because then they wouldn't let him have a pen and paper any more.
** One of his most elaborate escapes went as follows: First he waited for the warden to go on vacation; then he secretly sabotaged the printing press in the prison workshop. Next he offered to fix it - this is why he waited, he knew the temp warden would be less suspicious of him than the regular one. He then proceeded to turn the press into an ''armored tank'' that he used to smash his way out.
** By contrast, in one of his most ''ridiculous'' examples, he used sunlight, a shaving mirror, some aspirin and little else to build a ''time machine'' which he used to bring [[Classical Mythology/Characters|Hercules]] to the present day to break him out of jail. By aiming said gadget at an ''illustration'' of Hercules in a book.
* Mocked, inevitably, in [[Mad Magazine|Mad's]] spoof of [[MacGyver]]. MacGyver remarks the [[Locking MacGyver in the Store Cupboard|the room the bad guys have locked him in]] has nothing he can use to escape, to which the woman with him points out that the room is full of explosives. He complains about the indignity of having to actually use explosives as explosives instead of improvising.
* ''[[Tintin]]'' tends to resort to this after being kidnapped by the villain-of-the-week. Interestingly, while they're still ingenious a lot of his inventions are surprisingly plausible.
* ''[[Batman]]'', of course, has pulled this off several times, usually on those rare instances where he is without his utility belt.
** Many members of his [[Rogues Gallery]] show this talent too, a result of the guards at Arkham being complete morons and letting them have access to things they shouldn't have. [[The Joker]] alone managed to escape by ''building a hot air balloon'' and there was one story where Dr. Arkham himself put him on janitorial duty, giving him access to the chemicals he needed to make his Venom. It's little wonder that Batman and the Arkham staff don't get along.
* [[Spider-Man]]'s enemy the Vulture once escaped Riker's Island by destroying the wall of his cell using a tractor beam made from a headset radio, using his expertise in the field of electromagnetics. Then, as the alarms were going off, he flew away with wings tinkered together from bedsheets, wooden rods, and duct tape; he knew they'd only last a few minutes, at most, but luckily for him the crooks he had hired to have a boat waiting were there.
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
== [[Fan Fiction]] ==
* In ''[[My Stupid Reality]]'' [[Death Note|Light]] modifies a cheap laptop to work better with pieces ripped out of L's refrigerator.
** [[Truth in Television|Somewhat grounded in reality,]] believe it or not; the heat-exchanger from a fridge would be powerful enough to counteract a hell of a lot of overclocking.
== [[Film]] ==
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* In ''[[A Series of Unfortunate Events]],'' the character Violet uses her skills as an inventor to create gadgets off-the-cuff with available materials, often in dire situations.
* The characters in most [[Cormac McCarthy]] novels. Could be considered [[Author Appeal]].
* In ''Circumference of Darkness'', the main character is locked in a barn along with some friends. Using a broken tractor, some copper tubing, and some other random items, he builds a fully functional [[Awesome but Impractical|giant tesla coil]] inside the barn. This also leads to a [[You Have Failed Me...]] moment from the mooks responsible by their [[Genre Savvy]] boss.
* [[Ciaphas Cain]] is not only a '''[[Fake Ultimate Hero|Hero of the Imperium!]]''' but apparently also the MacGyver of the [[Warhammer 4000040,000|41st millennium]]; in ''Death or Glory'', while escaping from a large mass of pursuing Orks, he takes shelter in an abandoned warehouse. Using AdMech-sanctioned cleaning fluids in a non-sanctioned way (apparently learned from pulling pranks back at the schola), he constructs a firebomb in a truck to go off in the Orks' faces when they follow it, and another bomb to blow up any Orks who burst in the building's back door. The second one is powerful enough to drop the warehouse roof.
* Also, the classic, [[Older Than Radio]] example called ''The Mysterious Island'', where a few people build a civilization on a remote island with nothing but two watches and a metallic dog collar.
* Ragnar Benson has written multiple books on how to make deadly weapons from stuff lying around the house. These are ''encrusted'' with warnings that doing so before the [[Day of the Jackboot]] will land you in prison, hospital, or the morgue.
