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* In ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]'', Tsuna takes an inhuman amount of punishment at the hands of Reborn and his guardians - [[Comedic Sociopathy|especially in the beginning]]. As the series goes on and gets more serious, the damage Tsuna takes tends to be taken a bit more seriously (though, considering that he's just a human, it's still friggin' amazing that his body can easily take heat that ''melts metal'').
* Parodied in ''[[Detroit Metal City]]'', where the manager of the eponymous band is tough enough to stub out cigarettes on her own tongue.
* The title character in ''[[Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple|Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple]]'' could easily be the poster boy for this trope. In almost every major fight he's in, he not only takes far more damage than any normal human could even survive, but he often (though not always) goes on to win! His masters even lampshade this, stating that while he may not have any talent for martial arts, he's a genius at taking punishment. It seems to be an in-series joke that Kenichi is ''literally'' made of iron, as whenever he is lifted or thrown, it is noted that he's heavier than you'd expect of someone so short.<br />Subverted by the fact that two of his masters have a thorough understanding of the human body, and can do things to bring back the recently deceased; and have, on more then one occasion. The one they revived, of course, being Kenichi. Curing a couple dozen broken bones is, by comparison, a trivial thing to them. (Of course, it still hurts... But he's use to pain. If not from the horrible fights, then from the [[Training From Hell]].) It's also averted when Tirawit tricks Kenichi into fighting his high school's Karate Club. They are decisively ''not'' Made of Iron, and Kenichi's attacks leave them badly injured.
* In ''[[Airmaster]]'' there's Maki. You'd think taking a literal ''bear killing'' punch to the jaw or falling from several stories onto concrete would leave you at least out of commission for a while, but she's back like nothing happened next episode. Credit must be given to the minor characters too though for being able to take a drop kick from a 6' tall muscular girl jumping off a building.
* ''[[Read or Die]]'''s Drake Anderson isn't supposed to have any superpowers, but getting sliced to ribbons by the paper users doesn't do anything except make him grit his teeth.