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** There's also a prank executed for the bloopers reel in "Solitudes," (planned by Amanda Tapping and episode director Martin Wood) where Carter and O'Neill are stranded in a glacier, and she laments that she's "stuck in a glacier with MacGyver" and he can't figure a way out for them.
{{quote|'''Carter:''' We got belt buckles and shoelaces and a piece of gum: build a nuclear reactor, for crying out loud! [{{=}}J847OF_jZ20 (RDA's face is priceless)]}}
* When ''[[The Wizard (filmTV series)|The Wizard]]'' does not have a high-tech toy handy, he can also macgyver one to save the day.
* Real life example: Alton Brown of ''[[Good Eats]]''. Basically, his credo of cooking is "the only single-purpose item in your kitchen should be the fire extinguisher".
* Ziva and Tony manage to [[MacGyver]] a means of getting a cell phone signal from inside a metal shipping container, using Ziva's necklace and bits of DVD cases in ''[[NCIS]]''.
** Lampshaded in another episode. When a woman {{spoiler|who has access to pretty much all iris scanners in existanceexistence is kidnapped, she eats blood pressure medicine she finds in the kidnapper's bathroom in an attempt to alter the blood vessels in her eyes, thus blocking her ability to unlock iris scanners.}} Abby's comment: "It didn't work, but A+ for the [[MacGyver]]!"
* In an episode of ''[[Chuck]]'', Casey handcuffs Chuck to a counter in a frozen yogurt shop (long story). After failing to get the [[Action Girl]] to come free him, he freezes the chain with some kind of nefarious yogurt device and breaks it in two. His quip afterwards was something along the lines of "all those years of watching MacGyver finally paid off."
* The [[Myth BustersMythBusters]] often refer to MacGyver as their patron saint. So, for their 100th episode, they did a MacGyver special, consisting of several of Mac's myths, followed by Tory and Grant putting Adam and Jamie through their own "MacGyver obstacle course". Though both the myths were busted, Adam and Jamie managed to go three for four on the obstacle course.
** No, saying three out of four does not do it justice. {{spoiler|1=In true MacGyver fashion, they managed to escape the first part of the obstacle course, then had to use items found at a campsite to signal for pick up by the helicopter. The original plan was that they would build a [[Improvised Weapon|Potato Gun]], instead, they built a kite out of the same materials, plus [[Chekhov's Gun|the rope they were tied up with at the beginning of the segment]].}}
** The one task they failed was because they lacked the scientific knowledge to develop a roll of film. The apparatus they set up would have worked had Adam been able to remember one key aspect of the process.
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* In ''[[Person of Interest]]'' Finch makes a WiFi antenna using a Pringles can.
* In one episode of ''[[Warehouse 13]]'' Artie releases himself from handcuffs by making an electromagnet out of a hotel iron so he can get his toolbag. [[Lampshaded]] with "I was doing this [[While You Were in Diapers|when MacGyver was still trapped in his crib]]!"
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'': nearly ''everything'' ever made by tinker gnomes, from ''[[Dragonlance]]'' setting (and spread in ''[[Spelljammer]]'' 'verse) qualifies.
* In ''[[Genius: The Transgression]]'' a [[Mad Scientist|Genius]] can "kitbash" a Wonder together in hours, minutes, or even ''seconds'' if they're powerful or have bought the right merit.
* ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' is not devoid of this kind of stuff either, strangely enough. [[Our Orcs Are Different|Da orkz]] build a majority of their own inventions from random scraps of junk, including most of their firearms and vehicles. Ironically, due to the generic mindset of the whole race, most of their inventions work simply because they [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|''think'' it will work]].
** Ork players have been known to construct vehicles using strategies ranging from "leftovers from other vehicles" to "grab all the spare parts, put them in a box, pour in glue, and stick wheels on whatever comes out".
** Although it's not like non-Ork players don't get in on the action either. Because of [[Crack is Cheaper|the price]] of the hobby, any 40k player (or indeed, wargamer) worth their salt will have a [[Name's the Same|bitz box]] wether they are Orks, Humans, Eldar, whatever. It is the most efficient way to go about doing things and anyone who has played for a long time will have closets full of hoarded spare parts that they can cobble together into just about anything.
* Played for laughs in an early ''[[BattleTech]]'' sourcebook, as a pair of very efficient (but prank-prone) technicians repaired a lance of 'Mechs with various pieces of machinery... that included a lard rendering tank, a truck that advertised processed chicken, and metal labeled for Spam cans. Most of the Mechwarriors were amused, but one went after the techs with a wrench.
* In the ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' novel ''[[Magic: The Gathering/Test of Metal|Test of Metal]]'', Tezzeret performs an impromptu heart surgery on himself in a bare cave with no tools. Not even [[Iron Man (film)|a box of scraps]]! It takes him less than ten minutes.
* In [[Traveller]]: ''Sword Worlds'' it is considered a sign of Sword Worlder manhood to be able to do this on at least an amateur level and so machines come from the factory built with stress on user-friendliness and good owners manuels.
**In a side note at the beginning, a Sword Worlder soldier comes home from war to see that his wife had almost finished fixing the house all by herself after it had been blasted to bits.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Alone in Thethe Dark]]'' demands that the player combine odd items (without pausing, even during battle) in a way that [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|would be cool yet MacGuyveresque]]. Usually, however, those brave enough to make an attempt have little success except for those who cheat and read the tips for good combinations of items, or worse, using trial and error.
* The main character in the ''[[Tex Murphy]]'' games is all about this. It's necessary to advance past dozens of puzzles throughout the games.
* Another video game example would be any of the ''[[Monkey Island]]'' games where Guybrush Threepwood has to use all manner of wacky items to save the day {{spoiler|One is in ''Curse of Monkey Island'', where you have to pour cooking oil on a guy's back so he'll get sun burnt and you can then peel off the skin on his back which just happens to have a map tattooed on to it}}.
* In ''[[Fallout]] 3'', you can do things like make a gauntlet out of a monster's arm and a medical brace, make a nail-launching rifle out of a steam gauge assembly and a pressure cooker, or make a ''[[Flaming Sword]]'' out of ''motorcycle parts and a lawnmower blade''.
** Also, by combining a leaf blower with a vacuum cleaner, you can build a cannon that launches anything you put in, from tin cans to teddy bears. or a [ toaster]{{Dead link}}
* In [[Fallout: New Vegas]], when faced with a broken world item (fuse box, food processor...), you can either: go hunt for parts or use a high repair skill to fix it. Special mention for the food processor at Camp Mac Carran, which you can fix with a repair skill of 80 by using a paper clip, a swiss army knife and other stuff.
** Even that example is outdone by the Jury Rigging perk, which enables you to, among other things: repair a [[Power Fist]] with [[Joke Item|boxing gloves]], repair an [[Techno Babble|Inversal Proton Axe]] with a pool cue, and fix an [[Techno Babble|Atomic Tri-Calence Radii Accentuator]] with a pair of sunglasses.
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* Parodied in ''[[Leisure Suit Larry]]: Love For Sail''. When you try to combine random objects, the announcers says something along the lines of, "Larry, sometimes you try to mix two things together, but what do you always get? An ass".
* [[Built With Lego|Any]] [[Lego Adaptation Game]].
* ''[[EarthboundEarthBound]]'': Jeff Andonuts. He's the [[Badass Bookworm]] that can make anything from a Slime Generator from a broken iron to a Gaia Beam from a broken antenna.
* Fotbar Laboratory in ''[[Choro Q]] HG 4'' allows you to make powerful parts out of spoon, wrist strap, piece of cloth, paper bag, and others. The strongest chassis of the game is happened to be made of eraser.
* [[Professor Layton]] has a habit of this:
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** Othar wrote in his log about [ some] [ hardware] he built after being marooned.
* A parody on ''[[Ansem Retort]]'': Zexion made a new heart for Riku out of bendy straws and a Hot Pocket.
* [ These] [ two] pages of ''[[Fans]]'' demonstrate MacGyvering in the field. Rico even uses the word MacGyvered to describe what happened.
* In ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]],'' space criminal Fructose Riboflavin has a knack for building alien [[Applied Phlebotinum|supertech]] out of odds and ends. Useful, since he spends so much of his life as a perpetual fugitive.
* Rick in [[Blur the Lines]] makes a fleshlight out of an empty can and some ground chuck (meat). [\%5C]
* Parodied numerous times in [[Real Life Comics]] - among other things, Tony has made a [ quantum space-time teleportation device] and a [ trans-dimensional portal device] out of random materials lying around.
* One instance of possible Mac Gyvering is found in the webcomic [[Ctrl+Alt+Del|Control-Alt-Delete]], where the main character, Ethan, makes a bipedal, sentient robot out of a single [[Xbox]]. This robot then develops a taste for gaming and becomes another character in the comic.
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* Jenny 10 from ''[[Dex Hamilton Alien Entomologist]]'': "Last week I made a hadron collider from a broken hairdryer and a box of paperclips..."
* Played with on ''[[G.I. Joe: Renegades]]''. Being fugitives on the run, it's a given. Duke manages to diffuse a bomb with a wad of chewing gum, but Roadblock's attempts to jury-rig an engine-cable for the truck don't go as smoothly.
* Both subverted and played straight in ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]'': the KND's self-parodying [[Bamboo Technology]] equipment mostly consists of random objects, pieces of wooodwood, and duct tape, fondly referred to as '2x4 Technology.' It was played completely straight [[Exaggerated Trope| (and exaggerated)]] in "Operation: E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N.S.", where Numbah One escaped from a cell by slugging Lunk (who was guarding him) stealing Lunk's bubble gum, and turning the gum into a makeshift skeleton key, which likely for the [[Rule of Funny| sake of humor]], was given the 2x4 designation [[Fun with Acronyms| G.U.M.M.B.O.]] right on the spot. ("Gooey Unlocking Mush Maximizes Break Outs.")
* On ''[[Beast Wars]]'', [[The Smart Guy|Rhinox]] often had to improvise with whatever spare parts were available to build new useful tech. [[Lampshaded]] in "Chain of Command":
{{quote|"Make a device to extract physical molecular structure from an alien probe? Man, I gotta be a miracle worker."}}
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* ''[[My Little Pony]]'': In "The Return Of Tambelon", the ponies are able to break out of Grogan's dungeon by using their gruel ration and Fizzy's bubble-making magic to turn a crack in the ceiling into a gaping hole that they can escape through.
* ''[[Thomas the Tank Engine]]'': In "James and the Coaches", James' rough riding causes the brake pipe on one of his coaches to rupture, bringing the train to a standstill. The crew covers the hole with newspaper and pressures a reluctant passenger to hand over his leather bootlaces to seal it up. It works.
== [[Web Original]] ==
* In ''[ Masks]'', there's a superpower that allows people to do this.
* According to [ Troll Science,] it seems there is nothing a Troll cannot achive using only flashlights, magnets, and a complete disregard of the laws of physics. exibt A is this charming little [ wagon.]
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* Brazil and Portugal are two nations whose whole philosophy is based on improvisation, and this is taught in schools. They even [ have a word for it]: ''desenrascanço''.
** That term is probably exclusive to Portugal. In Brazil, the improv way of life is usually called "Jeitinho Brasileiro", or "Brazilian (Little) Way", which is not limited to MacGyvering, but also any sort of problem-solving in non-conventional ways, including amoral ones.
* In French, MacGyverish translates to ''[ débrouillard]''. [ And we've got a magazine teaching the virtues of ''la débrouillardise'' to little Quebecers everywhere.] Be afraid, be very afraid... [[Canada, Eh?|Or not, as the case may be.]]
** French call that ''système D''. A convenient way to do things without any annoying organisation.
* In a similar vein, the Egyptians have a [[National Stereotypes|stereotype]] about themselves that they can always find a way to make what they need. As it turns out, this might be true of Arabs in general, judging by the jury-rigged weapons systems of Hamas and Hezbollah in the [[Useful Notes/Arab-Israeli Conflict|Arab Israeli Conflict]], and of the Libyan rebels in [[Middle East Uprising 2011|their Civil War]].
* The Israelis during the time of the British Mandate were themselves pretty good at that sort of thing.
* Cracked did an article on the subject, [ here.]
* The website [http There, I Fixed It] archives photos of some of the more amusing attempts at this. Some of them apparently do the job; they just ''look'' humorously thrown-together.
* I know it's on the Cracked list, but it deserves its own line. The Apollo 13 astronauts found themselves with square air scrubbers and round air scrubber holes. The solution they cooked up was made out of a plastic bag, a hose, a sock, and, of course, some [[Duct Tape for Everything|Duct Tape]].
** Although, in fairness, they did call [[Mission Control|for backup]].
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* During the [[American Civil War]], the South was strapped for cash and couldn't stand a protracted naval blockade, especially with the North's greater resources for building ironcalds. Considering that the South's main resource was cotton, they strapped bales onto the decks of merchant ships and used them to absorb enemy fire. Thus, the [[wikipedia:Cotton-clad|Cotton-clad]] was born.
* Americans are known for coming up with crazy ideas that just happen to work like using human hair to soak up oil. At the Battle of Midway, the carrier ''Yorktown'' had been redeployed after improvised repairs were rushed after taking heavy damage at Coral Sea. The ''Yorktown'' was bombed by Zeroes, but the Damage Control units not only kept her afloat, but got her back up to speed, to the point that when the Japanese bombed her again, they thought they had sunk two carriers, rather than hitting the ''Yorktown'' twice. She did sink, but not before turning the tide of the battle by means of improvised repairs and sheer endurance.
** In [[The War on Terror|the Iraq War]], American soldiers, lacking suitable armor for their Humvees and trucks, created what came to be called "hillbilly armor" made from scrap metal, kevlar, bulletproof glass and even plywood. [ The result] looks like something out of ''[[Mad Max]]''.
* In the wake of the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, basically everyone and their uncle came up with an idea to either A) get the oil from the water, B) fix the gushing oil pipe or C) clean the oil off the poor helpless animals. Almost all these ideas (well, maybe not the "stop the gushing pipe" one) usually involved simple materials that could be found in either the average home, the average High School, or the average supermarket. And most of them either ''worked'' or ''would have worked'', although not on a Gulf-wide scale.
* The phrases "Yankee ingenuity" and "Kiwi ingenuity" refer to the tendencies of early colonists in, respectively, [[Hollywood New England|New England]] and [[New Zealand]] to make do with whatever was available in order to perform the task at hand, such as using a pole saw to cut brush in the absence of a machete.
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* The British Home Guard was left to fall back upon its own resources in the early days, as priority had to be given to re-equipping the regular Army. Their most deadly anti-tank weapon was a sort of self-igniting [[Molotov Cocktail]], so one especially enterprising Home Guard officer designed and built a mortar from a length of old drainpipe and some black powder to launch one of these further than it could be thrown.
* Averted probably more times than not in Real Life. Many an ER attending and trauma surgeon has put away some retirement money from homemade [[MacGyver]] devices. The tragedy is that most lay people can scrounge together just enough information, skill, and resources to build something that gets themselves really, really hurt. What professionals have is not only the ability to build devices, but do so safely with a low margin of error. As Adam and Jamie would say, don't try this at home. They're what you call professionals.
* Medieval siege work was often a contest in MacGyvering. Invaders blow a breach in your wall? No problem, get some spare cobblestones, hire some beggars to plug up the breach with a mound and while you are waiting have [[Redshirt Army|some unfortunate redshirts]] stand in the breach and keep the bad guys away.
* Draper Kaufman, EOD expert and founder of the Underwater Demolition Teams(World War 2 Seals)was in many ways a real MacGyver. He was also a subversion as he whenever he could used well prepared equipment. The way he used it was often ingenious but he didn't just make bombs out of toothpaste or whatever.
[[Category:Drama Tropes]]
[[Category:Truth in Television]]